Ethan745's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Ethan745's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job, Ethan. I love the colors you used for this project. I can't wait to hear how you made this beautiful piece of art. Keep up the good work! Love, Gramma
- on April 19, 2009
Ethan, Thank you so much for sharing your art work with me. I think the colors you chose just make them so vibrant. I"m having a hard time choosing my favorite, because they are all so beautiful. But I think I will get a coffee cup with the winter scene so I can see it everyday. Love your Great Aunt Marian.
- on August 5, 2008
Hi Ethan, I really like to see your artwork. It is so neat to be able to see it on the web. I think you do a great job. Keep up the good work. Love, Gramma
- on February 15, 2008
I don't know why but I really like this one too. The colors are great and it has so much movement. My first thought was a summer picnic. Keep it up, you have a great eye for color and positioning. Uncle Gary
- on September 21, 2007
I really like this one. I see a fish swimming in shallow water and the sun shining through. Or am I just seeing thing? Uncle Gary
- on September 21, 2007
This looks a lot like the turkey Amber got.
- on September 21, 2007
Your art work is very good! My sister is an artist and right now she is working on an abstract painting. Your picture reminds me of hers. She says it is very hard to do but you have done an excellant job. I especially like the colors you used. I hope to see some more of your work. Thank you.
- on September 21, 2007
Ethan, This is your Great Aunt Marcia. It is such a priviledge to see your artwork. I am so excited to see the triangles and circles in this picture. How many circles do you have in the picture? Is the snowman waving to me? Do you think he will melt this summer? Greetings from the state I live in. What state do I live in? Can your mom show you on a map? Love, Great White Aunt Marcia
- on September 21, 2007
Very good art work it looks great, i like the variations of the pictures that have been done, keep up the great job, Cant wait to see more of the work put on the page.
- on December 7, 2006