Alon3's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Alon3's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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The sun and the house look beautiful!!! Love, Ronnie
- on February 9, 2007
I love that artwork, it looks beautiful. Love, Ronnie
- on February 9, 2007
Dear Alon, It's a beautiful island. We'd like to be your guests on that piece of land. Love, Naomi & Ami.
- on January 10, 2007
To my Ach, I love the beautiful clay picture. It reminds of of Bahai Principe! Great Detail! Love, Yuval
- on January 8, 2007
My Prince, This artwork is so wonderful and full of light. I love the way in which the sun embraces the house... it is so beautiful and soothing. I love you, Ima
- on January 8, 2007
My Prince, I really LOVE this artwork... it reminds me of our vacations to sunny beaches... it is so beautiful!!! Thank you for being my son. I love you so much! Love, Ima
- on January 8, 2007