Joseph30570's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Joseph30570's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Absolutely beautiful, great job Joey!
- Nannie on December 24, 2023
Great Job!
- Cheryl on December 24, 2023
Great job!
- Cheryl on December 24, 2023
Great job!
- Cheryl on December 24, 2023
Very colorful ??
- Cheryl on December 24, 2023
Good job Joey, did you see those in your movie?
- Nannie on December 24, 2023
pretty colors
- Cheryl on October 17, 2020
Love it, good job
- Cheryl on March 30, 2020
Good Job Joey
- Cheryl on March 30, 2020
Great job Joey.
- Nannie & Papa on March 30, 2020
Nice catapilar
-- Cheryl
- on May 6, 2019
Love the colorful smiley faces
-- Cheryl
- on May 6, 2019
Love the flowers
-- Cheryl
- on May 6, 2019
It is a very colorful bird
-- Cheryl
- on May 6, 2019
Looks like where Nannie and Papa stay in mountains!
-- Nannie
- on March 8, 2019
Joey what a great job. Cute monkey!
-- Nannie
- on March 8, 2019
What a great job Joey. So cute. You are doing so good at drawing.
-- Cheryl
- on December 27, 2018