Beautiful job Tater Tot! Is that you and Tango riding in the balloon? :)
- Daddy on October 24, 2019
Taylor, I love this piece of artwork! The hot air balloon is very colorful and has a very cool pattern. Should we go for a ride in one of these sometime?? Keep up the great work! ~ Uncle Brad
- Brad on October 17, 2019
What a colorful balloon? Let's go for a ride! Papa mo
- Dave on October 17, 2019
Looks like a bug resting. Great work! -- Papa Dave
- on May 21, 2019
Good work! I sure like pottery! -- Papa Dave
- on May 21, 2019
Taylor, I just love your bug picture. Did you give your bug a name? Maybe we can catch some this summer. No bees though!! Love, Gimmie Sue. -- Sue
- on May 16, 2019
Taylor, Great job on this project! Although, I have to say I am glad the bug is not real and simply a piece of artwork. Keep up the great work! -- Uncle Brad
- on May 9, 2019
Wild Thing is a great way to describe this piece of artwork! I am not sure if I should be scared of this creature or not :)! Love the bright colors! Great work Taylor! ~ Uncle Brad -- Brad
- on April 25, 2019
Taylor, Excellent work! This piece of artwork is so colorful! Keep up the great work! ~ Uncle Brad -- Brad
- on April 25, 2019
Taylor, I just love your artwork. Is this from an Eric Carle book? What beautiful colors!!! You are such a talented artist!!! Hugs, Gimmie. XOXOXO -- Sue
- on April 18, 2019
I love the picture of all the fish! I like the big one with the pink tail. So neat!!!! -- Papa Dave
- on January 24, 2019
Great work Taylor! I like the pop of color at the top of this piece of artwork! Great use of abstract shapes to create animals and other objects! Proud of you! ~ Uncle Brad -- Brad
- on January 17, 2019
Taylor, great job on this collage project! You used lots of great colors! ~ Uncle Brad -- Brad
- on December 3, 2018
Taylor, great work on this piece of artwork. I love all of the colors! There is great contrast in the different sections but they all still seem to tie together nicely! Keep up the good work! -- Uncle Brad
- on November 14, 2018
Taylor, what beautiful colors!! I just love seeing your artwork. You are doing a super job!!! Gimmie -- Sue
- on November 14, 2018
Taylor, I love all the colors in your design. I am so impressed!! You did a beautiful job!! Love, Gimmie. XOXO -- Sue
- on October 9, 2018
Taylor, I love your first piece of artwork! I really like all of the bright colors and the consistency in your design. Keep up the great work! I can’t wait to see more of your work throughout the school year! -- Uncle Brad