Aubrey7829's Comments (46)

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Below are comments about Aubrey7829's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love it AUBS! Nice shadowing…you are amazing!!!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Love this underwater scene Aubrey! The colors are amazing as is the subject. Sea Turtles are so cool. Keep up the great job. You definitely are quite the young artist!!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Very interesting art project Aubrey. Love the water colors at the top and great images on the bottom part of your project. You are quite the little artist!!!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
This is a very interest piece of artwork Aubrey. It reminds me of ribbons and bouncing balls…super fun! Another great job of yours. Keep up the good work. Love you lots!!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Love the pastel shades of color and love the cross surrounding them. This is a very precious sigh of “Hope”. I love it Aubrey!!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Boy Aubrey, this looks just like a photo of a pencil…great job. I really love your shadowing. You are becoming quite the “Artist”!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Hey Aubrey, love this supercool picture! It is amazing!!! Love the design, love the color choice and especially love YOU!!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Whoo, Whoo, Whoo did this great piece of artwork? I love your Owl Aubrey!!! You’re becoming quite the Artist. Keep up all the great work. Love Ya Sweetie.
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Beautiful blue bowl Aubrey! You are amazing and so is your artwork. Keep up the good work??
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Aubrey, love all the pretty texture you got in this cute little dish. You are becoming quite the artist. Keep up all the good work. Love it and YOU!!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Aubrey, what a great water color landscape! Makes me feel like I’m actually looking at a beautiful mountain range. It’s awesome!!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
WOW Aubrey, what a great job you did with this Monkey sketch! It looks just like a proud of your great work. Love you Sweetie!! Grandma
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Aubrey, I love your charcoal dragon eye. Looks so real and kind of scary. Another great job you’ve done in art class. Keep up the good work!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Love, Love, Love this selfie of you Aubrey. So smart of you to get background in from your Spring Break vacation. Not only do your have beautiful smiling picture of yourself, but also a great memory of your family trip.
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
Aubrey, what a great job you did making this beautiful bowl! I love the colors you chose and the wavy edges. You are quite the young artist!!
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
WOW Aubrey!!! What a beautiful lady in profile. You are getting to be quite the artist. I love the necklace and hair adornments. Keep up the great work. I love seeing all your art projects. Love you, Grandma
- Grandma on March 31, 2021
Aubrey, I love your cute Google art work. It makes me happy. It’s so bright, a little silly and colorful...just like you! Keep up all the good work. I love seeing everything you do. Love you Sweetheart??
- Grandma on March 31, 2021
Aubrey, love this snowy photo! You can really see the contrast of the new, fresh snow and the old brick, wooded structure. It is awesome and so are you?? Love Ya, Grandma
- Grandma on March 31, 2021
Wow Aubrey, I really love your very bright, colorful art work! Am I right that there are some cacti in the picture? You get more and more creative with each art project. Great job! Love, Grandma??
- Grandma on March 31, 2021
Great job Aubrey! Love your desert landscape. It looks so real and makes me think of warm weather. It helps to warm me up with the cold weather we have in WI. It’s another wonderful work of art you created. ??
- Grandma on March 31, 2021
Aubrey, love your colorful cube. It looks like the real thing! You are doing amazing art. Keep up all the good work??Awesome job.??
- Grandma on March 31, 2021
Aubrey, this is fantastic! Your birch trees with the shadows in the foreground and beautiful sun colors in the background are gorgeous. You are becoming a wonderful artist. This picture is worthy of being a framed piece of artwork. Love, Love, Love it and you??
- Grandma on October 28, 2020
Love your Christmas mask design Aubrey??It really puts me in the Christmas Spirit. You did a great job. Keep up all the good work????
- Grandma on October 28, 2020
Aubrey, love your colorful leaf prints. Absolutely gorgeous??
- ?? Grandma on October 28, 2020
Love your picture Aubrey. You look so cozy and warm sitting by the fire with Jack & Bruno. Great job!
- Grandma on October 28, 2020
Yummy looking apple Aubrey! Loved the way you shaded part of it. You are becoming quite the artist!
- Grandma on October 28, 2020
Yummy looking apple Aubrey! Loved the way you shaded part of it. You are becoming quite the artist!
- Grandma on October 28, 2020
Wow! What pretty colors in your art work...beautiful picture Aubrey.
- Love, Grandma on October 28, 2020
Love your castle Aubrey! I bet there’s a beautiful princess living in it. You did a great job showing the foreground and background in your drawing. Keep up all the good work.
- Love, Grandma on October 28, 2020
Great job Aubrey. Love your creativity and all the pretty colors.
- Grandma on October 28, 2020
Very interesting art work Aubrey. You always amaze me with what you do in art class. Keep up all your great work. I love seeing it. Thanks so much for sharing.
- Kris on October 28, 2020
Aubrey, this is a spectacular lion! I love his expression and his beautiful mane. You did an awesome job??
- Grandma on October 28, 2020
WOW Aubrey, this is a fantastic looking fish! Not sure I’ve ever seen one with such a HUGE mouth. Love the color you made it. Great job?? Love Ya, Grandma
- Kris on October 28, 2020
Aubrey, I love your wonderful cow! It makes me so very happy...just like you. You dis an awesome job. Keep up all the great artwork and thanks so much for sharing it with me. xox Grandma
- Kris on October 28, 2020
Aubrey, Your picture of flowers is beautiful! I especially love your yellow daisy. You shadowed the vase perfectly and I love the colors you chose for everything. You are becoming quite the young artist. Love, Grandma
- Kris on October 28, 2020
Beautiful flowers Aubrey! I love them. That make me so happy. You did a great job, my little artist. Love you, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on October 28, 2020
Aubrey, I love your beautiful bridge. The water flowing under it is such a pretty blue. You did a great job. Keep up all the good work. Love, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on October 28, 2020
Aubrey, this art project is very interesting. I can’t wait to hear you explain it to me and tell me all about it. You are certainly showing so much creativity in so many different mediums with all your beautiful projects. Love, Grandma
-- Kris
- on March 13, 2019
Aubrey, this is a fantastic drawing of your house! You made it look just like your home. What a great job. I am so proud of you.
-- Grandma
- on March 13, 2019
Aubrey, I love your pretty green artwork on the easel. It could be so many beautiful things..a dish, a plate, or just a lovely piece of artwork on display. Keep up all your wonderful arts. Love, Grandma
-- Kris
- on March 13, 2019
Aubrey, this is such a beautiful wave. It reminds me of the waves we see in Florida. You are becoming such a wonderful artist! Keep up the good work.
-- Grandma
- on March 13, 2019
Aubrey, This is a very interesting snowman. I love the little heart you added makes me so happy. Love keeps this snowman warm inside. Love you, Grandma
-- Grandma Kris
- on March 13, 2019
Such a cute Polar Bear Aubrey! Great Job. Thanks for sharing. Love, Grandma
-- Grandma Kris
- on November 27, 2018
Love your beautiful colors Aubrey! You makes this look like a wonderful place to go visit on vacation. It makes me feel so happy...just like you make me feel. Great job! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your next project.
-- Grandma Kris
- on November 2, 2018
Aubrey, this is beautiful! Keep up the great work. Love Mom
-- Mom
- on November 1, 2018
Aubrey, I just saw your beautiful picture of the cardinal. It it gorgeous! You are becoming quite an artist and I love seeing all your work. Can’t wait to see your next project. Love you, Grandma
-- Kris
- on November 1, 2018