Stephanie9986's Comments (128)

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Below are comments about Stephanie9986's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I did not know, but now I do know! Pointillism, in painting, the practice of applying small strokes or dots of color to a surface so that from a distance they visually blend together. The technique is associated with its inventor, Georges Seurat, in such works as A Sunday on La Grande Jatte—1884 (1884/86) and Bathers at Asnières (1884). He and his student, Paul Signac, both espoused Neo-Impressionism, a movement that flourished from the late 1880s to the first decade of the 20th century. Get the point? :)
- Nannie & GrandDad on October 19, 2024
One of these days, you must visit a great aquarium tunnel in the Bahamas. The aquarium at Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas has undergone many renovations and expansions since it first opened. The island was originally called Hog Island and was a tropical island before developers began building hotels in the 1960s. Atlantis Paradise Island opened in 1988. It now has 14 lagoons that hold eight million gallons of water and house 50,000 aquatic animals. The aquarium includes the Predator Lagoon, Mayan Temple Sharks Lagoon, Ruins Lagoon, and Estuary Lagoon. It features over 250 marine species, including sharks, barracudas, rays, sawfish, giant grouper, and Caribbean reef sharks. Atlantis Paradise Island is also home to Dolphin Cay, a marine animal conservation and education center that opened in 2007. Dolphin Cay is home to dolphins, sea lions, Nassau grouper, conch, and sea stars. It also has the Caribbean's first animal rescue and rehabilitation hospital. Guaranteed you will enjoy it!
- Nannie and GrandDad on October 19, 2024
Awesome job Steph!!! Love it!
- Margaret on September 11, 2024
Did you know Edvard Munch in 1893? He painted the original SCREAM, and you painted the revisited/revised SCREAM in 2024. But I like ICE CREAM better. <ha-ha> But then again, if I close my eyes, it looks like Snoopy dancing! So I do like your Scream Revised, but only if you say it is Snoopy!
- GrandDad and Nannie on July 3, 2024
Very good! Did you know that there is a famous artwork called Drawing Hands by the Dutch artist M. C. Escher? It was first printed in January 1948. It depicts a sheet of paper, out of which two hands rise, and one hand is drawing another hand into existence. This is one of the most obvious examples of Escher's common use of paradox. So your hand was drawing another hand too!
- Grandad and Nannie on February 29, 2024
Outstanding work, I love it.
- Grandpa on February 29, 2024
Awesome job Steph!!! ?? Grandma!!!
- Margaret on February 29, 2024
What a BRIGHT idea! Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847. When he went to school his teachers didn’t think he was very good at school work – his mom wasn’t too pleased with the teachers for suggesting this so she taught him at home. He was always fascinated by experimentation and built his own laboratory in the basement of his family’s house where he would try mixing chemicals and making things. Edison was keen to develop a lightbulb that would stay lit for a long period of time and that would have a gentle light. He hoped it could be used in homes. Once he had developed a domestic ‘incandescent’ lightbulb he knew that homes would need electricity to power them, so he also worked on developing an electrical power distribution system. His first electricity distribution system was opened in 1887 in New York. In 1887, Edison opened a new laboratory in a place called West Orange, New Jersey, where he continued to develop his ideas for inventions. Throughout his life Edison developed and patented over 1000 inventions – the most anyone has ever managed. His most important inventions apart from the incandescent lightbulb were the phonograph which records and replays sound, and motion pictures – the recording and replaying of images. Edison lived until he was 84 years old.
- Nannie & GrandDad on January 17, 2024
Great job Steph!!! ??
- Margaret on January 11, 2024
FIVE LITTLE EVERGREENS Five little evergreens outside in a row. The first one said, "Let's look at the snow." The second one said, "Oh-oh, it's getting cold." The third one said, "Christmas is coming so I'm told." The fourth one said, "I hope someone decorates me." The fifth one said, "We'll just have to wait and see." And Stephanie said, “Don’t you worry, all of you will be decorated for a Merry Christmas!”
