Leoni9's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Leoni9's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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As usual, another wonderful work of art, Leoni! Keep up the great work!
-- Pop Pop
- on April 26, 2019
That is yet another beautiful piece of art! It doesn't matter what medium, you are truly an artist!! Much love to you. xoxo
-- Nana
- on April 26, 2019
This is beautiful!
-- Auntie Coco
- on April 26, 2019
Another masterpiece!!
-- Nana
- on March 20, 2019
Leoni...you are amazing! So many different kinds of art and they all look amazing! I love this! Keep up the fantastic work! Love Pop Pop
-- Thomas
- on March 20, 2019
THIS IS AMAZING! I wish i could put it on my desk. You are such a GREAT sculptor! I love you!
-- Auntie Coco
- on March 20, 2019
Leoni, "Owl" be darned if that isn't the best drawing of an owl ever! WHOOOO would have ever thought you'd be that good! Love it! Pop Pop
-- Pop Pop
- on March 20, 2019
Very nicely done my dear! You are so talented and I’m so proud of you. Keep up the good work sweetie.
-- Nana
- on February 27, 2019
This is so pretty!
-- Uncle
- on February 27, 2019
Great work Leoni! Love this!
-- Uncle
- on February 27, 2019
Whoooo! I mean WOW!! Your owl is so good! You are truly an artist. I love you very much. Nana
-- Nana
- on February 27, 2019
Whhhooooo drew this? I love this owl so much! I want to hang it up somewhere.
-- Auntie Coco
- on February 27, 2019
Yet another amazing piece of art! You’re a multi-media artist. Good job sweetie!! I love you dear. Nana
-- Nana
- on January 30, 2019
That’s very nice work, Leoni! You are so talented!!!
-- Poppop
- on January 30, 2019
WOW! Is this made with yarn? It is BEAUTIFUL! You are so talented Leoni Rose. I love you so much!
-- Coco
- on January 30, 2019
Oh my gosh!! I LOVE this and I need a copy for my Halloween art collection. I love and miss you.
-- Nana
- on November 7, 2018
What a fantastic piece of art, Leoni! I'm amazed at your artwork and very proud of you! Pop Pop
-- Pop Pop
- on November 7, 2018
WHOA! This is SUPER SPOOKY and SO COOL. I really love it and i also love YOU!
-- Auntie Coco
- on November 7, 2018
I absolutely LOVE this piece of art! And you know I love the polka dot papers. You're amazing!
-- Nana
- on October 24, 2018
Leoni! I love this piece so much! You are such a talented artist.
-- Coco
- on October 24, 2018
Leoni, I want to take your art, frame it, and hang it on my wall. Such a good artist! Pop Pop
-- Tom
- on October 17, 2018
Hi sweetheart! Your work is amazing and I love the colors you used. Keep up the great work! Nana. Xoxo
-- Nana
- on October 3, 2018
This is amazing! Can I buy a piece of your artwork for $5?
-- Uncle
- on October 3, 2018
Leoni- I love seeing your art! You are so talented!
-- Coco
- on October 3, 2018
This is so cool! What are some of these things you used to make the textures?
-- Mommy
- on September 29, 2018
Leoni, this is so special and I LOVE all of the colors! You are such a great artist.
-- Mommy
- on September 29, 2018