Tyler3134's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Tyler3134's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Tyler, Another beautiful picture!!! Love it, blue is my favorite color and love all the other colors in this too!!! Love, Aunt Janine
-- Janine
- on March 26, 2010
Love the this one! The colors and the heart are beautiful! Keep being creative! Love, Aunt Nene
-- Kristina
- on March 3, 2010
Tyler, Another great job!!!! Love the artwork you do! Love, Aunt Janine
- on March 3, 2010
Tyler, This is great!!! What an awesome picture. You're the best artist and so creative! Love Aunt Janine
- on November 18, 2009
Tyler, Looks like you are off to a great start in 3rd grade, you have been drawing really good all summer, now in art class also. Excellent job. Love, Dad
- on November 18, 2009
Love the all the colors! Great Job! Love, Aunt Nene
- on October 5, 2009
Tyler you have done it again. This is striking. The colors pop out. Keep up the good work!Lots of love. Proud Grandma
- on April 25, 2009
Tyler, Another great piece of work!!! This is great! Love, Aunt Janine
- on April 25, 2009
I am glad I did not listen to the nurse because I might have missed your birth,she told me I would be a father by dinner ,it was more like breakfast,you came into the world at 11:08 am. One of the happiest days of my life, Great job. Love Dad
- on April 25, 2009
I remember the day you were born! One of the happiest days of our lives! Keep be creative! We love you. xoxo Uncle Scott, Nene, & Baby Ella xoxo
- on January 24, 2009
Great Job! I love your use of shapes and colors. Keep up the good work! Love, Nene
- on November 20, 2008
Tyler, Another great masterpiece!!!! You are such a creative artist! Love you! Aunt Janine
- on November 20, 2008
Another great job! It's so nice to be able to see what you are doing in school. I love you xoxoxox Nene
- on October 27, 2008
Tyler, Another great piece of artwork!!! I love it! You are a really great artist. Love, Aunt Janine
- on October 27, 2008
Tyler. I really love the gumball machine! Mommy and I had one like this when we were little. It was big and red and was on a tall stand! You had to put a penny in it to get a gumball! Keep up the good work. Love Nene, Uncle Scott, & Baby Ella xoxoxox
- on October 27, 2008
Hi Tyler, Your art work gets better an better every time I see it! I especially like the Monet bridge. Awesome. Keep up the good work. Uncle Mike
- on October 14, 2008
This is beautiful! I love it. You have such talent! We have a budding artist in the family. Love, Grandma
- on September 30, 2008
Hi Tyler, I love your gumball machine!! It looks great - makes me want to get some gum! Love, Aunt Janine
- on September 30, 2008
Tyler, Can I borrow a quarter? ,this gum ball machine looks so real, great job on this art work , can not wait to see your progress through out 2nd grade. You have your Mom's artistic touch in you. Love , Daddy
- on September 30, 2008
Tyler, This is so great! It's my favorite! It looks just like the Monet paintings Mommy and I saw in Paris! I'm so proud of you. Love, Nene
- on May 13, 2008
Looks like some of Mommy's artistic ability got passed to you Tyler keep up the good work. Love Daddy
- on May 13, 2008
Tyler, This is great! I think this is your best one yet! What an artist. Love, Aunt Janine
- on May 13, 2008
Tyler, Excellent job on the self portrait, it looks like a picture of you. Keep up the good work. Love, Dad
- on February 24, 2008
Tyler, You are an amazing artist! Wow! That is a great drawing. You're just like Bop, he was a great artist too. Uncle Mike
- on February 24, 2008
Tyler, you are quite the budding artist! Is this a self portrait? I love it! Love, Aunt Kristina (Nene)
- on February 24, 2008
Tyler Love you Fall leaves. Beautiful. Keep up the good work. Love MOM
- on February 24, 2008
Keep up the creativity, and be proud of all your work. We love you Dad and Mom :)
- on March 3, 2007
Tyler, Great Job!!! You're such a good artist! Love, Aunt Janine
- on March 3, 2007
Tyler, Great job!! You are such a good artist!! Love, Aunt Janine
- on March 3, 2007
Great Job Ty, I always love your artwork :)
- on January 11, 2007
Hi Tyler, I love this new project! I think that your use of three bold primary colors against the black and white background is true genius! Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Shari
- on January 11, 2007
Hey Tyler! Great job on the collage! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see more artwork. Love, Aunt Kristina (Nene)
- on January 11, 2007
Wow Tyler! I love the way you used different shapes and such a great variety of color in your project! Thanks for sharing it with me. I can't wait to see some more of your creations as the school year progresses. Love, Aunt Shari
- on January 11, 2007
Tyler I love your Art Work- I hope you always love art like I did. Love You Mom:)
- on January 11, 2007