lincoln2326's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about lincoln2326's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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One of my favorites!! <3
- Lesta(fan) on April 6, 2022
Very pretty! The shading is so nice, Lincoln!
- Lesta(fan) on April 6, 2022
Cool tree!!
- Lesta(fan) on April 6, 2022
This is very unique. Nice job!
- Lesta(fan) on April 6, 2022
I'm going to have to use this for a Christmas decoration because I LOVE IT!!! Great job, Lincoln!!!
- Lesta(fan) on April 6, 2022
I love this lion's face! You did such a good job!
- Lesta(fan) on April 6, 2022
I never saw this one! Your mom LOVES ET! Me too!! Great job!!!
- Lesta(fan) on April 6, 2022
What could be better than hot chocolate and match on a wintery day!? Nice job!
- Lele on July 10, 2020
I see a story in this one. Nice job!!
- Lele on July 10, 2020
I love the USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!!
- Lele on July 10, 2020
Good job on all the patterns!!
- Lele on July 10, 2020
I love springtime!! YAY
- Lele on July 10, 2020
Lincoln, you did a great job with the faces and colors. Art is very good when it can make you feel emotions. You put shiny spots on the big hearts eyes, to make it look like it was going to cry. This artwork makes me sad. Good job!
- Lele on July 10, 2020
Good job!
- Lesta on July 10, 2020
I like this rabbit Lincoln. Nice job.
-- Cappy
- on July 3, 2019
This is your peeps!! I love the one in the middle that looks like he fell down! hahaha... Luv it!!!
-- Lele
- on July 3, 2019
This is my very favorite kindergartener!! Nice job Lincoln! I love the way you did the eyes! <3
-- Lesta
- on July 3, 2019
I love your texture quilt design!! The colors are really nice too! XOXO
-- Lele
- on April 24, 2019
These rainbow strips are really pretty! Nice job Lincoln!! Luv ya!
-- Lele
- on April 24, 2019
Birds are one of my favorite things to look at. I love the way you shaped your birds. Great job Lincoln!!
-- Lele
- on February 13, 2019
Lincoln, your bunny is so great!! I love him! I love the way you drew his whiskers, nose and mouth! You did such a good job!!!
-- Lele
- on February 13, 2019
I love love love your bear! And we are the Woodland Bears! This is a favorite of mine!
-- Lele
- on January 5, 2019
This is the coolest bear I’ve ever seen
-- Cappy
- on January 5, 2019
Lincoln, this is so cute! One of your favorite books! Great job with the bear.
-- Mom
- on December 7, 2018
I see all the different lines inside the colors. COOL!!!
-- Lele
- on November 5, 2018
Nice job Lincoln! I love the textures and colors! I can't wait to see what you do next! Luv you lots! Lele XOXO
-- Lele
- on November 5, 2018