Rylie I love this composition. You did a good job creating movement with your color choices and the placement of the supplies. I love how they peek in and out.
- Grandma, Denise on December 22, 2021
Hi Rylie, Love love love your Koi Fish. It is a rainbow of colors and those eyes!!!!! Great job …. Nana and Papa love seeing all your artwork.. this being the first in third grade, right? Keep up the nice work. You are an amazing artist. Love you XOXO
- Cheryl on November 3, 2021
I love your fish, she has such a splashy personality. You created movement as if it were swimming.
- Grandma, Denise on November 3, 2021
I love how you got the perspective in your soccor game. You made it look like you were in the stands looking down on the game. Great job.
- Grandma, Denise on September 29, 2021
Rylie, I love your tiger. I'm surprised you put bees in your picture, I guess they have a bee hive with honey in the tree. You also added a nice surprise with the turtle. You are doing a great job.
- Grandma, Denise on April 17, 2021
Rylie, your bear has such a neat personality. I love the pattern you have on his scarf. You did a good job on your snowflakes.
- Grandma, Denise on April 7, 2021
Your picture reminds me of popsicles from the ice cream truck. You did a good job choosing cool colors to go with it and your little scattered shapes remind me of ice.
- Grandma, Denise on February 24, 2021
Rylie, you did such a good job with the snow globe. I love the gingerbread house, how you made it look like it was snowing, and how you made the snow globe look like it is sitting on a table. Love it.
- Grandma, Denise on January 20, 2021
Love your latest artwork Rylie. Your snow globe is amazing. Love all the detail. I would buy it if I saw it in the store. Great job Sweetheart. Love you, Nana. XOXO
- Cheryl on January 20, 2021
Rylie, I love you use of patterns. You have created a leaf that just ask you to look at it and enjoy the bright colors. Love how you created a different leaf. Great job.
- Grandma, Denise on December 16, 2020
What fun, Love your candy corn. are your wrapped candy pepperments or jolly ranchers?
- Grandma, Denise on December 16, 2020
What fun, Love your candy corn. are your wrapped candy pepperments or jolly ranchers?
- Grandma, Denise on December 16, 2020
Rylie, I like your organic shapes. You also did a good job repeating your colors so that they create balance and movement. Good job.
- Grandma, Denise on December 16, 2020
Rylie, you are doing a great job. Love the way you have used radial balance. You have chosen colors that brings your eye into the center of your work. Good job.
- Grandma, Denise on October 21, 2020
Hi Rylie, As always, you continue to amaze us with your artistic talent. We love your newest art project. Great job. Keep up the good work in art....and at school. We love you to the moon and back...????????
- Cheryl on October 21, 2020
Hi Rylie, Papa and I love your latest artwork. Each picture appears to be a favorite of yours. Ice cream, the sun, watermelon, candy corn, donuts and more. Great job on each picture. We always love seeing your artwork from school Rylie. Keep drawing and have fun. Love you, Nana and Papa xoxo
- Cheryl on April 29, 2020
I love how you created patterns in your rainbow and clouds. Good job.
- Grandma, Denise on April 29, 2020
Your poor penguin is trying to stay warm with a great patten hat. It really is snowing. Good job at making this a cool picture.
- Grandma, Denise on April 29, 2020
Love your happy e-mojes. You know how to make grandma smile. Keep up the good work.
- Grandma, Denise on April 29, 2020
Rylie love this piece. You did a great job with making interesting lines and I love the colors you choose. What a great valentine.
- Grandma, Denise on March 4, 2020
Rylie, what a great Santa Claus. The stars are out ready to help him see though the night. Great job
- Denise on December 18, 2019
Rylie, your drawing of Santa is amazing. You did such a great job. We love his big eyes looking right at you....great job on the nose and mouth too. So natural looking. You are quite the artist... Love it! Love you... Nana & Papa. Xoxo
- Cheryl on December 18, 2019
Awesome job with your owl Rylie bean! Love you to pieces!
- Dad on November 13, 2019
Rylie I like the way your owl turned out. You rolled some good designs for your owl. He seems to be enjoying the stars in his night sky. Good job.
- Grandma on November 13, 2019
We love your pumpkins Rylie..you did a great job. We enjoy seeing all the artwork you create. Keep up the good work. We can’t wait to see what your next project will be. Hugs and kisses....Nana & Papa
- Cheryl on October 23, 2019
Way to go Rylie. We love this piece. You are quite the artist. You certainly take after your Gramma! Love your artwork. Nana and Papa ??????
- on October 2, 2019
You did a good job making a red barn. I love how your animals are looking at the garden but can't get in because it has a fence around it. Good Job.
- on October 2, 2019
Rylie, what did your poor dog dig up? He left holes in the yard. I guess we'll have to give him a bath. -- Denise
- on May 29, 2019
You did a good job on your Lion. I like how you used different browns, orange and yellow to make the mane. I hope he is a friendly Lion. -- Denise
- on March 20, 2019
Your heart quilt design fills my heart with joy and love. Good job. -- Denise
- on February 27, 2019
Rylie, I love how you made Olaf look like he is dancing in the snow. -- Denise
- on February 27, 2019
Braden the reindeer looks excited. He must be ready to help Santa deliver presents on Christmas. You did a good job on your reindeer and the background. I'm glad to see you added the ground and filled the whole sky in. You even have the twinkle of the lights in the sky. Good job. Love Grandma -- Denise
- on January 29, 2019
Rylie you did a great job on your bears blanket. I love the colors and patterns you put in it, with a little face smiling at me. Your bear has a sweet expression on it's face. She must be having a good dream. Love Grandma -- Denise
- on January 29, 2019
Rylie love your cat. She must be happy that the stars are out and the moon is full, so she can see where to go. -- Grandma, Denise
- on November 7, 2018
Rylie, I love this scarecrow, you did a fantastic job. Love Grandma -- Denise
- on October 24, 2018
Rylie you did a great job with your primary colors, and letters.You made a good composition and filled all your space.Grandma's proud of you. -- Denise
- on October 24, 2018
You did a great job creating a train out of your shapes. Are you driving the train? I'm so glad to see you painted the whole page. Great job. -- Denise
- on September 26, 2018
Great job Rylie! So proud of you! -- Chris / Dad
- on September 26, 2018
Another great picture Rylie......love seeing your artwork. Love, Nana and Papa. xo -- Cheryl
- on September 26, 2018
Rylie, Nana and Papa LOVE your artwork. You did such a great job on the two pictures we have seen so far. Keep up the good work. Have fun at school. Miss you and see you soon. Can’t wait to see more great drawings. Love You Lots....???? -- Cheryl