Savannah! What an interesting piece of weaving! Your colors are lovely and your design really carries the eye. When I was a little girl I loved to do weaving. There is so much fun you can have with yarn! I got my T-shirt yesterday and wore it today. It's the design with the starry night! I got several compliments! -- Great Grama Judy
- on May 1, 2019
What a cool weaving!! Did you have fun going over under over under? I like how you decorated the plate too for a double layer of art. Nice colors too. Love you! -- Teresa
- on May 1, 2019
Oh, Savannah, What an interesting drawing. I would love to have you tell me about it! It looks like black paper. What do you use to draw it? There is so much detail. I like it! -- Great Grama Judy
- on January 30, 2019
This is a really cool piece, Savvy! I love the tall buildings and the big swirls in the sky. i really like how you made the border around your picture. This reminds me of a very famous piece by a very famous artist named Vincent Van Gogh. It's called "Starry Night". Did your teacher show you that painting? If not, your mom and dad can I'm sure. There are some books by James Mayhew about a girl named Katie who visits museums and goes into the paintings she sees, and a couple of them are about Van Gogh and his paintings. You are getting really good at art and might like to look at those books. I'm so glad we get to see all these great things you are making! -- Teresa
- on January 30, 2019
Really love your creative mind and visions. Your use of color cornation is great. Love it!! -- Pam
- on January 30, 2019
Wow! What great colors! Love the picture! -- Pam
- on December 12, 2018
Savannah read all your comments, loved them, and said, "Thank you!" -- Josef
- on December 8, 2018
Wow! What pretty colors and so creative! Love the pop-up art ?? -- Pam
- on December 5, 2018
Dear Savannah, What a lovely, colorful composition! It must have been fun to make!!! It sounds like your school is excellent! -- Great Grama Judy
- on December 5, 2018
What a cool piece, Savannah! Wouldn't it be awesome if we could miniaturize and activate ant powers and climb all around on it like a giant ant playground? We could run around and climb upside down and through all those colorful loops. What if?! -- Teresa
- on December 5, 2018
Very cool arrangement of the circles- reminds me of a face! :). Gluing was always tricky for me as a kid. You have stuck the circles in a very pleasing arrangement -and now they stay where you put them! Enjoy your week while we enjoy your artwork! -- Joe
- on November 23, 2018
Thanks, family, for commenting! We read all your comments to Savannah and she loves your thoughts. -- Josef
- on October 14, 2018
Very nice. The colors are lovely and the placement of the dots draws my eyes around. You have a great eye for design! -- GramaJudy
- on October 14, 2018
Gluey glue for gooey glueing! Good job, Savannah! This reminds me of Christmas time. Maybe the green and red, and the circles are like wrapping paper. Keep up the great work! -- Teresa
- on October 14, 2018
Wow -this is really cool and really would look nice next to great modern art. The ripples in green and purple...reminiscent of ripples on a pond but with a twist. I keep studying it. Well done! I hope you had fun making it. I am glad you get to learn about AND create cool art pieces. I am looking forward to more :) -- Joe
- on October 14, 2018
I really like the color blends of the leaves still on the tree! That came out looking very cool. Make sure you get to enjoy the leaves in your area. Have a great weekend! -- Joe
- on October 14, 2018
Savannah, That is a great picture. It is so balanced and so colorful! I expect more lovely things from you. You are following in Uncle Daniel's footsteps! -- GramaJudy
- on October 14, 2018
What a creative, and awesome fall landscape! I like the pumpkin ???? -- Pam
- on October 14, 2018
Super cool, Savannah! Where we live, we have very few trees that change color and lose their leaves, so it makes me happy to see your picture. Nice job! -- Teresa
- on October 14, 2018
Wow, how creative!! Really like the colors and textures. ?? -- Pam
- on September 26, 2018
What an interesting design! The 9 rectangles are unique. Looks like green is a favorite color. It's mine! -- GramaJudy
- on September 26, 2018
Very colorful and interesting. It's very similar to the first one but a little more bold. It looks like Savannah enjoys bright colors! -- Judy
- on September 26, 2018
What bright, wonderful colors and imagination! -- Pam
- on September 26, 2018
Oooo, very nice use of texture, Savannah! The large patch of green adds a calming yet meditative quality. I bet this was fun to make! -- Teri
- on September 26, 2018
So pretty! This has really nice choice of color, excellent balance! The way you grouped different colors together while having some overlap adds interest as well! Your use of movement with the black line around the colorful dots is also intriguing. Nice job, Savannah! Can't wait to see more!! -- Teri
- on September 26, 2018
What a pretty picture you made Savannah! It has many colors and shapes. I like it very much. -- Grandpa John