Wow! The back looks like a leather boot. Were you trying for that effect?
- Papa Bob on May 17, 2023
Really clever, Carter!
- Papa Bob on April 19, 2023
What a fun picture, Carter! Are those potato prints?
- Papa Bob on February 23, 2023
Hi, Carter! I love the colors you've used. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have thought tan would work, but it ties everything together beautifully. Great job!
- Papa Bob on January 26, 2023
Great work, Carter. So wonderful to be with you at Thanksgiving.
- Papa Bob on December 14, 2022
Hi, Carter! I love your selection of colors for the sun's rays! Very subtle blending. Can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving!
- Papa Bob on November 30, 2022
What a fun project, Carter. Just like its name, it’s spooky, and it looks like a real eye — maybe like mine when I don’t get enough sleep!
- Papa Bob on October 26, 2022
Fun! Can I eat it??
- Papa Bob on October 19, 2022
Carter, there is so much to enjoy about this painting! The randomness of the brushes (ask your folks, if you don’t know what that means), the little shadows under each brush, the color highlights. Well done!
- Papa Bob on October 19, 2022
Love all the colors, Carter. You’ve got a good eye for color!
- Papa Bob on April 13, 2022
Carter, I love this “dreamy” picture, especially the contrast between the blues and oranges.
- Papa Bob on April 6, 2022
What a fun project, Carter! I’ll have to see this one in person to really appreciate it, but I love your choice of colors outside and in!
- Papa Bob on March 30, 2022
Hi, Carter! I love how you repeated the same characters on the red layer and the outer layer. Sometime you'll have to tell me how you made the print. A long time ago, I made a print by carving in a wooden block covered with linoleum, but I'm guessing you did it a different way? Love, Papa Bob
- Papa Bob on February 9, 2022
Hey, Carter. I love seeing your artwork. Your box looks like it’s bursting with love. The colors are colorful and friendly. Thanks for sharing,
- Grandma Linda on February 9, 2022
Hey, Carter! Nice job getting the “perspective” right on your box! Gramma and I were just watching a TV show on the Renaissance, when they figured out how to do that. Love you!
- Papa Bob on February 9, 2022
So, Carter: It’s hard for me to tell — are these really 3D candy canes, or do they look so realistic because of the way you shaded them? Either way, nicely done!
- Papa Bob on February 9, 2022
Carter, you’re a nutcracker collector, aren’t you? At least you like them. No wonder you did such a good job on this one!
- Papa Bob on December 7, 2021
Wow, Carter. You have a nut cracker! Nicely done. Love, grandma.
- Linda on December 7, 2021
Nice work, Carter! So I’m curious — did you cut out the ceramic pieces or did your teacher stamp them out for you? I like the circles on your heart.
- Papa Bob on December 7, 2021
Hey, Carter! I love color wheels, but yours has lots of cool extra stuff. Did you notice that the Packers colors are right next to each other?
- Papa Bob on December 7, 2021
We’ll done, Carter. I can’t quite tell how you made the round prints on the “ribs” of the pumpkin. Is that paint splotches thinned with water?
- Papa Bob on October 13, 2021
Hi, Carter! I love all the parallel lines at the top of your painting. And what a cool contrast with the checkerboard lines at the bottom!
- Papa Bob on October 6, 2021
Hey, Carter, this looks SO yummy. But where’s my cherry vanilla? ??
- Papa Bob on July 6, 2021
Hi, Carter! What a fun picture. I hope you had a good time making it. I can't tell — is it painted? Have you ever watched a balloon artist making something? They are so creative … like YOU!
- Papa Bob on April 28, 2021
Wow, Carter, it took me a while to figure this one out! But once I realized that all those triangles made the tree, it all made sense! I’m sure it’s clearer in person. Again, I love the colors you’ve used.
- Papa Bob on April 28, 2021
Hey, Carter! You already know how I feel about this art project because we looked at it TOGETHER at your house ... finally!! And as good as the picture is, being able to hold it and look at it in person is so much better!!
- Papa Bob on March 31, 2021
Hey, Carter! Isn’t it neat that you can use all those different colors, and yet we can still see the 3 that’s hidden there?! Nice job.
- Papa Bob on March 10, 2021
Wow, Carter. Do you remember going to see some real geodes at a house out in the country when you were visiting here? One of our friends is a geologist — a guy who studies rocks. I hope it's not too long until we can see you again! Love, Papa Bob
- Papa Bob on February 24, 2021
Hey, Carter! A very “hip” version of the Eiffel Tower! (You can ask your parents what that means if you’re not sure)! And thanks for your thank you note! Love you!