- Nannie & GrandDad on December 28, 2023
Yuck-a-doodle! It is made of Sugar (maybe ok), Corn Syrup (oops, bad for you), Buffered Lactic Acid (really what is this?), Artificial Flavors (horrible stuff, but delicious), Pear Juice Concentrate (yum, apple and grape too!), Blue 1 (I would like Blue ZERO instead!), Natural and Artificial Flavor (Natural is good, but pretend flavor is yucky), Red 3, Red 40 Lake, Blue 1 Lake (too many lakes!), Titanium Dioxide (is this sun block?), Yellow 5 Lake (another lake…I like Spring Lake better.) I like the art! I thought it was a diamond ring for me?!
- Nannie & GrandDad on November 17, 2023
Well done Grandpa
- Grandpa on October 21, 2023
Apples in the attic, Apples in the hall, Apples in the summer, Apples in the fall. Apples make you healthy, Apples make you tall. I will eat some apples, I will eat them all! (You are the apple of my eye!)
- Grandad and Nannie on October 5, 2023
Awesome job Steph!!! ??
- Margaret on October 5, 2023
Once upon a time, a fluffy brown puppy named Max was wandering through a field when he stumbled across a tiny, white bunny named Bonnie. Despite their differences, the two became fast friends, playing and chasing each other around the field. Max would wag his tail excitedly as Bonnie darted in and out of his legs, giggling in delight. As the sun began to set, the tired duo nestled down together, curled up next to each other in a patch of soft grass. "My nose is tickling me" said Max. "So is mine" said Bonnie. "ah, aH, AH, CHOO!" they both said at the same time!
- GrandDad and Nannie on May 10, 2023
I like this very. Well done Steph
- Grandpa on May 10, 2023
Awesome job Steph!!! ??
- Margaret on May 10, 2023
Well done! Did you know there are many famous artists who did self-portraits? Here is a list of 29. There are many more. 1 Albrecht Dürer 2 Leonardo da Vinci 3 Rembrandt van Rijn 4 Gustave Courbet 5 Claude Monet 6 Paul Gauguin 7 Vincent van Gogh 8 Paul Cézanne 9 Edvard Munch 10 Pablo Picasso 11 Frida Kahlo 12 Salvador Dali 13 Marcel Duchamp 14 Norman Rockwell 15 Andy Warhol 16 Chuck Close 17 Cindy Sherman 18 Jean-Michel Basquiat 19 Keith Haring 20 Lucian Freud 21 Gerhard Richter 22 Louise Bourgeois 23 Yayoi Kusama 24 In addition, many artists throughout history have opted to instead include themselves in unexpected compositions. Some of these sneaky self-portraits were done by: 24.1 Jan van Eyck 24.2 Raphael 24.3 Michelangelo 24.4 Diego Velázquez 24.5 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 24.6 Stephanie Lynch… she is the sneakiest!
- GrandDad and Nannie on April 26, 2023
Great job!!! Love ya!!!
- Margaret on April 26, 2023
Very interesting well done Steph.
- Grandpa on April 26, 2023
Close your eyes and breathe With snow just a flurry The winter evergreen And the children scurry Up the mountains they go And look down into the snow What a green carpet it paints These evergreens down below Their faces all aglow The soft twinkle in all their eyes With snowflakes on their nose And mom’s fresh baked apple pie The children now fast asleep Tired from their play But please dear reader do not weep We will play another day --- by Katy Lavasser (January 2023)
- Grandad and Nannie on January 26, 2023
Well done, it is a great picture and I like it very much
- Grandpa on January 26, 2023
One of your best! Aunt Dalia
- Dalia on January 26, 2023
Wow that is beautiful Steph! Love it!!!
- Margaret on January 26, 2023
I went and bought a pumpkin From Farmer Benny's Stand He said it was the grandest That ever grew on his land. It was fourteen inches wide And weighed thirty-two pounds. And, it had a stem that twisted All the way around. I took it home and stared at it To decide what I should do. Should I carve a scary face; Or, should I just carve "Boo!?" Well, I took a knife and cut away But it was not easy. My scary mouth was upside down And became a grin so cheesy. My pumpkin is not scary As I wanted it to be. But, it's still the grandest pumpkin In all the world to me!
