Colton8890's Comments (67)

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Below are comments about Colton8890's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Colton Very interesting, for me I like the symmetry I find it Algebraic, the color choices are soothing and complementary, Love it and I Love You .
- Aunt Ma on May 22, 2024
Colton I love this! can’t wait to see it in person
- Marlene on March 12, 2024
Love the colors and and overall picture!
- Aunt Ma on December 13, 2023
So proud of you buddy! This is an really cool piece of artwork you created. I look forwards to seeing more!
- Dad on September 27, 2023
Love your choice of colors very complementary
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
You are so talented!
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
I just love the colors
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
Hmmm very pretty looks like my crapemyrtle tree
- Aunt Ma on May 24, 2023
Is that you on top of the house flying! Well I think this is cool!
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
Very interesting bold colors
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
Pretty makes me think of Thanksgiving ??
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
A castle you know who I’m thinking of Belle! Very nice Hugs!
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
Color wheel! Cool!
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
Very pretty!
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
Lots of balance very nice
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
Ahhh Looks like Mountains and also reminds of the world and the moon you are so creative Hugs
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
Interesting reminds me of a tower
- Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
My favorite color I also find the circle calming
- Marian Guttadauro Aunt Ma on May 17, 2023
Reminds me of a Starry Night!
- Aunt Ma(fan) on May 10, 2023
- Aunt Ma(fan) on May 10, 2023
Im proud of your art work too, you are imaginative and creative
- Aunt Ma(fan) on May 10, 2023
Yummy Donuts!
- Aunt Ma(fan) on March 29, 2023
Love the donuts. Look good enough to eat! Love Grandma
- Marlene on February 22, 2023
This looks awesome. Love it! Grandma
- Marlene on February 17, 2023
Wow! this is very interesting! I had to look at it twice, Love your eyes my soulful nephew, keep up the very good and interesting art.
- Aunt Ma on October 19, 2022
Wow! I absolutely Love this! very abstract and eye appealing, Well done!
- Aunt Ma on September 21, 2022
Wow Colton. That is really good. Love grandma
- Marlene on September 21, 2022
Colton, Auntie loves the underwater seascape, I Love the colors and the calmness of the picture,
- Aunt Ma on March 24, 2022
Colton This is so beautiful Love Grandma
- Marlene on March 24, 2022
Love this Colton. Can’t wait to see it in person. Love grandma
- Marlene on March 9, 2022
Love this Colton. Can’t wait to see it in person. Love grandma
- Marlene on March 9, 2022
Love this leaf. It could have been a part of your diorama of the rain forest
- Marlene on December 15, 2021
So pretty love the harmony of the colors
- Aunt Ma on June 9, 2021
Love this one it looks so blustery I can feel the movement of the wind!
- Aunt Ma on June 9, 2021
This is awesome. I may have to get a print of this one!
- Marlene on May 12, 2021
This is so pretty love the use of all the different colors
- Aunt Ma on May 12, 2021
Love this buddy. It’s so colorful.
- Marlene on May 12, 2021
Love all your art work buddy but not as much as I love you!
- Marlene on May 12, 2021
Colton I Love this picture it is really beautiful so much symmetry!
- Aunt Ma on May 12, 2021
This fish is so pretty looks like you used paper to construct your picture very clever.
- Aunt Ma on May 12, 2021
awwww makes me want to go sailing
- Aunt Ma on May 12, 2021
Love this colorful wheels and the owl is so cool
- Aunt Ma on May 12, 2021
Great picture makes me wanna ride my bike
- Richie Sr on March 2, 2021
Great picture makes me wanna ride my bike
- Richie Sr on March 2, 2021
Beautiful Again I like the balance in this picture
- Aunt Ma on March 2, 2021
Love the colors and balance
- Aunt Ma on March 2, 2021
This is one appeals to me and makes me smile
- Aunt Ma on March 2, 2021
In this picture I like that fact that I can detect depth
- Aunt Ma on March 2, 2021
I particularly like the colors that are utilized in this picture. Nicely Done
- Aunt Ma on March 2, 2021
What I Love about this picture is the symmetry
- Aunt Ma on March 2, 2021
I love it shows a lot of imagination
- Richie Sr on February 5, 2020
Dear Colton Love love love this bird. Great job!
- Marlene on December 4, 2019
I love this flower! I'm so proud of all your artwork, buddy! Mommy and daddy love you!
-- Mommy
- on December 4, 2019
Love this flower. You are doing great work love grandma
-- Marlene
- on December 4, 2019
I love this so much! I am going to get something from the store with this picture on it so I will have it always Love Grandma
-- Marlene
- on December 4, 2019
Love the snow flake so real. Love the colors you used
-- Aunt Ma
- on March 6, 2019
I love this self portrait, So life like.
-- Aunt Ma
- on March 6, 2019
Great job on this bicycle!
-- Marlene
- on January 23, 2019
Hi Colton, I love this picture. I am wondering how you did this. Please tell me the next time we are together Love, Grandma
-- Marlene
- on January 23, 2019
Love the balance and complementary colors
-- Aunt Ma
- on January 9, 2019
Love the symmetry and colors
-- Aunt Ma
- on January 9, 2019
It's spectacular! I will buy it for $1,000,000
- on November 21, 2018
Hi sweetheart Love all that you are drawing and making at school
-- Marlene
- on November 21, 2018
Hi Colton Your fish picture is so beautiful Love Grandma
-- Marlene
- on November 21, 2018
Love your pumpkin. It looks good enough to eat Love grandma and grandpa
-- Marlene
- on October 24, 2018
I love it he's got talent. Keep up the good work
-- Richie Sr
- on October 24, 2018
Colton Your pumpkin looks good enough to eat! Love grandma and grandpa
-- Grandma
- on October 24, 2018