Vivian3049's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Vivian3049's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Vivian, This vibrant artwork makes me think of “Peace, Love and Understanding” because of the colors, of the images of lightness in the colored circles and what looks like a picnic table inviting a gathering of friends and family. What better way to show your imagination than through art. I love you and hope you continue to express yourself this way! Love, Susie XOXOXOX
- Caryl on November 6, 2019
Hi Vivian! I like you new artwork and wanted you to know that your peace sign reminded me of when I was in college and there were alot of peace demonstrations and hippies. Peace signs were everywhere! I think you probably had a good message in your artwork a.d would like to hear about it! I love you, Babbi
- Karan on October 16, 2019
You always make your art so colorful, Viv! I love it!
- Caitlin (Mother) on October 9, 2019
Viv, I love your snowglobe art and I am using my mousepad with your design so I can enjoy it everyday! Keep expressing your creativity and imagination. I love you, Susie
-- Caryl
- on March 13, 2019
Hi Vivian, I love your new artwork! It is so intricate with lots of interesting details. I can tell that you spent a lot of time and effort making such a beautiful globe. You won't believe this, but right now I'm looking out my window, and I see the ground and mountains blanketed in clean white snow just like on your globe. But sadly, there is no cute snowman staring back at me. Please keep producing more fun and playful artwork, I love seeing what you are doing in your art class. I love you (and your artwork)!!
-- Babbi
- on March 13, 2019
Viv, this is so cool! It reminds me of the mountains near Babbi's house, and is that a comet up at the top?
-- Caitlin
- on February 27, 2019
Hi Vivian. I wrote a comment last week but it doesn’t look like you received it. Your picture is AMAZING. The colors are exciting and the use of shapes is very creative!! It looks playful, just like you! You are quite the artist, keep drawing and have fun using your imagination!! I love you, Babbi
- on December 10, 2018
Poppy and I agreed that we loved your art so much we wanted to have coffee everyday using the artfully decorated coffee mugs! I ordered more! Love your art my darling! Thank you for making it available for us. I love you! ??????
-- Susie
- on December 10, 2018
Vivi, this is really awesome! I love this! I'm really proud of what a great young artist and excellent student you are. Keep it up! Love, Daddy
-- Cam
- on December 10, 2018
My Darling Viv, This is just an amazing example of your talent as a creative young girl. Keep working on your art because you are a very talented designer! I love how you used so many shapes and colors and put them together for a very special effect. Congratulations! It’s beautiful!
-- Susie also known as Caryl
- on December 10, 2018
Hi Vivi! I thinking your picture is AMAZING! The colors and designs are so interesting and creative. You are a talented artist. I hope I can see this picture the next time I visit you. I miss you and love you! Keep producing artwork. I can't wait to see what you design next!!!
-- Karan
- on December 10, 2018
Vivian, I love this work! I can see how you were inspired by Kandinsky. Did you know he's one of my favorite artists? We have one of his posters at home. I think your work is masterful!
-- Mom
- on December 5, 2018