- GrandDad and Nannie on November 16, 2022
Love it Steph!!! ??
- Margaret on November 16, 2022
Very well done I love it Grandpa
- Grandpa on November 2, 2022
Black cats and Halloween symbols stems from the Celtic festival Samhain. Legend has it that the spectral cat, Cat Sìth, haunts the Scottish Highlands. On Samhain, it was believed that the Cat Sìth—a Celtic fairy creature that was said to resemble a large black cat with a white spot on its chest—would bless any house that left a saucer of milk out for it to drink. Likewise, the Cat Sìth cursed those houses that did not leave out a saucer of milk. The association of cats with Samhain likely also carried over into Halloween. Hope your black cat loves the saucer of milk at sunset on Halloween!
- Grandad and Nannie on October 24, 2022
That is really nice Steph!!! ??
- Margaret on October 24, 2022
Amazing. Did you know that The Starry Night is an oil-on-canvas painting by the Dutch Post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June 1889 (over 130 years ago!), it depicts the view from the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of an imaginary village. It has been in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City since 1941. The Starry Night is one of the Van Gogh's most recognizable paintings in Western art. And now we have a real Van Gogh in our family!
- GrandDad and Nannie on September 21, 2022
well done I like it very much.
- Grandpa on September 21, 2022
Great job Steph!!! Love Grandma & Grandpa ??
- Margaret on September 21, 2022
Fred the Flamingo asks, “Did you know?” I can be 4 to 5 feet tall and 5 to 6 pounds. I can live 20 to 30 years. I like the Caribbean the best in lagoons, lakes, or anywhere where there is mud and water. I eat shellfish and algae. And then we like parties! We communicate through honking and growling, and this helps keep the packs together. Flamingo is the Latin word for “flame.”
- Grandad and Nannie on June 22, 2022
very nice picture great job
- Grandpa on June 22, 2022
Love it! ?? Grandma!!!
- Margaret on June 22, 2022
Turtles swim swiftly in the sea Its fins propellers from its shell From the predators it can quickly flee Because turtles can go in land or sea Which makes this task quite easy So being a turtle is pretty cool, you can tell Being able to swim in the deep sea And having a home that's a shell
- Grandad and Nannie on June 1, 2022
Awesome job Steph! ?? Grandma & Grandpa!!!
- Margaret on June 1, 2022
The Color of the Rain--- What is the color of rain? First of all, start by describing each rain drop. Like the red for the rose that blossoms. Of course, gold that comes at the end of a rainbow. Can't forget about green in which most things grow. Orange from the sun’s glow being so awesome. With blue being for day and midnight that never stops. And all other colors that's not mentioned, but remain... Oh no! I do not have an umbrella like you do, but I feel the colors on my skin; the rain has always been my happiness over and over again.
- Grandad and Nannie on May 11, 2022
I like this very much. Well done Steph love Grandpa
- Grandpa on May 11, 2022
Awesome job!!! Love Grandma & Grandpa!!!
- Margaret on May 11, 2022
great picture, outstanding work Love , Grandpa
- Grandpa on May 4, 2022
A man and a woman on an old river decided to float. They opted to glide on inner tubes instead of in a boat. In an inner tube, they heard…stress and troubles will decrease… So in their inner tubes…on that old river…they searched for inner peace… They were the only two on the river save for some geese and two fishermen and somewhere along the river..they found their tubing Zen. As you float along the river…you tend to forget any problems you have had because in the middle of the river it's impossible to be sad. So if you happen to see a man and woman… floating on a river near some geese…. chances are, if they're on an inner tube… they've found their inner peace.
- Grandad and Nannie on April 27, 2022
Awesome job Steph! ??
