Reid2114's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Reid2114's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Reeds work reminds me of a beautiful yellow tulip like his Oma, Would have on her table. The Tulip cup is like spring forever Love your artwork keep up the good work, Nana
- Karina (Nana) on May 15, 2024
Reid’s drawings and pictures inspire me, I love the blue color and how happy it makes me. You go Reid you are the best.
- Karina/Nanna on May 15, 2024
Hi Reid it’s Nana, you are such a good artist. I love this picture with all the hearts and then a big heart in the middle, I bet mama was so proud of you. you definitely are my favorite artist. I can’t wait till your new project, I love you so much. You make me so happy.
-- Karina
- on May 15, 2024
Hi Reid2114 it’s Nana. I love this Watercolor picture, the Dark strong tree Stretching its branches out in the beautiful colored sky. You are so good at painting I am so proud of you I love this picture. I can’t wait for the next one Nana.
-- Karina
- on May 15, 2024
Look What a happy face with his Google he eyes. He makes me Smile
-- Karina
- on January 16, 2019
Great snowman read and look at his little mittens. You are a grate Artist.
-- Karina
- on January 16, 2019
Reid, this is the best snow man this Winter.
-- Karina
- on January 16, 2019
I see a little orange fish, swimming in the sea. He’s got a sparkly eye, and He has little dancing Fish scales of Green gold silver and black. He’s a happy little finish, just like the fish in the Big around Fishtank. Reid, I really like that you made the fish out of clay and gave him a sparkle Fish Eye.
-- Karina “Nana”
- on November 2, 2018
Reid, This is the best OWL. His big shiny eyes, Spying all the little children in the dark. He is ready to fly off with those big blue wings. He’s going and flying to your house, to watch over the chickens and the Cows. He HOUTS in your window, to tell you everything is OK And he says good night Reid you have a good night sleep. I like your OWL very much. You painted him just Wright. Love from your Nana.
-- Karina “Nana”
- on November 2, 2018
I see a strong Brown tree with rough bark, growing tall and strong. The golden leaves falling down, and the yellow leaves make it so beautiful. Reid I love Your artwork, it makes me very happy. You are a very good artist and I am proud of you. Your Nana.
-- Karina “Nana”
- on November 2, 2018