Madison, I love your tie dye . It looks like a beautiful flower. It also looks like a big gemstone for a ring or necklace. Your hard work is showing in your masterpieces!!!! Love grandma
- on April 19, 2009
Madison , I love your stained glass window. That would really look nice up in a window with the sun shining through it! Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma
- on January 14, 2009
Hi Madison. Uncle Ryan and I really liked this! It is really cool and you did a great job. We love seeing your art work! Love you, Aunt Erika and Uncle Ryan
- on January 14, 2009
Once again amazing work Madison!!
- on February 16, 2008
Madison, this picture is so cool!Ii love the trees and the house is really neat! Keep up the good work sweetheart! I will see you soon. I love you!
- on December 13, 2007
Madison, what a wonderful and fun piece of art! You are a VERY good artist! I love you and miss you. Aunt Erika
- on October 26, 2007
Madison, Your work just keeps getting better and better. It brightens my day to see your beautiful art. Great job once again!
- on July 4, 2007
Madison, I just saw your new picture. It reminds me of spring. Also I need to go get some flowers for my deck. I hope I can find some as pretty as these. Love, Grandma
- on June 7, 2007
Hi Madison! Your artwork gets better all the time. How did you make the beautiful flowers? I think you take after me. :) Be god, I love you. Love Auntie Erika
- on June 5, 2007
Madison, Your work only gets better. This one is my favorite so far. I think I need a copy of this for my office. I'd love an original, but I'm sure the bidding has to be in the multi-millions. Keep up the amazing work! Love Ryan
- on April 9, 2007
WOW MAdison! You keep getting better and better all the time! I love the colors and shapes! I thnk this is very fun. IT makes me want to dance and play alllll day! I love you my little artist. Keep up the great work.
- on April 6, 2007
Madison, just saw your picture. Makes me want to live there. Ineed a pair of those shoes you drew last time. They match your castle. We could really have some fun with a place like that. love grandma
- on March 21, 2007
Rock on Madison!! You captured my morning look perfectly. You get an 'A' from me.
- on March 21, 2007
Madison, I just LOVE what you have done! I love all the colors you used. You are very, very talanted! I love you very much and I miss you tons. Love Auntie Erika and Ryan
- on March 16, 2007
Madison, I think this shoe is my favorite picture. It is very colorful. You and Auntie Erika should both have a pair of these shoes. You would be stylin!!!!! Love grandma.
- on February 10, 2007
Madison, I LOOOOOOVE the beautiful shoe you drew! I would love a pair jsut like it! I was so happy to get more of your artwork. It makes me smile! I love you and keep up the good work! Auntie Erika
- on February 7, 2007
Madie that is one great looking turkey!!!! Looks too good to eat. I thinkl we should save this one don't you? Love grandma ,papa wayne and steph
- on November 26, 2006
Hello MAdison! I loooooove your turkey! He's a big FAT one! I think you did a fantastic job! Keep up the good work sweetheart! Love, Auntie Erika
- on November 26, 2006
Madison, I like this Bog ol' fish! Is it a boy or a girl? I think it is very pretty! I love you and miss you, Auntie Erika
- on October 26, 2006
MAdison! I LOVE your artwork!!!!!!!!!! Seeing this this morning made my day! Keep up the good work! I love you and I miss you very much! Thank you again for inviting me to see your art work! I enjoy it so much!
- on October 26, 2006
Madison, Papa Wayne, Steph and I love your apples. Pa pa said that apple blueberries sound good. Keep up the good work. Love grandma
- on October 12, 2006
Madison, Ryan and I think you did a great job on your apples! We like them very much! Love Aunt Erika and Ryan