- Margaret on April 27, 2022
The Peacock and Stephanie, Went a' walking. Says the Peacock, "What shall we do on this fine day?" Stephanie said, "Why not find some bread?" So off they went. The Peacock and Stephanie, Went a' wandering. Says the Peacock, "Alas my friend, I do not see any bread" Stephanie replies, "What a shame, Let us retreat to the barn again," So off they went. The Peacock and Stephanie, Went a' ambling. Says the Peacock, "Alas the sun has come up, We have wasted our day" Replies Stephanie, "For you yes, But boy did I get some exercise" So off they slept.
- Grandad and Nannie on March 23, 2022
Awesome job Steph! Love Grandma & Grendpa!!!
- Margaret on March 23, 2022
Do you know Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan? He was born in the Netherlands in 1872 and was a Dutch painter and art theoretician who is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. He is known for being one of the pioneers of 20th-century abstract art and his increasingly abstract style reached a point where it was reduced to simple geometric element. We thought you were getting a brown or tan puppy. Looks like you are getting a puppy with lots of rainbow colors instead! Woof!
- Grandad and Nannie on February 9, 2022
This a great picture I love all the colors well done. Love Grandpa
- Grandpa on February 9, 2022
Awesome and very colorful!!! ??
- Margaret on February 2, 2022
Once there was a snowman Who stood outside the door Thought he’d like to come inside And run around the floor; Thought he’d like to warm himself By the firelight red Thought he’d like to climb up on that big white bed So he called the North Wind, “Help me now I pray. I’m completely frozen, Standing here all day.” So the North Wind came along And blew him in the door, And now there’s nothing left of him But a puddle on the floor! --- I see TWO snowmen! One is hiding in the mountain far far away!
- Grandad and Nannie on December 29, 2021
Awesome job! Grandma & Grandpa love it!!!
- Margaret on December 21, 2021
I like your flower very much Love Grandpa
- Grandpa on November 17, 2021
Fun Facts about sunflowers! -- Each sunflower is actually thousands of teeny flowers. -- Each sunflower can contain as many as 1,000 to 2,000 seeds. -- There are about 70 species of sunflowers. -- The tallest sunflower on record was over 30 feet tall! -- Sunflowers track the sun. -- Sunflower meanings include happiness, optimism, and honesty. -- So stay happy! Be positive! Honestly!
- Grandad and Nannie on November 17, 2021
Beautiful Steph! ??
- Margaret on November 17, 2021
-I went a bought a pumpkin From Farmer Benny's Stand He said it was the grandest That ever grew on his land. -It was fourteen inches wide And weighed thirty-two pounds. And, it had a stem that twisted All the way around. -I took it home and stared at it To decide what I should do. Should I carve a scary face; Or, should I just carve "Boo!?" -Well, I took a knife and cut away But it was not easy. My scary mouth was upside down And became a grin so cheesy. -My pumpkin is not scary As I wanted it to be. But, it's still the grandest pumpkin In all the world to me!
- Grandad and Nannie on November 10, 2021
Awesome job Steph! ??
- Margaret on November 10, 2021
THREE LITTLE FOXES Furry red Fox kits in a Pile of three Bringing a smile To the face of me Are they sly and Are they slick? Are they ready To tumble and Rumble and flip? They look so tame Just sitting there I want to run my Fingers through Their red hair!!!
- Grandad and Nannie on October 6, 2021
Well done, I like it very much. Grandpa
- Grandpa on October 6, 2021
Awesome j
- Awesome job Steph!!! Love Grandma & Grandpa! N on October 6, 2021
What a wonderful fantasy landscape! It is beautiful, mystical, mysterious and maybe a little bit spooky? A fantasy landscape can suggest a supernatural world, and nothing that you can see every day. It is beautiful, and only in your memory, dreams or mind! I see Cinderella’s Castle at Disneyworld, with a flying unicorn in the sky nearby, floating over a large green tree with its roots growing above ground! All of it is sandwiched in a landscape of a red strawberry, purple cabbage, lots of blueberry shrubs (yum) and a yellow cornfield. I can see it when I close my eyes!
- Grandad and Nannie on June 23, 2021
Absolutely beautiful!!! Great job Steph! Love Grandma & Grandpa!!!
