wowie-wow-wow, i love the mood of this city at night. Nice job mister artist!
- Dale on December 30, 2020
So cute. He looks a little lonely, like he needs polar puppy friend!
- Daddy on December 30, 2020
This is an instant masterpiece!
- Salvador Daddy on December 30, 2020
Whoa, now THAT'S a robot! -- Dale
- on December 30, 2020
Oooohh, this might be my new favorite! -- Dale
- on May 8, 2019
This is a sweet picture. The lacing around the edge is a nice touch. And such great contrast of colors! -- Emily
- on February 28, 2019
I like this mixed media stuff. Stark black penguin on top of color is really cool. -- Emily
- on February 28, 2019
Love this. Such a fun setting and theme. The colors and patterns of the cats include such nice variety’s -- Emily
- on February 28, 2019
Love the colors on this one. The leaves are beautiful examples of autumn colors and the dark background is a rich contrast to set off the bright leaves. -- Emily