Theodore I just love your creativity and you did a great job on this gnome
- Bill on December 28, 2023
Theodore, I like your color wheel. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.
- Bill on December 28, 2023
love seeing you art work buddy. Keep up the good work.
- bill on December 28, 2023
Wow Theodore, this is really cool. I love the colors that you used, this would be a neat background for a card or picture. Keep up the awesome creativity. Love you. New House Grandma!
- Sharon on February 24, 2021
This is amazing, I love all the detail and colors. Well done! Love you, Grandma.
- Grandma Sharon on January 27, 2021
Hi Theodore! Your name is so happy! Love the colors and all the happy faces. Great job!!
- New House Grandma on April 22, 2020
Theodore, Love the flowers and bugs, you did an awesome job. Can't wait for spring to start planting our own flowers and to see what you and grandpa do in the rock garden. Love you.
- Sharon (Grandma) on April 22, 2020
Theodore, I love your picture. It makes me think of spring and how I can't wait to get outside and walk around the lake.
- Sharon (Grandma) on April 22, 2020
Theodore, I love your picture, your attention to detail is amazing. Such as the shirts on the people, the snake in the grass, the little bug and all the other things that make this a great picture. You continue to inspire and uplift me every time I see another picture you've created. Love you! Grandma
- Sharon (Grandma) on April 22, 2020
Love the details in your artwork buddy
- Bill on December 9, 2019
Theodore love your dog. You are a great artist. Keep on sharing your work because it brings a smile to my face and make my day happy. Love you Grandpa
- Bill on December 9, 2019
Theodore, awesome Blue dog and I love his collar with Tiddles name. His little tail is sooooo cute. I like the bug you added. This picture early made me smile, we’ll done. Love you, Grandma
- New House Grandma on December 9, 2019
Theodore, I love your lion. Great job on creating him with watercolors. I’ve always wanted to do a picture with watercolors, you’ll need to show me how. Love you, Grandma
- New House Grandma on December 9, 2019
I love your artwork, the design and colors are awesome! You are an amazing artist, I look forward to seeing what you create this year. Love you??
- New House Grandma on October 10, 2019
Your puppy is adorable. I like how he's holding the bone with his tongue. You are a great artist, love your work. Love you! -- New House Grandma
- on October 10, 2019
Theodore you are so creative and I like your use of the blue and green and how you coordinated your clothes with the sky and grass. Looks like you're having a fun time running! Love you! -- New House Grandma
- on October 10, 2019
I love the details of your airplane flying in the air and getting ready to land. And how it flew during the day and was getting ready to land at night using all the lights to direct the way. Great job!! -- New House Grandma
- on October 10, 2019
Great artwork for a night sky with lots of stars. Reminds me when I was your age and saw my first and only comet in Arizona. Love it when you share your talent for art. Love you Néw house grandpa -- Bill
- on February 27, 2019
Theodore, I love your “Starry Night” picture. It reminds me of the times we’ve stood outside looking at the stars and finding some of the constellations. You are an awesome artist and super awesome grandson. Love you! -- New House Grandma
- on February 13, 2019
Wow Theodore, your artwork is awesome! You continue to amaze me with your creativity. I love the colors and designs and how you put them together. Well done. Love you! -- New House Grandma
- on December 23, 2018
Great use of space and colors. Perfect smile. Your drawing made me happy and warm all over. Keep up the great work you little artist. -- New house Gran!pa
- on December 5, 2018
Love the Big Wave artwork and the nice shades of blue in your picture. Reminds me of the time we went on a cruise ship and all we could see was ocean waves every where. Keep the fun artwork coming. Love you New house grandpa. -- New house Gran!pa
- on December 5, 2018
Theodore, I love the colors you used to create your waves. The colors remind me of the ocean when we went swimming in Hawaii. We saw lots of beautiful fish and grandpa even saw a sea turtle. Great job! Love you, Grandma -- Sharon
- on December 5, 2018
Wow Theodore, you are quite the little artist! I love your picture, she looks so happy and your sun is beautiful. Can’t wait to do some crafting with you, you are very talented! Love you! -- Sharon
- on October 31, 2018
Well done Theodore and thanks for inviting me to view your artwork. Keep up the good work and enjoy your school work. Love ya, buddy. -- Bill
- on October 17, 2018
Theodore thanks for sharing your wonderful artwork. Grandpa loves looking at your artwork and loves you too. Keep the artwork coming and good use of color and space. Love, New House Grandpa. -- Bill
- on October 15, 2018
Great job, Theodore??. I love your lion, he’s amazing! Love you?? -- Sharon
- on October 15, 2018
Good job Theodore! Your artwork looks absolutely amazing! Keep up the incredible work! -- Kaitlin
- on October 9, 2018
Good job Theo!!! Very cool colors!! -- Talen
- on October 3, 2018
Great job Bubbs! I love it! :) -- Danielle
- on September 25, 2018
Theodore I love your dot artwork. It remind me of the book we read together. Love you! -- Sharon