Louis2003's Comments (36)

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Below are comments about Louis2003's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, Lou! I really like this drawing! Looks like he's trying to catch the ball! Love you!
- Aunt Leigh on March 2, 2022
Very cool piece, Lou! What made you choose these colors? Hope you're having a great day!
- Leigh Ann on March 2, 2022
Louis! Seeing this piece of artwork makes me hopeful for spring! Nice job, buddy! Love you so much
- Leigh on March 11, 2020
Wow, Louis! I love the guitar you made! I especially like all of the colors you used. The strings look real! Love you!
- Leigh on March 11, 2020
Lou, Love the guitar! I will show to Grandpa! Love ya Grandma Teresa
- Teresa on March 11, 2020
Love your guitar, Lou! I can tell you took your time, I love the colors you used! Love you!
- Leigh on January 15, 2020
Wow, Louis! This monster is awesome! The horns look like my goats' horns! Miss you buddy, and I sure do love seeing what you're doing in art class! Love you!
- Leigh on December 6, 2019
Louis, I absolutely love this painting! It reminds me of something you would do, pick flowers for someone you loved! Probably your mama:) Love you sweets!
- Leigh on November 3, 2019
Love the crayons, Lou! I love their arms!
- Leigh on October 16, 2019
Nice pizza, Lou! I'd eat it as long as the pepperoni was veggie, lol!
-- Leigh
- on May 15, 2019
I really love this one Louis!! You do such a great job!!
-- Aunt Lynne
- on May 1, 2019
I would love to have something this beautiful growing in my flower garden! Great job Louis!!
-- Aunt Lynne
- on May 1, 2019
Nice work, Louis! Auntie loves you!
-- Leigh
- on April 24, 2019
I love the colors you used Lou! Beautiful!
-- Leigh
- on April 24, 2019
Is this a picture of Santa’s front yard?!? This is so beautiful!! It looks like stained glass! Great job Lou!! I love you!! Love, Mom
-- Susan
- on April 18, 2019
Wow!! Louis you did a fantastic job!! It is so beautiful! I love you, Mom
-- Susan
- on April 18, 2019
This looks really cool, Lou! I love how you used the yarn!
-- Leigh
- on April 18, 2019
I love it Louis!!!
-- Papa
- on April 18, 2019
Yummy! Hoipe you get to go to the donut store soon and pick a real one out for your self. Love Aunt Terri
-- Terri
- on April 4, 2019
Those are the prettiest donuts I’ve ever seen!! They also look very tasty!! I think I’d pick the blue one with sprinkles on it! :) Great job lou!! Love, Mom
-- Susan
- on March 21, 2019
LOU!! This is making me HUNGRY!!!
-- Papa
- on March 21, 2019
Yum, Lou! These look DELICIOUS!
-- Leigh
- on March 21, 2019
I love your horse Louis!! Maybe one day we'll be able to buy one that looks like this! :) I love you!! Love, Mom
-- Susan
- on February 20, 2019
Lou-this is so beautiful!! I just love all the colors, and lines in this!! It really makes your Gecko pop out! Great job bud, I am so proud of you! Love, Mom
-- Susan
- on February 20, 2019
Hi Louis! I really like the artwork you did here! Is that a gecko in the center? Nice work, buddy! We love you!
-- Leigh
- on February 20, 2019
Wow, Louis! I love your horse drawing, nice work! Is that a picture of you under the horse’s hoof?!?! Love you so much!
-- Leigh
- on December 27, 2018
Very cool Mona, Lou!
-- Leigh
- on November 27, 2018
This looks pretty cool, Lou! You are such a creative boy and I always enjoy seeing your work! Love you!
-- Leigh
- on November 27, 2018
HI Louis, I like this one. Very unique and fun. Love, Aunt Terri
-- Terri
- on October 3, 2018
This looks awesome, Lou!! Love you!
-- Lynne
- on October 3, 2018
Love this, Louis! You know Auntie loves ice cream and I really wish I could eat this up! I love you so much and I am so proud of you, you're a great artist!!
-- Lynne
- on October 3, 2018
Very cool! I like the rolled colored paper!
-- Leigh
- on October 3, 2018
Wow! Great job, Louis! Looks delicious!
-- Leigh
- on October 3, 2018
Great Job Lou! I would love a sundae that looked like your picture! Awesome Job. Love ya
-- Grandma Teresa
- on October 3, 2018
That looks so delicious!! And great coloring!! It’s so bright and vibrant! Congratulations on a job well done!! I love you!
-- Mom
- on September 25, 2018
I love this Lou!! It looks like a really fun obstacle course!! Way to go bud!! I love you!!
-- Mom
- on September 25, 2018