- Margaret on June 23, 2021
I'm dizzy! The fish are all swirling around! Around and around they go. And they end up in... JAPAN! They all end up as Kamaboko, a Japanese Fish Cake. It is used to make imitation crab. Made from a white fish paste (called surimi), it is either steamed, grilled, fried, or boiled. There are many different types of kamaboko, from red to pink and white, all SWIRLED and rolled into tube shapes! So the fishes are still swirling!
- Grandad and Nannie on May 26, 2021
Great job, I love it
- Grandpa on May 19, 2021
Awesome job Steph!!! Love Grandma & Grandpa!!!
- Margaret on May 19, 2021
Dr. Seuss wrote a book called My Many Colored Days in 1996. What color are you today? Are you blue or red or gray? It is rainy today, so I am blue. Tomorrow I will be yellow – a sunny day! My hair is red - and yellow - and purple! I must be energized – and cheery – and wise! All rolled into one!
- Grandad and Nannie on April 21, 2021
Another fine job!!! ??
- Margaret on April 21, 2021
What a picture! We love it! Nice to see the balance of bright and dark! The sun and moon represent different things in different cultures but the one thing that is common in all of them is their polarity. The sun symbolizes firmness, strength and power while the moon represents calmness, beauty, nurturing. Balance! If it is a clear cloudless night in Wall on March 28, look up in the sky to see the full moon! You can wear pajamas. And on the sun, sun spots are darker than the surrounding areas. They are places of cooler temperatures caused by concentrations of magnetic field flux that inhibit convection. Oh boy… what does this mean? Ask dad :) Anyway, never, never look at the sun directly. It will hurt your eyes!
- Grandad and Nannie on March 17, 2021
I love this work it is very well done.
- Grandpa on March 17, 2021
Laurel Burch artwork began in the 1960s when she first created stunning jewelry hammered out on the back of a cast iron pan to support herself and her baby daughter. Her work themes Mythical Horses, Fantastic Felines (cats), Florals and more. You really captured the style of Laurel! You can see more on-line at Laurel Burch studios. Meow.
- Grandad and Nannie on February 3, 2021
Awesome job Steph!!! ??????
- Margaret on February 3, 2021
Awesome job Steph! Love Grandma & Grandpa
- Margaret on February 3, 2021
Red-nosed Rudolph by William Worthless Nov 2013 There was once a reindeer Rudolph was his name Not like all the others He was not the same He was very special He pulled a Christmas sleigh Taking lots of presents To deliver Christmas day He had a big red nose And it used to glow Whenever he was there Everyone would know He loved all the children And he loved them so The children they would smile At his nose a-glow Rudolph he was special They all knew his name Without him there at Christmas It wouldn’t be the same
- Grand Dad & Nannie on December 23, 2020
Great job!!! Love ?? ya!!!
- Margaret on December 16, 2020
Did you know that my seahorse friends and I are commonly named “Lined seahorse”? And that we can grow up to 5 inches? We live mostly in shallow waters among grasses. And we eat brine shrimp and other live zooplankton. We stay away from crabs, skates, rays and humans. (But we like you!)
- Grandad and Nannie on December 2, 2020
Great work Steph, Grandpa
- Kevin on December 2, 2020
Awesome job Steph! Love ?? Grandma!!!
- Margaret on December 2, 2020
I'm a T-rex, big and mean. I'm the BIGGEST and BADDEST dinosaur on the scene. When people see me coming, They run and scream. (Unless of course I sneeze a rainbow!)
- Grandad and Nannie on November 25, 2020
I like this very much. Good job Steph from Grandpa
- Kevin on November 25, 2020
With these crayons I could draw... A crazy purple dinosaur. An orange mouse with yellow cheese. A big black dog with big brown fleas. A sporty blue tennis racket. And a white tennis ball that flies like the breeze.
- Grandad and Nannie on November 18, 2020
Great job Steph!!! Love ??!
- Margaret on November 18, 2020
I'm a scary scarecrow stuffed with hay. Here I stand in a field all day. When a crow comes by, you can hear me shout, "Hey silly crow, you'd better get out!"
