Court23's Comments (36)

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Below are comments about Court23's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lots of pretty shells Court! Love you and all of your very interesting art work!!
- Auntie Nancy on September 5, 2024
You are a star as well!!
- Nana on September 5, 2024
They look like they are patiently waiting for something!
- Nana on September 5, 2024
Abstract art at its finest!
- Nana on September 5, 2024
We love all of your artwork, Court! Hope you always know that! Seashells are a big part of our state!
- Nana on September 5, 2024
Very creative Court! Now how about writing a story about this character!!!
- Auntie Nancy on September 5, 2024
A very nice house in the mountains all decked out for the holidays. Well done and so much detail.
- Auntie Nancy on September 5, 2024
I absolutely adore your cardinal Court! And your tribute to your love of music in the tree is perfect. Well done!
- Grammy on September 5, 2024
I LOVE IT COURT!! A very pretty cardinal and the music sheet is a very creative tree. Let it snow, let it snow…..
- Auntie Nancy on September 5, 2024
Court, you did a terrific job telling your story of who you are and all the detail in the block letters!! Keep up the good work!! Love Auntie Nancy.
- Auntie Nancy on November 26, 2023
Court this looks like a very interesting big city. I think it would be lots of fun to go exploring. The artwork has so many details!
- Auntie Nancy on November 26, 2023
Court, are you scuba diving into the deep blue ocean to find sea turtles? Your artwork has captured the turtle and the ocean beautifully. Great work!
- Auntie Nancy on November 26, 2023
Wow, Court, this looks like a real northern New England winter landscape. Looks like we could go up the chair lift and ski down the snow covered mountain. Very good work and I am very happy to see this fine work!
- Auntie Nancy on November 26, 2023
Wow Court, I love this picture. I think you could write a story and use this beautiful art work in the storybook. Keep up the great work. Love, Auntie Nancy.
- Auntie Nancy on December 21, 2022
Great job Court. Love your use of color to make me feel like I am really watching a gorgeous sunset!
- Grammy on December 21, 2022
Hi Court. Are all of these wheels locked together so when you turn the crank on the left end they all spin? Looks like a good building center assignment. Keep up the good work! Love Auntie Nancy!
- Nancy on November 30, 2022
Hello Court, Well it looks like you are in gear and have found the center!! I bet you had fun building this and carefully got them all connected so they are interlocked. Great job. Love you lots, Auntie Nancy
- Auntie on November 30, 2022
I like how this shows so much of your personality Court! Ocean and music….especially love the waves you made in the C and the O! Great job!!??
- Grammy on November 30, 2022
Love all the bright colors in this one Court! Great job!
- Grammy on November 30, 2022
Great work Court. Just looking at this makes me feel happy!
- Grammy on November 30, 2022
Court I love your rainbow of primary colors. I loved it so much that I have ordered a tee shirt with it printed on it. It should be arriving any day now. I will send you a picture of me wearing in your email.
- Auntie Nancy on April 7, 2022
Nice Indian corn Court. You did a great job making a very nice weave pattern underneath the corn. Keep up the good art work!!
- Auntie Nancy on March 10, 2020
Hi Court, I love your Snowmen Fun! This is a great piece of artwork. I like it so much. I can’t find any snowmen here in AZ, but you know that! I will just have to look at your picture each day to remind me what it is like to make snowmen in the R.I. Winter!!
- Auntie Nancy on March 10, 2020
Great job Court. Is Frida, Diego & Dia de los Muertos helping you to learn about Mexico and more Spanish? I love your artwork! ??Auntie Nancy.
- Auntie Nancy on December 2, 2019
Oh my! It is beautiful! Will you tell me about this scene?
- Nana on December 2, 2019
Hi Court. This is very colorful. When next you email me you will have to tell me about it. I would love to hear about all those colors! Love from auntie Nancy!
- Nancy on December 2, 2019
Hi Court, I thought your art work was so great I sent you a postcard with your picture on it. I hope you found it in your mailbox. Love, Auntie Nancy
- Nancy on December 2, 2019
Court, I love your plant and I think it looks like one you have in your house. I love you Court, Auntie Nancy
-- Nancy
- on December 2, 2019
This picture looks like Court Brown. He is such a nice kid! Well done Court, I like your drawings. Love Auntie Nancy
-- Nancy
- on December 2, 2019
Court, I like your snowman and especially his red bow tie! Is he singing with a microphone?? LOL love you!
-- Auntie Nancy
- on March 2, 2019
This artwork is very creative Court. It looks like you spent a lot of time making this using your creative mind. I love seeing your artwork. Love you.
-- Auntie Nancy
- on March 2, 2019
Nice fall colored leaves Court. I see a green grasshopper??? Great work Court??
-- Nancy
- on March 2, 2019
That’s a three eyed monster, right??!! Lots of thought put into making that monster with all those shapes!!
-- Auntie Nancy
- on March 2, 2019
Very nice art work Court, I love being able to see your art work! ??
-- Auntie Nancy
- on March 2, 2019
I love your creativity! great work :)
-- Kristen/Mom
- on November 6, 2018
Great job Court! What a beautiful bowl of apples!
-- Kristen/Mom
- on November 6, 2018