Roxann25's Comments (37)

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Below are comments about Roxann25's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Roxi, We really like your orgami creation in green and yellow! Perfectly symmetrical and very carefully folded. Good work! ??????
- Grandpamike on December 20, 2023
Wow,Roxi, that’s really pretty and colorful ! I would like to hear how you made this! Maybe you’ll Facetime us sometime and tell us about it? ????
- Grandpamike on December 14, 2023
I love this!! Can’t wait till it comes home??
- Mom on November 29, 2023
A great piece for Autumn. The darker background makes me think of the darker shorter days and the changes in the sky and planet.
- Roxann on November 29, 2023
I love the Eiffel Tower! All the detail in the structure plus the depth of the other buildings and landscape in the background and around the tower. Very nice. ????
- Roxann on November 29, 2023
I’d like to talk with you about this one. I’m curious about the cool shiny objects in the beautiful blue sky. Your pumpkins look almost real! Great work, Roxi!! ????
- Grandpamike on November 29, 2023
We love your colorful space images, Roxi! Nice idea to have black paper for the background. Your space looks like a magical place ! ??????
- Grandpamike on November 29, 2023
I sure like the combination of colors, Roxi! ??. Is that a real doughnut?
- Grandpamike on November 29, 2023
Dear Rixi, Wow! We are really impressed with your "Printmaking City" creation, Roxi! We love your choice, use, and combination of dramatic colors! It is really appealing and invites attention and study. Well done, girl! Keep up you great work in art!
- Grandpa Mike on November 29, 2023
We love this beautiful blue, white, and green collage, Roxi! How did you make it? Are these layers of cut paper?
- Grandpamike on November 29, 2023
Dear Roxi, We really like your “YouCube” art project! Your drawing skills keep getting better and better! Keep up your efforts in visual arts! Love, Grandpa Mike and Grandma Connie
- Grandpamike on November 29, 2023
We love your new animal chef, Roxie! He looks like a real chef! Tell us more about him! ??????
- Grandpamike on November 29, 2023
That’s really excellent Artistry, Roxi! You’re getting really good at drawing! Keep up the great work! ????
- Grandpamike on November 29, 2023
I love your artwork. The sky is so cool and colorful, love the swirl in colors. The shadows are a cool contrast with the background.
- katie (Mother) on February 1, 2022
- Jeff & Kathryn on November 29, 2023
Wow, Roxi, I really like your newest artwork on Artsonia! The brilliant and bold color is amazing. I would to talk with you about it. Keep up your great art Work! - Love, Grandpa Mike
- Grandpa Mike on November 29, 2023
Roxi! We love your newest picture! It is very colorful with its beautiful natural details. It reminds us of Monet’s paintings of his garden pond in Giverney France. Keep drawing and painting! Love ?? you!
- Grandpamike on April 1, 2020
I absolutely love it!!!
- Mom on December 19, 2019
- katie (Mother) on November 5, 2019
Wow, Roxi! What a colorful and complex creation! It’s beautiful! Looks like a Picasso creation. I hope to hear you tell me about it. - Love, Grandpa Mike
- Grandpa Mike on November 5, 2019
We really like you colorful crayons drawing, Roxi! They almost look real. You will have to tell us why Mr. yellow isn’t happy. Great job!
- Grandpa Mike on November 5, 2019
We really like your picture of colored buildings, Roxi! They look real! Great work. We are happy that you use so many different colors in your drawings. Keep up the great artwork!!
-- GrandpaMike
- on November 5, 2019
What a great-looking slice of pizza! How colorful! We wonder how it will taste. You seem to like triangle shapes; we’ve seen them in some of your other works. ??. - Love you, Grandpa and Gramma
-- GrandpaMike
- on November 5, 2019
Hi Roxi from Grandpa and Gramma in Portugal! (Ask Mommie to show you on a world map.) We like your latest art project on line. We’d like to hear you tell us about it. The colors are great! - Love, Gramma Connie and Grandpa Mike
-- GrandpaMike
- on November 5, 2019
I loved the pansy painting. The colors and the way you blended them made the flower seem so real. It was beautiful!
-- Roxann
- on November 5, 2019
What a beautiful Iris, Roxi! Did you create it with marker or paint? You just keep getting better and better! - Love, Grandpa Mike & Grandma Connie
-- GrandpaMike
- on November 5, 2019
Wow! Another great work of art! Super good job, Roxie!!! I like your “medium” - colored yarns and cloth! So colorful! Well done!
-- Grandpa-Mike
- on November 5, 2019
Wow!! What a nice, colorful design! How did you create all those circles, colors, and designs? Very interesting.
-- Grandpa
- on November 5, 2019
Wow, Roxi! We like your latest Artsonia creation! Love all the colors and arrangements! Next time we talk, we want you to tell us more about it. Good work, Roxi! We love you! - Grandpa Mike and Grandma Connie
-- Grandpa
- on November 5, 2019
Roxi I have all of your artwork. I am so amazed at the talent of a 5 yr old. Love you so much!!
-- Roxann
- on December 12, 2018
Wow, Roxi, your art just gets better and better! We loved your excellent trotting horse! And, you have now done a wonderful job on your Halloweenn Mona Lisa! She looks like a real person! Great work, Roxi! - Love, Grandma Connie and Grandma Connie.
-- Grandpa Mike
- on December 12, 2018
Wow! What an excellent big brown horse! Hope he doesn't squish that cute little girl beneath him. Great job, Roxie!! Keep up the excellent art work. We look forward to your next creation!
-- Grandpa Mike
- on December 12, 2018
I absolutely love how you have created an action drawing. It looks like the horse is walking. Amazing!
-- katie
- on November 28, 2018
-- Dad
- on November 28, 2018
I love your ice cream scoops. This art piece make me hungry. Love you! Love Mom.
-- katie
- on October 17, 2018
Whoa! Grandpa REALLY likes this one! That tasty treat looks delicious! I want to taste it! Great colors!!
-- Grandpa Mike
- on October 17, 2018
Wow! Grandma Connie and I really like your pink on black artistic creation! The one piece of orange was a great idea. It really pops!!!! Did you name this piece? Can it be hung up or does it lay flat? Keep up the great artwork!
-- Grandpa Mike
- on September 26, 2018