Nice job Jacob, We really like looking at your art work. Nana and Papa
- on December 5, 2009
Hi Jacob; I just received your latest art masterpiece. Each time you do one you get better and better. Stay focused and keep up with all your school lessons. As in baseball, practice and focus will get you great results. You are a great kid with a lot of energy. We love you, Nana And Papa M.
- on April 10, 2009
Hi Jacob, this is one of my favorite pieces of art that you have done. I love all the detail. Keep up the great work. Love Mommy & Daddy
- on March 24, 2009
I love this new artwork Jacob. It might be my favorite. Love and Kisses, Mommy
- on January 24, 2009
Hi Jacob, I really like this paiting. Keep up the great work of art. Love, Aunt Laurel & Uncle Rob
- on December 20, 2008
Nice work Jacob, we really like this paiting. Love, Kellie, Amy & Stephen
- on December 20, 2008
Jacob I am so proud of all your hard work. I Love you, Mommy
- on November 26, 2008
Keep up the great work! Miss C
- on October 23, 2008
WOW Jacob - You're quite the artist! Have fun creating in ART!
- on October 23, 2008
That is great work Jacob. Nana and Papa really like it a lot. Can I have a copy of your art work? See you soon. Nana and Papa