Calvin3320's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Calvin3320's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Calvin did a perfect picture of Herman Munster!!
-- Grandma Judy
- on August 19, 2019
Wow! Super Cool Shapes!! I love the tropical blue color. Reminds me of the ocean ocean and fishing! I love this one! Looking forward to talking with you about it.
-- Mindy
- on August 19, 2019
Okay this one is pretty cool! It looks like your face at different moods through the day. If you go clock-wise starting with the happy face in the top right, it is what you look like when you wake up and the last one is like the face you make when you have to get ready for bed. What are the other faces about? Nice work! Keep it up!
-- Mindy
- on August 19, 2019
Hey Calvin I love the color in your art! Is the black part tap or did you use a marker? Just wondering what medium your using for that part. Is the color marker or crayon?
-- Mindy
- on August 19, 2019