Ava25800's Comments (67)

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Below are comments about Ava25800's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like how you used her art to decorate your mask.
- Papa Bob on May 24, 2023
Nicely done, Ava. Very “girly!” (Hope that’s OK to say.)
- Papa Bob on May 17, 2023
What a fun project, Ava! Well done.
- Papa Bob on April 19, 2023
Fun project, Ava! Love the eyebrows.
- Papa Bob on February 23, 2023
Hi, Ava! Your piece reminds me of a windmill — and it almost gives the illusion of turning if you look at it for a while. Well done!
- Papa Bob on January 26, 2023
Nice work, Ava. Love the crazy shapes. Have a great Christmas!
- Papa Bob on December 14, 2022
Hi, Ava! I love the big sunbeams and your wacky white tree! It almost looks like two of the branches are talking to each other. Can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving!
- Papa Bob on November 30, 2022
Ava, your “spooky” eye is really quite lovely. I like your soft colors and the amount of time you must have spent drawing all those lines in the iris.
- Papa Bob on October 26, 2022
- Papa Bob on October 19, 2022
Hi, Ava! What a fun painting! I like how the colored sprays bring out the brushes without covering them up and the little brush strokes highlight each brush’s color. Very nice work!
- Papa Bob on October 19, 2022
Hey, Ava! Your beautiful drawing is a worthy successor to another great female artist, Georgia O’Keefe! Maybe someday, school kids will be inspired by your art!
- Papa Bob on April 6, 2022
Ava, I love the “pig nose” on the side. Is there one one the other side for handles?
- Papa Bob on March 30, 2022
Nifty job, Ava! I like that you chose to do it all in black and white. Colors can be beautiful, but sometimes simple black and white is best. As I said to Carter, sometime you'll have to tell me how you made the print. A long time ago, I made a print by carving on a wooden block covered with linoleum, but I'm guessing you did it a different way? Love, Papa Bob
- Papa Bob on February 2, 2022
Ava, your hearts look like they are floating up, so they can travel to Wisconsin. Your colors are great and make perfect hearts.
- Grandma Linda on February 2, 2022
Hi, Ava! I love the contrast between the white table and the gray wall behind your box. Was that your idea? Great colors for your hearts! ?? Love you!
- Papa Bob on February 2, 2022
Hi, Ava Grace! I’m guessing these are blueberry, strawberry, and banana. What flavors were you thinking of? They make me hungry!
- Papa Bob on February 2, 2022
Hi, Ava! I love his long, skinny legs … sort of like yours maybe? Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Sorry we couldn’t make it out there.
- Papa Bob on December 7, 2021
Colorful, thin nutcracker. Good job. Love, grandma
- Grandma Linda on December 7, 2021
Wow,Ava! Your colors and design are striking. Gramma Linda.
- Linda on December 7, 2021
Wow,Ava! Your colors and design are striking. Gramma Linda.
- Linda on December 7, 2021
Hi again, Ava! What a clever way to display a color wheel! Where on the wheel is YOUR eye color?!
- Papa Bob on December 7, 2021
Ava, your ceramic hand is really well done, but I was SO hoping it was a cookie for me!!
- Papa Bob on December 7, 2021
Hi, Ava! Isn’t it interesting to see how colors look different depending on which colors they’re next to! Nice work!
- Papa Bob on December 7, 2021
Fun, Ava. The stem almost looks like a candy kiss! Yum!
- Papa Bob on October 13, 2021
Ava, you are becoming quite an artist! I love the little designs on most of the bottles - and the fact that you left every other one plain. Great design instincts.
- Papa Bob on October 6, 2021
Wow! How many pinkish flavors can you think of? Raspberry, strawberry, rhubarb, peppermint, radish, watermelon, cherry, frosting. What are your flavors? Makes me want a cool ice cream!
- Grandma Linda on July 6, 2021
Hi again, Ava! As always I love your colors — the pink dog against the blue sky and green grass. So simple but they all fit together. A few years ago, we were at a restaurant in Houston with Dominic, and a balloon artist was going around to the tables. I think Dominic got a dog similar to yours!
- Papa Bob on April 28, 2021
Hi, Ava! While you and your friends were out playing, Carter and I looked at your latest art projects. So cool! And, as always, you pick the neatest colors. But for me the best part was being able to hold it and see all the detailed stampings. Great work!
- Papa Bob on March 31, 2021
Hi, Ava! I’ve decided that you must be a purple girl! You’ve painted a very nice 3. How does it feel to be a third grader?
- Papa Bob on March 10, 2021
Nice work, Ava. Can you remember — a couple of years ago — that we visited a friend of ours house out in the country. Stan is a geologist, a person who studies rocks, and had some real geodes. They are so beautiful. Hopefully, it won't be too long before Gramma and I can see you again!! Love, Papa Bob
- Papa Bob on February 24, 2021
Hi, Ava! I think your Eiffel Tower looks like an Eiffel Chair! Maybe your Dad could make you one for your room ?? Thanks for your thank you card! Always nice to get them. Love you
- Papa Bob on January 27, 2021
Very creative, Ava. I’ve seen dogs with different colored eyes, but yours is the first cat like that I’ve seen. Fun! Lots of love, Papa Bob. Miss you guys.