- Papa Bob on January 27, 2021
Hi, Carter! You've done a really good job of using color (including the white snow) to make your birds stand out. I enjoy looking at all your art work. Love, Papa Bob
- Papa Bob on January 27, 2021
Yum, Carter. These are papa’s favorite. Thanks for making them as I have not made any this year.
- Linda grandma on December 30, 2020
Fun, Carter. Are those gingerbread cookies made from block prints? Nicely decorated.
- Papa Bob on December 30, 2020
Carter, this is amazing! I feel like it's Christmas already!
- Papa Bob on December 17, 2020
Hi, Carter. It looks like I could plug in your lava lamp and turn it on! I like the light shading on the blue part - it makes it look very real.
- Papa Bob on November 11, 2020
Who is this winter guy? He looks warm
- Linda on November 11, 2020
Carter, I love your art. Great colors and designs.
- Linda on November 11, 2020
Hi, Carter! This really looks like some old fashioned maize that I’ve seen. Did you work from a picture or make this up in your mind? Either way, our squirrels here would love to have some to eat!
- Papa Bob on November 11, 2020
Hi, Carter! Before I knew this was a self-portrait, I thought it looked just like you! My favorite Tim Burton movie is “Beetlejuice.” What’s yours?
- Papa Bob on November 2, 2020
Carter, what fun! He looks surprised about something!
- Papa Bob on October 28, 2020
Carter, I really like the background colors in your picture - and how the all blend together. Nicely done!
- Papa Bob on October 9, 2020
Hi, Carter! Did you choose the colors? You have a good eye for color! I love seeing your pieces.
- Papa Bob on October 9, 2020
Carter, I like your neat stitching. When I was young I used to do needlework and even had my own sewing machine!
- Papa Bob on September 2, 2020
Hey, Carter, what a great picture of President Lincoln. I knew right away who he was. His crooked bow tie is perfect!
- Papa Bob on February 19, 2020
Carter, was it fun to sew the yarn for this project? A little like LEGOs with yarn.
- Papa Bob on February 19, 2020
Carter, I love your choice of reds for your project.
- Papa Bob on February 5, 2020
Hi, Carter! What interesting designs. I like how the water colors blend together.
- Papa Bob on February 5, 2020
Carter, this is a really well-drawn picture. Have you thought about becoming a scientist like my mother was?
- Papa Bob on January 3, 2020
Wow, Carter, a whole forest! Nicely done.
- Papa Bob on January 3, 2020
Carter, I like that all your acorn tops are so different. Nicely done.
- Papa Bob on October 23, 2019
What interesting shapes, Carter. Nice work!
- Papa Bob on October 11, 2019
I look forward to the e-mails that say "Carter has new artwork to view." I love this spider & web...the primary colors really pop!
- Mom on October 11, 2019
Nice spider, Carter! He looks scary!
- Papa Bob on October 6, 2019
I love your cat’s eyes, Carter!
- Papa Bob on October 2, 2019
Wow, Carter, what a cool pigeon. He’s got his eye on me! -- Papa Bob
- on July 13, 2019
I just got it, Carter — Alphabet soup! Clever! -- Papa Bob
- on May 15, 2019
Well done, Carter. I like all your colors. -- Papa Bob
- on May 8, 2019
Hi, Carter. What a happy looking neighborhood! I like your picture. -- Papa Bob
- on May 8, 2019
Nice work, Carter. I like all the colors you used. Gramma also made a spring wreath. You can see it on our back door at the house when you come. See you soon! -- Papa Bob
- on April 24, 2019
What an interesting picture, Carter. You’ll have to tell me about it sometime! -- Papa Bob
- on April 24, 2019
Carter, what a great face on your person! See you soon. -- Papa Bob
- on March 13, 2019
What a happy snowman! I just got inside after cleaning all the snow from our walks and driveway. We could make a whole bunch of snowmen with all the snow I’ve blown off the past few days — and more to come! -- Papa Bob
- on February 27, 2019
Carter, your cardinal is really cute! I like the snow in his birdbath. -- Papa Bob
- on February 25, 2019
This guy makes me smile! Thanks -- Gramma
- on February 20, 2019
Artistic shadows, Carter. -- Gramma
- on February 20, 2019
loved your heart animals, Carter. -- Linda
- on February 18, 2019
Carter, I really enjoyed looking at your February fox. Is that snow falling? Even some of the snowflakes are in the shape of triangles! -- Papa Bob
- on February 18, 2019
Happy Valentines Day, Carter. -- Papa Bob
- on February 18, 2019
Wow, Carter. That is very clever! Love it. -- Pappa Bob
- on February 18, 2019
Carter, very cool Moose! Have you ever seen a real moose? -- Papa Bob
- on February 18, 2019
Carter, that’s a really great snowman! -- Papa Bob