Brady8687's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Brady8687's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like the background too! I especially like the 3-D effect of the flowers! I’m ready for Spring!??????
- Nana on April 24, 2024
Love this! I feel like I’m in a castle looking out the window at one of the houses in the nearby village! Cool detail work on the house!??????
- Nana on April 24, 2024
This would make a fantastic yearbook cover! Love the Scottie dog! I keep drawing and drawing and never stop drawing.??
- Nana on April 24, 2024
Brady, I love this picture !! I’m trying to imagine what the rest of the dragon looks like. I am so proud and always amazed at each and every piece that you create. ??
- Gigi on April 24, 2024
The shading in the iris and pupil is very well done. Now that’s what I call a closeup! Good work, Brady
- Nana on April 24, 2024
Nice!?? Love the color combinations and shapes! Abstract art can be difficult but you did a great job!??
- Nana on April 19, 2023
Yummmm! Papap loves ice cream! You are improving each time you draw. ????
- Nana on April 19, 2023
Wow, Brady! I love the way you blended those colors together! ??
- Nana on October 19, 2022
Brady, oh my goodness! Gigi loves this !
- Gigi on October 19, 2022
Wow! I love the way you put dimension in your artwork! It truly makes the picture “come alive”. Yummm!??
- Nana on May 11, 2022
Beautiful job Brady ! I love the bright colors you used. Keep up the good work.
- Gigi on May 11, 2022
Great job, Brady! You have talent for drawing wildlife. Foxes are so smart and cool looking!??
- Nana on May 11, 2022
Butterflies are so magical, aren’t they? ??
- Nana on May 11, 2022
Brady, I love the colors that you used in this piece! Looks like it would be a fun place to explore.??
- Nana on May 11, 2022
Brady, I love polkadots! I can just imagine a pumpkin like this sitting on my front porch next Thanksgiving!????
- Nana on May 11, 2022
Brady, as always your work is special. Keep up the good work.
- Pappy on December 1, 2021
Brady good job. keep up the good work
- Pappy on December 1, 2021
Oooooo! I can almost feel that spider looking at me- with ALL it’s eyes! Keep drawing, Brady!
- Nana on February 24, 2021
Brady, Good job on the spider. Looks like the real thing
- Pappy on February 24, 2021
Brady, Gigi just loves your spider. It is so real like I am scared ??
- Gigi on January 6, 2021
This is one of my favorites!
- Gay on December 7, 2019
Great job, Brady! Art is fantastic fun!
- Gay on December 7, 2019
Good job Brady! Gigi loves your house.
- Barb on December 7, 2019
Brady, good job. Your work always looks good. Keep it up
- Pappy on December 7, 2019
Brady this is wonderful!! You did a great job of making him look so real!
-- Cara
- on November 12, 2018
Wonderful work, Brady! He looks so real!
-- Nana
- on November 12, 2018
Beautiful! Sunshine and rainbows! Looks like a perfect day to go to the park!
-- Nana
- on November 12, 2018
Brady man, great job. That's the kind of bear I want to see, one with a smile on his face.
-- Pappy
- on November 7, 2018
Brady, good job buddy. Very colorful. Nice smile on the sun
-- Pappy
- on November 7, 2018
Love this Braman !
-- Gigi
- on November 7, 2018
Great picture Brady ! You used many different colors. I think it’s beautiful !
-- Gigi
- on October 19, 2018
Love it buddy!!
-- Mommy
- on October 4, 2018
I like it Brady, very colorful. Woke me up this morning
-- Pappy
- on October 4, 2018
Good job little man
-- Pappy
- on October 4, 2018
Great job Brady!! I love it!!
-- Mommy
- on October 2, 2018