Jack28085's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Jack28085's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I loved this one so much I hung it on the fridge!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
I love this, Jack! The colors are making me look forward to Spring!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
That painting looks so relaxing. I would love to walk over that bridge and look into the water lilies!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
Wow, I love the colors you chose for your giant flower ... Giants colors!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
This is very cool - the center looks like a rainbow.
- Emily on March 9, 2022
I like how you drew the bear face on ... I only know how to draw them in profile!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
Jack, this is beautiful - it reminds me of the northern lights!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
Very cool camouflage, bud!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
Hey, it’s one of our favorite characters! I love the pigeon!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
This Dino is so huge, and very cool!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
What a cool rainbow! Love, Mom
- Emily on March 9, 2022
I love the colors you chose, Jack! Love, Mom.
- Emily on March 9, 2022
Cool fishy, honey, I love the colors!
- Emily on March 9, 2022
I love how the glitter sparkles like snow. Great winter tree, buddy!
-- Emily
- on March 9, 2022
Great use of color, Jack!
-- Mom
- on March 9, 2022
I love how friendly the snowman looks!
-- Mom
- on March 9, 2022
I love the bright colors you chose!
-- Emily
- on March 9, 2022
Great job writing your name!
-- Emily
- on March 9, 2022
This reminds me of my favorite season. Great Job, Jack.
-- Emily
- on March 9, 2022
Wow - great job, honey. I love the colors and where you placed to googley eyes! Love, Mommy
-- Emily
- on March 9, 2022