Shae, Me & Bampy love this!! The colors are great! Keep up the great artwork! We love you! Gam & Bamp
- Gamma on March 4, 2020
Shae, This is so cool! You created this with wet paint and a straw? WOW, I just love how the colors blended. I really like the purple colors you chose!!
- Cheryl on January 8, 2020
Shae, This is so pretty. I love how the yellow looks like the sun it setting behind the mountains. You did a fantastic job! Keep up the nice art work!
- Cheryl on January 8, 2020
This is awesome!! Can you show me how to do this? We should do this on a canvas, I’d love to learn how to do this. So proud of you!
- Heather (Mother) on December 30, 2019
Shae this is so beautiful!!! I love how the mountains look shadowed behind the sunset. Great job hunny!!
- Heather (Mother) on December 30, 2019
Hi Shae! How did you make this? The colors are soooo beautiful!! Does it have a loop on the top so you can wear it as a necklace? I can't wait to see this in person so I can feel it! It looks so smooth!! Keep up the good work!
- Gamma on November 13, 2019
Hi Shae!! Nice job drawing Mickey Mouse!!Did you use a stencil to do this? It reminds me of your trip to Disney with Mom!
- Gamma on November 13, 2019
Hi Shae! You'll need to explain this one to me! It looks very interesting and like you've put a lot of time into it!
- Gamma on November 13, 2019
This is pretty cool!! Your artwork contains a theme! Water and Summer time!!
- Gamma on November 13, 2019
I can't wait to see this when it's all painted!
- Gamma on November 13, 2019
Hi Shae!! This beach is so pretty, I can almost hear the waves crashing! My favorite part is the sand, but I do LOVE the blue sky too! I can't wait to see more artwork!!
- Gamma on November 13, 2019
Wow!!! Beautiful job Shae. I love the sky too! Can’t wait to see more of your artwork this year.