Bryson4207's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Bryson4207's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Delightful interpretations! Love them - and you!
- Sandy on June 12, 2024
Bryson, I believe your latest art work shows a place very far north, perhaps close to where Santa lives. It is very cold with all the snow on the ground and mountains. You have beautifully drawn the Northern Lights with the water colors. Aurora Borealis is another name for the Norther Lights. Great work, Bryson!
- Sharon on March 6, 2024
Beautiful design with radiating colors! Reminds of the turtles in Hawaii surrounded by colorful fish in the ocean!!
- Sandy on November 29, 2023
Dear Bryson ~ your artwork is out of this world!! I love the ethereal quality of your colors and design. Grandma
- Sandy on March 9, 2023
Really a captivating composition! Love the background colors and patterns. A yummy interpretation:).
- Grandma on June 8, 2022
So interesting that you used crayons and pastels together! I like the curve of the table for perspective. I think I'll get a spoon and enjoy some of the mint chip! Yummy.
- Mimi on June 8, 2022
Beautiful use of color and brushstrokes!
- Grandma on June 1, 2022
How cute is this!!!! Bryson, your penguin picture just makes me smile!
- Mimi on February 9, 2022
Love your color choice, Bryson! Your picture is full of detail and most interesting.
- Mimi on January 26, 2022
Wow! I see so many different colors and buildings. I love the variety of designs in each structure and how they are all connected together. Can’t wait for you to tell me all about it!
- Marshall on January 26, 2022
Bryson, beautiful artwork! The colors are wonderful. Your art has a real sense of movement with the way you used the paints.
- Mimi on January 26, 2022
Your sense of color is *amazing*!!! Gorgeous!
- Grandma on January 12, 2022
Cool picture, Dude!! Lots of love, Grandma
- Sandy on June 9, 2021
Your painting is FABULOUS! I love the colors, and the image of the gumball machine is beautifully drawn, with the amazing detail of the colored balls.
- Sandy on May 12, 2021
Your fish has a so much personality, Bryson, as well as great colors! Mimi
- Sharon on February 26, 2020
What a gorgeous painting, Bryson! I imagine you had a wonderful story in your mind as you chose all the colors and patterns. Love, Grandma
-- Sandy
- on February 27, 2019
Bryson, your paint choice for the background and inside the heart is wonderful and so interesting. I love it. Great art work! Mimi
-- Sharon
- on February 13, 2019
Bryson, I love all of the colors and different ways of creating lines! I see a lot of creativity and thought put into this!
-- Oo-ee
- on February 9, 2019
Oh, Bryson, your polar bear is so cute! You chose wonderful background colors. I really enjoy looking at your art work. Mimi
-- Mimi
- on December 5, 2018