Bryar135's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Bryar135's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Fantastic job Bryar. Your art work keeps getting better and better, keep up the good work.
-- Miguel (PopPop)
- on April 3, 2019
Bryar, I love the colors you used in this picture! It is beautiful.
-- Rah Rah
- on March 13, 2019
That's an awesome picture Bryar, great job.
-- Miguel
- on February 27, 2019
We love this so much, Bry!! You are one talented boy!! mommy and daddy are so proud of you!
-- Mommy
- on January 23, 2019
Great job, Bryar! Love, Rah Rah
-- Sarah
- on January 23, 2019
Great job, Bryar!
-- Rah Rah
- on December 5, 2018
Bryar I love this picture of the beautiful tress changing colors! It reminds me of a picture your dad made when he was in first grade that I have hanging in my room. You are so creative!
-- Momo
- on October 16, 2018
This is cool!!
-- Momo
- on October 16, 2018
LOVE all the colors Bryar! Keep up the good work!!
-- Momo
- on October 16, 2018
Way to go, Bryar! We are so proud of you!!
-- Marcela
- on October 9, 2018