Cole14706's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Cole14706's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cole this is so amazing! I love it! It's beautiful
- Mom on April 7, 2024
This is spooky I love it!
- Mom on January 10, 2024
This is amazing Cole!
- Mom on November 1, 2023
This looks like a stained glass window! Awesome work
- Mommom on January 15, 2020
I love your little character! He is really cute.
- Mommom on January 15, 2020
Cole I just love your artwork. Mommon used to paint in that style. Just beautiful! Luv you, mommom
- on January 15, 2020
Bubby loves your flying pigs. You are a wonderful artist
-- Bubby
- on September 4, 2019
Hi Cole I love your pig picture. You are such a good Artist. And whenever I see your drawings They make me so proud of you. I love you Bubby
-- Bubby
- on April 10, 2019
I love your latest picture. It looks like two pigs playing.
-- Mommom
- on April 10, 2019
Cole, these piggies are are so cute!!! Looks like you’re having so much fun in art! Love you!
-- Renee
- on April 10, 2019
I love this drawing what a good face and I love you ????????
-- Bubby
- on March 13, 2019
What beautiful colors Cole and I love the clouds!
-- Sherri
- on February 19, 2019
I had to rite again to tell you that I love this one too . It makes me feel happy when I look at it.
-- Bubby
- on February 19, 2019
I love your paintings and your heart painting is so beautiful I love the colors you use. I looked at all of your paintings and loved them all.
-- Bubby
- on February 19, 2019
Well done, Cole, I love those eyes! Looks like you’re having so much fun being creative! Love you!
-- Renee
- on February 19, 2019
Cole, your artwork is really beautiful.
-- Pop Pop
- on February 13, 2019
Fantastic Cole! I love this!
-- Sherri
- on February 13, 2019
Cole, I just love all of your artwork, but this is my favorite! I think you will be the next Picasso.
-- marilyn
- on February 2, 2019
Cole, HOW Did you do those squiggling lines!?!? They’re really good. Love, Elena
-- Renee
- on February 2, 2019
This is a great abstract piece! I bet it would look great in your race car bedroom!!! Keep up the great work Cole! We love you!
-- Renee
- on February 2, 2019
Cole, we love your rainbow heart so much! You are a great artist and we hope you had fun creating this. We love you! Uncle Mike, Aunt Née, Jax & Elena
-- Renee
- on February 2, 2019