Colm1's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Colm1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Colm, I love getting pictures that you have drawn. Keep up the good work. You get more confidance as you improve your technigue, I will try to print it out and hang it in my office, to show off my grandsons beautiful artwork. As you keep working on more artwork keep in mind how much I love to look at it. Love ya lots. Grandpa.
-- Bud
- on November 13, 2010
Colm, Neat picture, looks just like you. I noticed a lot of neat things like boats and fish. around the edge. That gave the picture more to think about. I bet it was some of the things that interest you. I will miss this artwork coming when school is out. Love Ya Grandpa
- on November 13, 2010
Colm, This looks like it was drawn in China, Very good. Keep doing art projects because you are getting better as you go. All your artwork shows a lot of imagination and ability. Its much like music the more you practice the better you become. Had a great weekend seeing you and Moira. Love Ya Lots Grandpa
- on November 13, 2010
Colmie... as soon as I saw this I knew it was a hamburger. Little did I realize that it was a PERFECT burger! Love ya kiddo!
- on November 13, 2010
Colm, Thats one good looking Burger. It looks like the one I had at Lions Tap, with you on sunday. Keep up the good work. Love ya Grandpa
- on November 13, 2010
Colm, These artworks are really fun Art. Keep up the good work,I really like seeing your artwork. Tell your teacher how much I enjoy seeing it on the Internet. Love Loads Grandpa
- on November 13, 2010
Clom ,Neat way to start the morning ,what a beautiful painting. Its really well done. the colors just jump off the paper. Good job keep up the good work . See you soon .Grandapa Love Ya
- on November 13, 2010
- on April 15, 2008
Colm, Wow this looks just like you . I see all the airplanes flying around. They really look great. I bet you had fun drawing it , Great job little Buddy. love you Grandpa
- on April 15, 2008
- on April 15, 2008
Wow, this one is a beauty. Two hands touching and all the color, its like magic. Thanks for doing it, it is neat. I am going to order me and you some T-shirts with this great picture on it. Love ya lots Grand pa
- on April 15, 2008
Colm , Was this done with string . They call it string Art . Is sure is pretty .Keep up the good work. Love Grand pa
- on April 15, 2008
Colm, I hope that guy lands in the net. What a great circus picture. We have been to the circus a few times together and this picture will remind me of the great times we had. Love Ya Grand Pa
- on April 15, 2008
Is this a plate? It looks very cool and groovy. It sort of reminds me of Joseph's technicolor dreamcoat. Good Job!
- on February 7, 2008
Hi Colmie! I really like the two people in this picture. The one in the orange shirt really looks like he's in trouble. You are really getting good at giving your drawings personality! We miss you and can't wait for summer! Love you lots! Auntie Susan and Uncle Dan.
- on January 22, 2008
- on January 22, 2008
Colm, Wow, that Picture looks great. Everyone in the picture looks like they are having fun. Keep up the good work, I hope you have as much fun drawing them as me and grandma do looking at them. Love Ya Grandpa
- on January 22, 2008
Colmie- This one is my very favorite! Lucia likes it too, she meowed when I showed it to her.
- on December 18, 2007
Colm, This one looks like flowers,its really welL done .It will brightens my day. Reminds me of us doing one of are adventure walks, finding flowers frogs and lizards. Love ya Lots Grandpoo.
- on December 18, 2007
Colm. This is beautiful,very good color choices. Keep up the good work. I love seeing your art keep it coming. Love Grandpoo
- on December 18, 2007
Colm, This looks great,I can tell you have a lot of fun making Art. Keep up the good work, Love Grandpa
- on October 5, 2007
Colm, Your new artwork looks great. You keep getting better and better. Keep this artwork coming. Granma and I have had cups made form your artwork and they look awesome. I know you are have as much fun making them as we do seeing them on the internet. Love ya lots Grandpa
- on April 1, 2007
picture is beautiful does it have a name? love, grandma and grandpa
- on March 4, 2007
colm, I love your art work ,looks great . Me and grndma woulod like tosee more. Love you Grandpa
- on February 20, 2007