Wow! You’ll have to explain this one to me but it looks pretty great! Keep up the great imagination that you have! Love Gigi and Poppy
- Gigi on April 27, 2022
Tyler, I always enjoy your artwork. Your creativity and imagination shows through in so many of your projects, and you show great skill in your artwork. Please keep up the good work.
- Poppy on April 27, 2022
Wow! You’ll have to explain this one to me but it looks pretty great! Keep up the great imagination that you have! Love Gigi and Poppy
- Gigi on April 27, 2022
I think you definitely can see James Rizzi in your buildings and colors! Great job combining your style with his. xoxo
- GeeGaw on March 2, 2022
Wow! This is a very cool vehicle and you really did great with the details on the weapons and design. Keep it up Tyler xoxo
- GeeGaw on January 8, 2022
I’m glad that you don’t judge people.Your Frog Prince looks great and I love the castle! Xoxo
- GeeGaw on May 26, 2021
Wow you’re really great at drawing Lego Tyler. I can tell that you worked really hard and it looks amazing! Xoxo GeeGaw
- GeeGaw on May 26, 2021
Looks great buddy!
- Mommy on April 7, 2021
Keep up the good work Ty!
- Gigi on February 18, 2021
Tyler what a great drawing! I like his hair it looks like Mohawk. Keep up your great work and I’m excited to see what’s next. xoxo GeeGaw
- GeeGaw on February 18, 2021
You did a great job, Tyler. I love the colors.
- Gigi on January 21, 2021
Tyler this looks like a real popsicle ! Great job and now I want a popsicle for a snack. xoxo GeeGaw
- GeeGaw on January 21, 2021
Tyler what a great piece of artwork. You did an excellent job on all of it and I think the candy corn is the best part! Great job and keep going!! xoxo GeeGaw
- GeeGaw on December 9, 2020
Beautiful job Tyler!
- Gigi on December 9, 2020
Tyler that's so beautiful! You're such a great artist keep painting and drawing! Love you bunches!!
- GeeGaw on November 18, 2020
You make me laugh. I had no idea you were friends with Bigfoot? ??
- Mommy on September 28, 2020
You make me laugh. I had no idea you were friends with Bigfoot? ??
- Mommy on September 28, 2020
Tyler I think this is my favorite picture of all time. I love penguins and this is so beautiful! Love you and keep up all your great artwork. Xoxo Geegaw and Poppa
- GeeGaw on March 12, 2020
Great job, Ty! The colors are very beautiful. Keep up the good work. I love it!
- Gigi on March 4, 2020
Tyler this is so awesome! Your mommy made one when she was in kindergarten, just like this!! Love you and keep up the great work!! GeeGaw -- GeeGaw
- on May 22, 2019
That’s a very creative snowman, Ty. I love it. Gigi and Poppy keep up the great work! -- Gigi
- on March 6, 2019
Great Job Ty! Beautiful colors! Keep up the great work. Love, Gigi and Poppy -- Gigi
- on February 27, 2019
Tyler your cat has awesome whiskers! What a real job you did on the stars and the moon. Keep up your great art work. Xoxo GeeGaw & Poppa -- GeeGaw
- on December 19, 2018
Tyler, What a great job on the scarecrow! I like the green and blue colors that you picked out. Keep up your great work! xoxo GeeGaw -- Rena
- on October 24, 2018
Tyler , wow! What a great job you did with your letters! The colors are so pretty. Keep up the great work! Xoxo GeeGaw -- Rena
- on October 10, 2018
Tyler, your painting is so beautiful! You did great on the shapes and colors. Keep up the great work! Love you, GeeGaw and Poppa -- Rena