Lucas413's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Lucas413's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very nice-I love the bright back ground color against all the fall colors, it pops! Your such a good little artist-I'm lucky to have you for my son ; ) Love mom xoxoxo <3<3
- on November 22, 2007
This looks like it would make a good frame-all I need is a handsome picture of you and it's set to hang up on the wall!! Love Mom
- on November 22, 2007
very very pretty.... i love it
- on June 21, 2007
Lucas, this is absolutely beautiful. I love the color choices. The blue and lavender are my favorite. The blue makes me want to play in the ocean. We should go snorkeling one day!! I can't wait to see you again. I miss you soooo much. We should have grandpa drive us to Mexico in the truck and play at the beach. Love you bunches, Grandma.
- on June 13, 2007
I love the flowers.....this one is my new favorite...great color choices..
- on June 9, 2007
Lucas this looks like a young vincent painting im proud of you
- on June 7, 2007
Lucas, I love the beautiful spring colors you chose. Right now the desert cactus are blooming beautiful shades of purple. When I drive past the desert mountains to work i can see all the golden Mexican poppy blooming along side the mountains. Your beautiful picture is just as colorful. I love and miss you very much. I can't wait till your next visit. Maybe we can go to Mexico and spend some time at the beach. Love you, Grandma.
- on April 10, 2007
Wow....your art work is awesome. I really think this one is the coolest and my favorite. I love and miss you very much. Be good in school. Auntie Kristen
- on April 9, 2007
Well done Luke! This is my new favorite. Grandma
- on April 7, 2007
I absolutely love this. It is so cool and art deco! I love all the different patterns you have going on here and the colors you use are great. Keep up all the wonderful work-MOM
- on April 6, 2007
This reminds me of the skyscrapers in Chicago. I love the way you use the different textures. If you look at it awhile this could be the mountain tops in Arizona. Excellent job. I am very proud of you!!!
- on March 15, 2007
nice apple kiddo
- on March 15, 2007
Fishy, Fishy where for ought thou little fishy oh there you are in the sea weed this one is still my favorite dude
- on March 15, 2007
Did you know that you drew this ghost rider so good they made a movie of the character nice job kiddo
- on March 15, 2007
TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!! Kirky, lurky, murky, turkey that is my nickname from G-maz
- on March 15, 2007
is that my present on the right Just wanted to say i missed you on christmas
- on March 15, 2007
this castle buildings are so realistic looking. can't wait to play some d & d with ya son. good imagination little dude keep it up
- on March 15, 2007
Lucas, I love this picture. It is shiney and beautiful. Auntie Kristen
- on March 15, 2007
- on February 25, 2007
I love this apple-it's probably my favorite out of all of your art. The colors are so bright and very well done. MOM
- on January 24, 2007
This picture makes me want to go scuba diving right into it to explore your beatiful art. It's so pretty-it looks like the fish is going to swim right off the page. MOM
- on January 26, 2007
This is so cool and scary-it looks like the skull is gonna jump out of the picture at me. I like all the bright colors you used-good job. MOM
- on January 24, 2007
I love this wonderful fall picture-I love the way you made the things in this picture different sizes to show how far away they are-can we go for a hay ride?-MOM
- on January 26, 2007
Look @ this beatiful tree...I'm gonna put this with all the Christmas decorations-so everyone can see all the beatiful artwork...MOM
- on January 26, 2007
I'm so proud of you Lucas McGucas! I see here that your talents now include painting as well as drawing. The colors are beautiful. Keep at it. Grandma
- on January 24, 2007
This apple is too pretty to eat! I like the differant layers and colors. It is a very fall festive apple.
- on January 24, 2007
What a beautiful fish! I would love to have her swimming in my aquarium.
- on December 6, 2006
This is the prettiest looking scary face I have ever seen. I am not sure if it is supposed to be a ghost face or skull head but it is creepy! Good job!
- on December 6, 2006
The tree and presents are very realistic looking. I bet your mommy will have this picture hanging up every Christmas.
- on December 6, 2006
This picture is really very good! You are a very talented young man Lucas. Keep up the good work and I will continue to view and enjoy your pictures.
- on December 6, 2006
Lucas, I love your new picture. It makes me hungry for more Thanksgiving food. I miss you and love you very much. Keep up all the wonderful art work, you are really good at drawing. Auntie Kristen
- on November 28, 2006
Wow! Looks great. Keep up the good work. I love it. Carolyn
- on November 11, 2006
You have the artists touch. You are very good at blending your colors together. I can't wait to see the original. carolyn
- on November 11, 2006
way to use your colors.....very creative....I love it....
- on November 11, 2006
Sorry kid but this dosn't look like an apple. more like you can draw the future or something. Nice try though
- on November 11, 2006
Lucas your drawing makes me want to spend some $$$ on you. It is so uplifting knowing you have a fish tank at home I'll bet thats why you chose to draw this picture. Great job dude
- on November 11, 2006
It looks like it is coming right for me.... WATCH OUT!!!
- on November 11, 2006
- on October 31, 2006
What a beautiful picture and imagination it is the kind of picture that makes you think of a sunny and happy time
- on October 31, 2006
that is the coolest painting ever! it reminds me of the screaming face that's in the museum, way to go!!!!
- on October 30, 2006
I love this picture. It is so cool. You are such a good artist.
- on October 30, 2006
I love all the bright colors. Was this painted or done with chalk? Looks like grandpa, right?
- on October 30, 2006
is this ghost rider???
- on October 24, 2006