Kyle19638's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Kyle19638's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That is a good looking giraffe.
- Sandy on June 18, 2021
The Hearts are awsome
- Sandy. on February 24, 2021
That's awesome bud, great job!
- Jason (Father) on January 28, 2021
Great job Kyle
- Sandy on February 19, 2020
That's a pretty cool color wheel eye! Keep up the good work!
- Jason on February 5, 2020
Cool pumpkins, bud!
- Jason on December 4, 2019
Great job on the poppies, it looks just like the one I made! You are a great artist.
- Sarah on November 20, 2019
Kyle, those look like real poppies growing in a field. Really good work. I really like it !
- Leaann on November 13, 2019
Great job on the flowers, buddy!
- Jason (Father) on November 11, 2019
What a great looking frog. What great work.
-- Leaann
- on May 1, 2019
Nice frog bud! Maybe those tadpoles we saw in the river will turn into a frog like this.
-- Jason
- on April 23, 2019
Awesome job!!! I really like your frog, keep up the good work.
-- Sarah
- on April 23, 2019
Cool scissors bud!
-- Jason
- on March 4, 2019
Great job bud! Love seeing your artwork.
-- Sarah
- on March 4, 2019
Awsome job on xylophone. Love your work
-- Sandy
- on February 20, 2019
Wow what a great colorful xylophone! Can't wait to see more of your art. You are very artistic. Grandma & Grandpa B
-- LeaAnn
- on February 20, 2019
Nice xylophone buddy! Keep up the good work.
-- Jason
- on February 13, 2019
Awesome xylophone!!!! I really enjoy your artwork.
-- Sarah
- on February 13, 2019
Wow, really great leaf. Can't wait to see more of your artwork.
-- Leaann
- on February 6, 2019
What an awsome job. Keep up the good work.
-- Sandy
- on January 23, 2019
I wish we had a tree with cool leaves like that....good job.. .grandpa jim
-- Jim
- on January 23, 2019
What an awsome picture. Keep up the good work. Sandy
-- Sandy
- on January 23, 2019
I wish we had a tree with cool leaves like that....good job....grandpa Jim
-- Jim
- on January 23, 2019
Great job buddy! Mom & Dad are proud of you!
-- Jason
- on January 23, 2019
This is a really awesome picture! We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
-- Sarah
- on January 23, 2019