Seth9725's Comments (65)

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Below are comments about Seth9725's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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A white otter...full of snow just like where you are. So cute. And he is holding his shell that he cracked open with a rock. I also like the textures you added to the background. Nice job! Love ya bunches, Gramma
- Karen on February 3, 2022
What a wonderful winter fox! It looks like he's standing in front of the colorful Northern Lights with that beautiful background and the falling snowflakes. Your fox looks like he's keeping a sharp eye on his surroundings. Excellent work, Seth!
- Terry on February 3, 2022
Seth, your fox is adorable. He seems so cuddly and warm. Great color combinations. See you soon. Love ya much, Gramma
- Karen on February 3, 2022
When I saw this picture, it made me smile. First, I really like penguins and I love how your little guy has his arms outstretched to balance on his tiny ice floe. The colorful background helps your penguin almost pop out from the picture. Outstanding work, Seth!
- Terry on February 3, 2022
Cool penguin!!! You’re cool background it’s perfect for your cool penguin. A warm colored background would be more like camels. Nice job. Love you much, Gramma
- Karen on February 3, 2022
Monet is one of my favorite artists and I love your artwork. Your bright, white bridge stands out from the beautiful multi-color background. And your happy frog makes me smile. Great work, Seth!
- Terry on February 3, 2022
Hello Seth, I think frogs are so cute but I would never touch them. Your artwork of Monet Frogs is really nice. Great colors and the way you did the fence is pretty cool. Love ya much, Gramma
- Karen on February 3, 2022
I smile every time I see your crocodile! I like the mix of muted colors of his scales, with the bright white of his eye and sharp teeth popping out. I also like the fun details of his friends, the butterfly & the bee. Outstanding work, Seth!
- Terry on February 3, 2022
I really like the bright, deep red color of your happy cardinal, Seth. Wonderful detail work on his tailfeathers & the flourish of feathers on the top of his head. Terrific work, buddy!
- Terry on February 3, 2022
Love Solomon the crocodile. Watercolor is very hard to do. The colors run into each other. But you did a great job!! Love you, Gramma
- Karen on February 3, 2022
Love your beautiful bright red cardinal. They are such gorgeous birds. Love the curly top. Great job. Love ya, Gramma
- Karen on February 3, 2022
What a wonderful owl you've drawn! His face is so realistic, it's like he's looking right at me. Terrific use of shading to frame his face, excellent use of detail to show his different colors of feathers. Exceptional work, Seth!
- Terry on February 3, 2022
Nice owl. The detail and color of the feathers is great! Love you, Gramma
- Karen on February 3, 2022
Nice owl. The detail and color of the feathers is great! Love you, Gramma
- Karen on February 3, 2022
This looks like Wenzel Hablik. Interesting artist. Nice job, Seth. Love you, Gramma
- Karen on March 10, 2021
What a terrific and fun picture. I really like your big smile and fantastic multi-colored shirt! Excellent work on your space helmet with built-in microphone. Outstanding work, Seth!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
Love the fancy spacesuit! The colors are very complimentary to each other. You even have the microphone in the helmet. Great job. Love you Gramma
- Karen on March 10, 2021
What a terrific robot! I really like his big monitor head with built-in camera. Nice detail with the black lines for his joints. Great work, Seth!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
A one eyed robot! Very interesting. He looks like he is dancing. Nice job. Love you. Gramma
- Karen on March 10, 2021
What a terrific picture, Seth! I really like pictures of birds and your cardinal is excellent! His feathers are bright red, his beak a glowing yellow, and he stands our boldly against the blue sky and bare branches. Wonderful work, buddy!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
What a great cardinal. They are not easy to draw. And you made some snow branches too. Cardinals show up so pretty in the winter when there is snow. Beautiful! Love you and see you soon. Gramma
- Karen on March 10, 2021
What a wonderful work of art! I really like the details you've put in your picture - the door and the rivets around the doorway, the astronaut making his spacewalk, and trails coming off your stars. I also like the added contrast of the gold stars on the black background. Excellent work, Seth!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
What a cool rocket! I see the astronaut is on a spacewalk. So cool. Love you, Gramma
- Karen on March 10, 2021
I really like your colorful scarecrow! From his blue hat, purple face and bright yellow shirt to his spiffy patches, bright blue eyes and big smile--no boring black crow wants to hang around with your scarecrow! Excellent work, Seth!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
Oh my heavens...what an adorable scarecrow. Using a sweet purple face and a nice big smile, makes for a very gentle scarecrow. Great job. Love you, Gramma
- Karen on March 10, 2021
What a wonderful artwork! I really like how your shark is jumping high over the waves, his mouth open and teeth showing. I also like the splashes of white to represent the form on top of the waves. Excellent work, Seth!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
Wow! That shark is making a big splash!!! What big teeth you have, Mr. Shark. Nice job, Seth. Love you, Gramma
- Karen on March 10, 2021
What a superb little universe you have created, Seth! I really like your beautiful planets - the different colors on each one looks great. I also like your outer space background. Terrific work, buddy!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
Beautiful planets. I can see Saturn and Venus and maybe Mercury. Great colors. It's pretty dark up there. Love ya, Gramma
- karen on March 10, 2021
I have been looking forward to seeing your love polar bear! Your brothers' drawings of their polar bears are some of my favorite pictures--and I knew I would love yours as well. I really like how you have given him such a big warm heart! Excellent work, Seth!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
I love polar bears too! And yours is especially sweet. Nice job. Love you, Gramma ??