- Grand Dad & Nannie on November 11, 2020
Great job Steph!!! We love ya!!!
- Margaret on November 11, 2020
The chestnut trees turned yellow, The oak like sherry browned, The fir, the stubborn fellow, Stayed green the whole year round. But O the bonny maple How richly he does shine! He glows against the sunset Like ruddy old port wine.
- Grandad and Nannie on November 4, 2020
Absolutely beautiful!!!
- Margaret on November 4, 2020
Jellyfish stew, I'm loony for you, I dearly adore you, Oh, truly I do, You are creepy to see, Revolting to chew, You slide down inside With a Hullabaloo. You're soggy, you’re smelly, You taste like shampoo, You bog down my belly With oodles of goo, Yet I would glue noodles And prunes to my shoe, For one oozy spoonful Of jellyfish stew!
- Grand Dad & Nannie on October 21, 2020
Great job Steph! Grandma & Grandpa Love ya!!!
- Margaret on October 21, 2020
Awesome job!!!
- Margaret on March 4, 2020
The dog saw the rolled up newspaper on the driveway. So did the cat. The dog barked "Woof, woof" and ran outside. But the cat would have none of that. She sneaked out the back door, and flew into the driveway and grabbed the rolled up paper so fast that the dog just said in a sad voice "woof." They both went inside the house and into the family room. And then the cat said "meow" and unrolled the paper and shared the funnies with the dog. Both had a good laugh and both rolled over the paper and made a big mess on the floor.
- Grandad and Nannie on March 4, 2020
Their suits are black and their vests are white. They waddle to the left and they waddle to the right. They stand on the ice and they look very neat, As they waddle along on their little flat feet. Oops! No more waddling; We've got to sliiiiide!
- Grandad and Nannie on March 4, 2020
Where snow-drifts are deepest he frolics along, A flicker of crimson, a chirrup of song, My Cardinal-Bird of the frost-powdered wing, Composing new lyrics to whistle in Spring.
- Grandad and Nannie on March 4, 2020
Great job Steph! Love Grandma & Grandpa!!!
- Margaret on February 20, 2020
Winter Morning Poem By Ogden Nash Winter is the king of showmen, Turning tree stumps into snow men And houses into birthday cakes And spreading sugar over lakes. Smooth and clean and frosty white, The world looks good enough to bite. That's the season to be young, Catching snowflakes on your tongue! Snow is snowy when it's snowing. I'm sorry it's slushy when it's going. So what flavor was it? Strawberry? Blueberry? Snowberry?
- Grand Dad & Nannie on January 23, 2020
Great job Steph!!!
- Margaret on January 23, 2020
Did you know? Sailors used to wear winter hats with pom-poms. Why? Because when they were out at sea and the waters were rough, they wouldn't bash their heads. It gave them extra protection, just by putting that little pom-pom on their hat. In the Upper Peninsula, Michigan, they wear a winter hat called a “chook” (or chuke). Some have a ball on the top. A Canadian 'tuke' is a knitted hat worn in winter, usually with a very large pom-pom sticking out of the top.
- Grand Dad & Nannie on December 26, 2019
Awesome job Steph!!!
- Margaret on December 26, 2019
On Splat's first day at Cat School, he was very worried. What will school be like? Will he make it through the day? He sure did! He learned how to catch mice and purr and meow at people. What a cat!
- Grand Dad & Nannie on November 20, 2019
Great job Steph! Love the cat!!!
- Margaret on November 20, 2019
Glinda: Are you a good witch or a bad witch? Dorothy: Who me? I’m not a witch at all, witches are old and ugly. Glinda: Well, is that the witch? Dorothy: Who, Toto? Toto’s my dog.
- Grand Dad & Nannie on November 11, 2019
Pumpkin pumpkin big and round, I'm glad you grow upon the ground. I'm glad you don't grow in a tree for then you might fall down on me.
