Mason23203's Comments (51)

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Below are comments about Mason23203's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That is a beautiful God's eye! I love the mix of colors you used! Nice work Mason! Love you!
- Aunt Brenda on February 28, 2024
Can’t believe how similar it is to your brothers. You did an awesome job with it!
- Kristen (Mother) on June 14, 2023
Love it!
- Kristen (Mother) on June 14, 2023
That is great Mason! Looks like a scene from a movie! Love you!
- Aunt Brenda on June 14, 2023
Love the blues!
- Kristen (Mother) on February 1, 2023
I'm impressed with your scissor work on those feet.
- Kristen (Mother) on February 1, 2023
Can you make me a real blanket like this? Ha! Love it!
- Kristen (Mother) on February 1, 2023
I love this and can't wait to display it right next to your brothers. Great job!
- Kristen (Mother) on February 1, 2023
Wow Mason! Thats impressive! I lovw the large handle! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on February 1, 2023
So sweet to think of Nan!
- Kristen (Mother) on March 28, 2022
This guy makes me giggle, love your creativity!
- Kristen (Mother) on March 28, 2022
Great job artist! I especially love all of your “topia” creations. On paper and with legos.
- Kristen (Mother) on March 28, 2022
Wow Mason! This looks like a stained glass window! So pretty! Great Job! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on February 16, 2022
This is so beautiful! It touched my heart that you dedicated it to Nanny. You are so thoughtful Mason. I love you!
- Aunt Brenda(fan) on January 5, 2022
Wow Mason! That's you for sure! I could pick those blue eyes out of any picture! Great job! You really are very talented and artistic! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on October 14, 2021
How cool! You created a picture of you creating a picture! Nice work! I love you Mase!
- Aunt Brenda on June 16, 2021
Nice work! I really like the truck! That was a cool project! I love you Mase!
- Aunt Brenda on June 16, 2021
What a cool project, I bet this one was fun to create!
- Kristen (Mother) on May 11, 2021
Wow this looks like a new FNAF character! You have a great imagination Mason! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on May 11, 2021
That looks like a cool villain from a superhero movie! Nice job! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on May 11, 2021
Those are great soup cans! I've never had fish soup. I love clam chowder! I also love lobster bisque. But I don't think I would like fish soup! Nice work Mase! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on March 31, 2021
That is so cool! Is it a caterpillar or a snake? The sticks make it a puppet right? I love it! So colorful! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on February 13, 2021
This makes me want to cuddle under a blanket by the fireplace. You are a true artist! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on January 6, 2021
That looks like an exciting Christmas tree! Merry Christmas Mason! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on January 6, 2021
That is a perfect and unique snowflake. Nice job Mason! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on January 6, 2021
Nice Christmas tree! Is it about to rocket away or explode? I love you Mason!
- Aunt Brenda on December 9, 2020
Wow Mason! Is that Spiderman? This is an action-packed picture! Nice job! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on October 7, 2020
Wow! I am so honored that you mailed me your published artwork! It is perfect! Thank you! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on June 17, 2020
I love your Mario Mason! You are a great artist! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on April 10, 2020
That is one cool cupcake! It reminds me of some of the plushies you have. Great job Mase! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on April 10, 2020
That heart is beautiful Mason! Purple is my favorite color! You are such an artist! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on April 10, 2020
Wow those are perfect cardinals Mason! You are a wonderful artist! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on January 22, 2020
This is my favorite artwork you have ever made! I'm so proud of you for making artwork to bring joy to a kid who may be sad. I love you Mase!
- Aunt Brenda on December 18, 2019
Wow! That looks like a great place near a lake or pond to go for a vacation! That is beautiful Mason! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on December 18, 2019
I really like that rainbow that's hidden in that picture! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on November 6, 2019
That is a great sun Mason! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on November 6, 2019
What a great smile! I really like the green. That is my favorite color! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on November 6, 2019
I love those eyes Mason! This made me giggle! Good job! I love you!
- Aunt Brenda on November 6, 2019
I love that rainbow sea friend!
-- Kristen
- on April 24, 2019
So creative, I love art too!
-- Kristen
- on April 24, 2019
That looks so fun Mason! I want to visit your little part of the sea with those colorful fish! Good job! I love you!
-- Aunt Brenda
- on April 24, 2019
I love all of the green in this artwork Mason! Green is one of my favorite colors! I love you!
-- Aunt Brenda
- on February 27, 2019
Love the colors in this one, is that your hand in each one? Very cool! Love, Mom
-- Kristen
- on February 20, 2019
Wow Mason! I see the snowflakes peeking through the paint. That's so cool! I love you!
-- Aunt Brenda
- on February 20, 2019
Such Happy snowmen, you are becoming a great artist, keep up the creativity!
-- Kristen
- on January 2, 2019
Your snowmen are great Mason! They look very happy! I love you!
-- Aunt Brenda
- on January 2, 2019
You did a good job of drawing Mommy! Where is Coco? I love you!
-- Aunt Brenda
- on November 9, 2018
That is a beautiful fall tree Mason! I love the tree house that you added to it! Great job! I love you!
-- Aunt Brenda
- on November 9, 2018
So very cool, love the creativity and can’t wait to see all that you create in K with Mrs Combs :)
-- Kristen
- on November 1, 2018
I love it!!
-- Kristen
- on November 1, 2018
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