OMG this picture is amazing!! I love you with all of my heart and soul. I can’t wait to see what you draw next!!
- Karen on March 15, 2023
Ellie, I love this! How do you come up with such good ideas?! Love, Gigi
- Cheri on March 15, 2023
I love this, Ellie! Great job - so pretty!!
- Gigi on January 2, 2023
Very nice, Ellie!!
- Gigi on January 2, 2023
Ellie what a wonderful drawing. Love the little heart at the lips I'm so proud of you.
- Bob on January 2, 2023
Awesome drawing love the color and the how you did the picture from big too small.
- Bob on January 2, 2023
Ellie I love this!! You are so talented! Love Mom
- Elizabeth (Mother) on October 23, 2022
Ellie this is so beautiful, great design with background in mixing the colors love the way you made it a 3 D look. Love it Pappy
- Bob on October 23, 2022
Ellie, this is fabulous! I love what you create!!!
- Cheri on October 23, 2022
Ellie What a beautiful art work with the colors and the perfect shape of circles. Love Pappy
- Bob on October 3, 2021
Ellie, I love the colors and how you were able to the show movement of the water! You are a very talented!
- Love, Aunt Bev on March 22, 2021
Ellie, Your artwork is AMAZING!!! Your eye for color and detail is beautiful. Keep drawing, we need more for your bedroom walls at our house! Love, Nanny & Pappy
- Nanny & Pappy on February 11, 2021
Great job, Love the eyes and the way you blend in the color
- Bob on February 11, 2021
Ellie, this picture of Izzy is beautiful. You are a very talented artist. Nanny & Pappy are very proud of you!!
- Nanny & Pappy on February 11, 2021
Ellie, I love this! This is amazing!! I am so proud of you. Love, Gigi
- Cheri on January 23, 2021
Great Job Ellie!! You are amazing! Love you! —Mom
- Elizabeth (Mother) on February 12, 2020
I Love your Fox!! Great job.
- Kurt on February 12, 2020
Ellie, you are amazing! I love this!! Gigi
- Cheri on February 5, 2020
Ellie this is absolutely amazing!!! You are becoming a great artist! Keep up the good work! Love Mom! -- Elizabeth
- on May 2, 2019
Ellie I love the new drawing you did with the snowman. It's a master piece, next time I like to see your name at the bottom corner of the drawing like a true artist does. Love Pappy -- ROBERT
- on February 20, 2019
This is my favorite one you have created all year!!! You are becoming a great little artist!! Love you! -- Mom
- on February 20, 2019
This is amazing! Lots of eyes and teeth!! -- Gigi
- on December 12, 2018
This is beautiful Ellie! You are an amazing artist! Keep up the good work! I love you! -- Mommy