Murren4's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Murren4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Murren, that is a Super Duper bobble head!! Love u! Auntie Liz
- Elizabeth on July 26, 2023
SOOOOO cool, love this Murren!!
- on April 18, 2019
Murren you are so creative, I love that you included your fish!! Love, Mom
- on January 24, 2019
Beautiful family! Great Job Sweetpea
-- Elizabeth
- on January 24, 2019
I LOVE it! You are amazing! Keep up the great painting!! Love you lots Auntie Liz
-- Elizabeth
- on January 24, 2019
Mitten, This is a great painting! I love it! You are so talented you have a great gift!
-- Elizabeth
- on November 30, 2018
Murren this artwork is amazing, you are so talented, and it looks like you worked very hard on it!
- on October 31, 2018
So beautiful Murren, so bright and colorful!
-- Mom
- on October 10, 2018