I absolutly love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this picture. you are so awesome
- on December 2, 2007
this looks soooooooo coll i love the apples
- on December 2, 2007
your picture is sooooooooo awesome I love it
- on December 2, 2007
Woo! Good Job Carissa can't wait to see more!
- on December 2, 2007
Carissa, you have the most beautiful drawings!! Keep it up!! I love ya girl!
- on June 14, 2007
Hey Carissa, Girl you have some skills. I knew you loved art because you were always coloring, drawing or making something. Keep up the good work and I am sorry for not responding sooner. I did realize it was you. I was missing out on some fabulous artwork. Great work love Mrs. Loretta
- on May 16, 2007
Carissa, I had no idea that you were so artistic! These look awesome!! You go girl!!
- on May 14, 2007
Carissa, your work is amazing and beautiful. Keep it up, it's a very good way to express yourself, and as you get older, a good way to relieve stress. Of course, as good as it is, you could always get a job at it. We love you and miss you.
- on April 23, 2007
This is so good! Keep on drawing!
- on April 22, 2007
Nice Job! Didn't know you were so talented!
- on April 22, 2007
Fantastic drawing Carissa!
- on April 21, 2007
Nice job!
- on April 19, 2007
Love the detail on the piano, keep up the good work!