- Grand Dad & Nannie on October 27, 2019
Great job Steph! You are beautiful! Love Grandma & Grandpa
- on October 4, 2019
It really looks like you! Hooray!
- on October 4, 2019
Hi! I am a cat and my name is Bimbo. And Paul Klee drew me! And now you draw me! Meow... I am in color and feel much better than before when I was being drawn with sidewalk chalk.
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on June 19, 2019
Hello! My name is Henri. And my name is Matisse. And my name is just Goldfish! There used to be four of us but one got away! We love swimming in the water.
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on June 5, 2019
Awesome job Steph!!! Grandma & Grandpa loved it!!!
-- Margaret
- on June 5, 2019
I'm a very hungry yellow caterpillar and am very tired. I think I will wrap myself up into a cozy cocoon and sleep a bit. In a few short or long days I will be beautiful! It will be a multicolored BUTTERFLY when I awake!
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on May 22, 2019
That is really great Steph!!! Love it!
-- Margaret
- on May 22, 2019
Woo Whoo! This tiger is really, really, really OLD! Rousseau painted this tiger over 120 years ago in a lightning storm! Now it is back at Old Mill! How wonderful and exciting!
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on April 17, 2019
Nice! Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton's experiments with light in 1672 named all the colors of the rainbow? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet ...but I like VIOLET the BEST!
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on April 10, 2019
Great job Steph!!!
-- Margaret
- on April 10, 2019
Hello little pigeon With your feathers so neat. What are you looking for? Something to eat?
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on March 20, 2019
Hi! My zebra name is Valentino. What's your name? Do your stripes go up and down or do they go back and forth?
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on February 20, 2019
Keep up the good work Steph!!! We love ya!!!
-- Margaret
- on February 20, 2019
Brrrr! I'm COLD! The Polar Bear never makes his bed; He sleeps on a cake of ice instead. He has no blanket, no quilt, no sheet, Except the rain and snow and sleet. He drifts about on a white ice floe, While cold winds howl and blizzards blow, And the temperature drops to forty below.
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on February 13, 2019
Great job Steph! You are getting better & better! Grandpa & Grandma Love you!!!
-- Margaret
- on February 13, 2019
Reindeer arms?!!! Yay! A chubby little snowman, Had a carrot nose; Along came a rabbit, And what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny, Looking for his lunch, ATE the snowman’s carrot nose . . . Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on January 30, 2019
Wow Steph this is one of your best! Grandpa & Grandma love it!!!
-- Margaret
- on January 30, 2019
Great job Steph!!!
-- Margaret
- on January 16, 2019
Way to go Steph!!! Love grandma & grandpa!!!
-- Margaret
- on January 16, 2019
Pretty Penguin! - I know a little penguin. Who sat on some blocks. He swam in the ocean And he climbed on some rocks. He snapped at a seagull. He snapped at a seal. He snapped at a fish. Oh, what a meal!
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on January 16, 2019
This is beautiful!!! Great job Steph! Love Grandma & Grandpa!!!
-- Margaret
- on December 19, 2018
Looks like the Christmas Tree farm where we cut our trees! I like the one with the white topping; yum.. snow covered trees are almost good to eat!
-- Grand Dad & Nannie
- on December 19, 2018
Gobble, gobble... don't eat me!
-- Grandad
- on December 12, 2018
Why did the TURKEY cross the road? To get to the other side! Gobble-Gobble!
-- Grandad
- on November 21, 2018
Great job Steph!
-- Margaret
- on November 21, 2018
Purple hair? Green face? Blue ears? ... Looks like me!
-- Grandad
- on November 21, 2018
Great job Steph!!! Love Grammy & Grandpa!!!
-- Margaret
- on November 7, 2018
Woo hoo! I'm scared. It looks like a really mean spider. (But it has a nice colorful sweater which will keep it warm in the wintertime!)
-- Grandad & Nannie
- on November 1, 2018
Awesome job Steph! Love Grandma & Grandpa!!!
-- Margaret
- on September 26, 2018
Something's fishy here... Oh no it's Stephanie!
-- Grandad & Nannie
- on September 19, 2018