Olivia1037's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Olivia1037's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Olivia, I am impressed with this pelican design that you made in Kindergarten. Doesn't grandma have an apron with this pelican on it? Keep up the good work Olivia!!!! Grandpa Bakken
- on July 20, 2010
Dear Olivia, WOW! I looked at all of your artwork from Kindergarten until now. You have really gotten good!!! This is my favorite one! It looks like a flower in the middle and you know how much I like flowers, right?! I am going to have this picture made into cards to send to friends. Thanks Olivia and keep up the good work!
- on July 20, 2010
Olivia, I love this picture! You used such bright colors and the detail is so good! Good Job! Grandma Beth
- on December 8, 2009
This ink blot looks like a colorful butterfly. We like all of the colors. Love, Mom & Dad
- on December 28, 2006
I enjoy all of the colors of the leaves. It really looks like fall. Love, Mom & Dad
- on December 28, 2006
I really enjoy seeing the artwork and being able to order gifts with your artwork. Great job! You have a great imagination.
- on December 18, 2006