Dear William, This might be our favorite piece of art that you've done! Could you teach us how to do this? We LOVE??It!! Keep up the good work! -- Murr and Pops
- on April 15, 2019
William! How beautiful!! You are a very creative artist. Keep it up!! Murr and Pops -- Murr & Pops
- on February 6, 2019
Saw your latest artwork of the Chinese scroll, William. The watercolor you did was just wonderful and very colorful. I am enjoying seeing this creative side of you. Keep up the good work. Love, MomMom. -- Mommom
- on January 30, 2019
Enjoyed being able to see your art work. The seascape was beautiful, and I hope you will keep up the good work. Love, MomMom. -- Mommom
- on November 5, 2018
William! You created that beautiful landscape? It is so colorful and it makes me happy to look at it!! Keep up the good work. I’m so proud of you???? Oceans of love to you, Murr -- Murr & Pops