Hank1253's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Hank1253's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hank, I really like this drawing as it is so very creative! Love you and cannot wait to see you for Christmas! Connie
- Connie on December 28, 2023
Hank, how beautiful I love the pottery urn and you did a great job making it look authentic Love you, Connie
- Connie on November 29, 2023
Hank this is a great picture. You have such talent. We love you Connie and Papa
- Connie on October 4, 2023
This is so cool!
- Aunt Skippy on September 28, 2023
Hank, Your artwork is awesome! Connie and I have been following it every time there is a new one posted. We think you are very talented! See you next week in Houston.
- Papa on May 9, 2023
Great job Hank! Love all of the colors. You always do such a great job. Lots of love Connie and Papa
- Connie on May 9, 2023
Hank, I have been following all of your artwork. They are all good, but this may be your best so far. Keep us the great work! Love you, Papa
- Papa on March 8, 2023
Great job Hank! This was a big job! And it looks just like the Mona Lisa! Along with your many talents, this certainly has become one of them! Papa and I are so proud of you! Love you so so much ! Connie and Papa????????????????
- Connie on March 8, 2023
Wow, Hank! What a beautiful job you did on your Mona Lisa! You are quite the artist!
- Grammy on February 7, 2023
Hank, That is so great! You are a real artist!!! Love you
- Papa on January 17, 2023
Hank, This is really great. Keep up the good work. Maybe you will be famous artist someday! Papa
- Papa on May 31, 2022
Great JOB as Always Hank! We love you and are so proud of you and your talents! We will see you in 12 days in Florida! Love Connie
- Connie on March 4, 2022
This is so cool! You had to have a lot of patience to draw each of those lines to form the face. So much detail! We like its teeth and colorful sweater too. Big hugs!
- Grammy and Grandpa Jax on December 28, 2021
Such a pretty drawing! Love the colors too. Great job!
- Grammy on November 12, 2021
Hank, What a beautiful picture! You are so creative and I am so proud of you. I cannot wait to see you Thanksgiving week. I love you very much?? Connie
- Connie on December 1, 2020
Hank, You did a fantastic job on the folk art flowers. It’s so colorful and creative. We love you, Connie and Papa ????
- Connie on October 23, 2020
Hank, This is awesome. I think you are going to be an artist. Please keep up the good work and send me the pictures. Love you, Papa
- Papa on November 21, 2019
Hank, Grammy and Grandpa Jax love your artwork! We just ordered quilt blocks for all of it. What an artist you are! Hugs
-- Grammy Teresa
- on February 26, 2019