- Papa Bob on January 27, 2021
Hi, Ava! I wish I could see your original (and someday I will!), but I like how you've tied the pink up-and-down lines with the color of the birds. Everything just fits together, doesn't it? Love, Papa Bob
- Papa Bob on January 27, 2021
Ava, you made Papa gingerbread cookies, too! Yours have blonde hair like you. Lovely and creative.
- Linda grandma on December 30, 2020
Gingerbread girls! That’s great. I just finished eating a gingerbread man that Gramma just bought, but yours looked good enough to eat!
- Papa Bob on December 30, 2020
Beautifully done, Ava. I really like the purple colors and how they contrast with the others.
- Papa Bob on December 17, 2020
Hi again, Ava! What a fun and colorful lava lamp! Have you ever seen an actual lava lamp? We had one years ago, but I don’t know what happened to it.
- Papa Bob on November 11, 2020
Ava, makes me happy. Is she a dancer like you? Great colors.
- Linda on November 11, 2020
Ooo. Nice design and colors, Ava
- Grandma Linda on November 11, 2020
Ava, was that your idea to use different shades of purple? It really turned out beautifully! You have a good eye for color.
- Papa Bob on November 11, 2020
Hi, Ava! You got the Tim Burton “big eyes” just right! Have you watched any of his shows on Netflix?
- Papa Bob on November 2, 2020
Ava, is that a ghost hiding in your pumpkin? Or maybe a black cat? Either way, what a fun picture!
- Papa Bob on October 28, 2020
Hi, Ava! What a clever way to draw this. I love that drooping flower! I would not have thought to do that.
- Papa Bob on October 9, 2020
Ava, I hope you’re enjoying the third grade! I can’t believe you’re getting that old. I love the bright colors in your latest project. They look great together. Love you! Hope we can see you “for real” soon!
- Papa Bob on September 2, 2020
Hi, Ava. Honest Abe doesn’t look very happy, does he? I bet he has a lot on his mind. I like your flag in the background. Love you!
- Papa Bob on February 19, 2020
Nice job, Ava. Did you enjoy doing the sewing?
- Papa Bob on February 5, 2020
Wow, Ava! Nice job of balancing your four designs. I really like how water colors work.
- Papa Bob on February 5, 2020
Way to go, Ava, for showing that girls and women can make great scientists! Maybe you could be a scientist like my mother was.
- Papa Bob on January 3, 2020
Ava, your tree artwork is beautiful!
- Papa Bob on January 3, 2020
Wow, Ava, I love the colors of your acorns.
- Papa Bob on October 23, 2019
Hi, Ava. I see a sock, a high heel shoe, and a goose in your shapes. What do you see?
- Papa Bob on October 11, 2019
Ava, I love your spider! Looks like he’s busy with his web.
- Papa Bob on October 6, 2019
Wow, Ava, what a “positive” picture! ??
- Papa Bob on October 6, 2019
Ava, what a cute cat!
- Papa Bob on October 2, 2019
Well done, Ava. As I told Carter, I just figured out that it's a picture of Alphabet Soup! Sometimes Grampas are a little slow!
-- Papa Bob
- on May 15, 2019
Fun picture, Ava. Is that fingerpaint? I like the textures.
-- Papa Bob
- on May 8, 2019
Ava, I love how you’ve used colors in your picture. They fit together beautifully.
-- Papa Bob
- on May 8, 2019
Hi, Ava! This is a really neat Easter wreath! You'll have to see Gramma's spring wreath that she made for the back porch of our house. See you soon!
-- Papa Bob
- on April 24, 2019
Cool picture, Ava. Next time we are there, you can explain it to me.
-- Papa Bob
- on April 24, 2019
Ava, you’ll have to tell me about this when we come and see you soon! Very nice work.
-- Papa Bob
- on March 13, 2019
Ava, cute cardinal. What fun!
-- Papa Bob
- on February 25, 2019
Ava, this is a very clever drawing. I love the triangles.
-- Papa Bob
- on February 18, 2019
Happy Valentines Day, Ava!
-- Papa Bob
- on February 18, 2019
Ava, I love your moose! He's looking right at me! Do you have moose in South Dakota?
-- Pappa Bob
- on February 18, 2019
Wow! Such a happy, friendly winter penguin. Makes me smile, Ava.
-- Linda
- on February 18, 2019
Really cute, Ava! I love the ice skates.
-- Papa Bob
- on February 18, 2019
Ava, I love your nifty snowman!
-- Papa Bob
- on February 18, 2019