- Karen on March 10, 2021
What a lovely & sparse picture! I really like your bare trees, the beautiful color-streaked sky, and your hiker's footprints (I guess he's on the other side of the hill). Terrific work, Seth!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
Your rainbow is beautiful! But what’s really cool, are the footprints. Makes the picture a snowy one.?? Love you, Gramma
- Karen on March 10, 2021
What a neat mitten! Bright and colorful on top and intricate designs on the bottom. Great work, Seth!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
Very cute, Seth. I like how you put an arm in it. I noticed that right away. Ha Love you, Gramma
- Karen on March 10, 2021
What a neat spaceship blasting off to the stars! I like all the bold colors you've used on the spaceship--and the window so they can see where they're going and where they've been. Great work, buddy!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
What a wonderful sunflower you've created! I really like the different color seeds you've placed in the center and contrasted those dark colors with the bright yellow petals and green stem. Excellent work, Seth!
- Terry on March 10, 2021
Van Gogh was a very creative artist. Your sunflower is another creative impression of Van Gogh’s art. Nice job. Love you, Gramma
- Karen on November 24, 2019
Wow! What a scary monster! Big eyes and large chomping teeth look like they're going to jump off the page. The bright, strong colors also help give your monster a fearsome & ferocious attitude. Good work, buddy!
- Terry on November 24, 2019
What a terrific drawing! I can see how your wonderful boxes of color makes the spider's web look like a Mondrian print. Your spider is really scary. He's so big, I don't want to see him on Halloween or any other day! Great work, Seth!
- Terry on November 24, 2019
Yikes. A scary spider!! But it’s such a pretty picture for such a creepy spider. Great colors. Just that little bit of color makes the spider stand out. Great job. Love you, Gramma
- Karen on November 24, 2019
Seth, What a great monster. He really stands out with big features and bright, bold colors. Great job. Love you, Gramma ??
- Karen on November 24, 2019
What a beautiful, starry sky! I really like how your wonderful colors blend together in such a dreamy way. I think your bright constellation adds a neat accent to your picture. Great job, Seth!
- on November 24, 2019
What a beautiful starry night. Looks like water color, which is a hard form of art to do. You did a great job!!! Love you, Gramma ??
- on November 24, 2019
What a great alien! He fits in his underpants very well. Ha Love you, Gramma
- on November 24, 2019
What a wonderful, happy frog! I like his big eyes and wide smile. He looks very happy to invite people to his pond. Great work, Seth!
-- Terry
- on November 24, 2019
What a great frog, Seth. So glad you are learning about Picasso. He was an interesting artist. Love you, Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019
Oy my heavens. I laughed so hard when I saw this picture. The wind must really be blowing. Grampa thought it was a perfect picture for a windy day. Great job. Love you, Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019
Ha, ha ha! What a great picture! It is such a blustery day--the wind blew almost all of your hair off your head--and you look very happy about it. I guess you'll get to skip your next hair cut! Great job, Seth!
-- Terry
- on November 24, 2019
What a neat night-time sky! I like how you made some of the stars bigger and smaller to show how close or far away they are from earth. I also like your red, blue, and purple star to give your picture a pop of color! Excellent work, Seth!
-- Terry
- on November 24, 2019
What a neat picture! The colors of the sky look like they could move around. The bright, shining stars look like they could jump off the page. Nice work, Seth!
-- Terry
- on November 24, 2019
Beautiful starry night. The colors you chose make it seem like it is a warm , clear evening. Nice job! Love you Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019
What a terrific leaf! I like how you very carefully used the red dots in the different sections, then alternated with different colors on the other section. Great work, buddy!
-- Terry
- on November 24, 2019
What a wonderful picture! Your panda has a hopeful expression for the new year. Then you wisely added all the bright splashes of color to help your bear stand out from the background. Excellent work, Seth!
-- Terry
- on November 24, 2019
What an eye-popping heart! Your bright yellow and pink wings make your heart look like it could fly off the page. I also like all the extra designs in your heart along with the vibrant colors. Good job, buddy!
-- Terry
- on November 24, 2019
Seth, That is definitely a flying heart. Beautiful colors and designs. It’s like it is flying right at me. Nice work. Love you, Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019
What a coooooool panda. Great colors. Love you bunches. Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019
Chilly Penguin is one of my favorite pictures! Even though your penguin is black and white, I like how you gave him a colorful scarf and earmuffs. I also like how he's looking up as the snow falls. Wonderful drawing, buddy!
-- Terry
- on November 24, 2019
Brrrrr...what a chilly penguin! Great job. Love you, Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019
What a wonderful rainbow - so big, bright, and beautiful! You also put in a happy sun and lovely fluffy cloud to keep the rainbow company. Excellent work, buddy!
-- Terry
- on November 24, 2019
Seth, i love the bright colors in your painting!! It is very Cheerful!
-- Sally
- on November 24, 2019
It may be a warm, cool fish...but I think it is a way cool fish. Nice big eyes to see you. Great hib, Love, Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019
That is really a silly red monster with big eyes and silly teeth. Wonderful! Love ya much, Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019
Beautiful rocket in the dark sky. Great shapes and colors. Love ya, Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019
Seth, you definitely drew a lovely lion. I have never seen any of your drawings and I can see you have a talent. Love you bunches. Gramma
-- Karen
- on November 24, 2019