Lila2169's Comments (82)

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Below are comments about Lila2169's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I think this is the perfect portrait of Picasso! You certainly captured his style perfectly and beautifully. I think he would be very proud of your work, just as I am. It's cute, off-beat, colorful, fun, and unique. Well, that also describes you too, doesn't it. (Except YOU are totally beautiful). I love your approach to art Lila. You seem to feel free to express yourself even when working in the style of a famous artist. Never lose that quality. Just be you! Because you are beautiful just the way you are.
- Memaw on March 19, 2025 NEW
What a lovely piece of art! I am impressed with how you have used shading, especially in the sky and ground, to give depth and realism to both. Was Saturn your inspiration for the planet? This is just such a beautiful work of art.
- Memaw Linda on March 19, 2025 NEW
You are truly far more beautiful than any Egyptian pharaoh, Lila! Your artwork is lovely and colorful, and very creative. Love your color combinations and creativity. But your beautiful face is classic beauty!
- Memaw Linda on December 18, 2024
Obviously it was a lot of work to manipulate the wire to create this work. You did an amazing job! It’s lovely, but not nearly as beautiful as you are! You did an amazing job on this, but of course you are just totally amazing at whatever you do
- Memaw Linda on December 11, 2024
You always have interesting and colorful artwork!
- Dan(Poppy) on November 20, 2024
Lila, I love the colors you used in this piece. They are bright and really complement each other. The combination makes for a very striking picture. Using black is the background color was so smart as it really makes the other colors stand out. A really beautiful piece of art.
- Memaw Linda on November 20, 2024
These are beautiful! And so realistic. Great work Lila.
- Memaw Linda on October 23, 2024
What a beautiful perspective of a beautiful name (of a beautiful girl)! It’s colorful, well drawn, and your lines are perfect! Great work Lila Memaw Linda
- Memaw Linda on June 5, 2024
What wonderful detail and imagination! It’s excellent art and very interesting to look at and enjoy!
- Dan on May 1, 2024
You did a fantastic job drawing a hand! And I love your touch of having the fingers holding onto some yarn! So realistic! Great job Lila. Memaw Linda
- Linda(fan) on May 1, 2024
I’m not exactly sure what this piece is. Perhaps homemade pizza? If so, I want some! Actually I want all of it! That would certainly be rude of me. It would be so much more fun to share it with you! Let’s go for pizza soon! Memaw Linda
- Linda(fan) on May 1, 2024
Lila, This is so imaginative and interesting! Plus, you’re in it too! Poppy
- Dan on January 31, 2024
Wow! This is an interesting work of art! I love the superimposed photo on your original work which gives it movement! You’re very talented!
- Jane on January 31, 2024
Beautiful ceramic piece! I’d love to know how you did this with the fossil like impressions of twigs and leaves. You are very talented!
- Jane on January 31, 2024
Great illusion Lila! When I first looked at your work I feared you were falling into a very deep chasm! But then I saw the smile on your face and knew you were not only safe but having fun. And you did a great job coloring too!
- Linda(fan) on January 17, 2024
I assume this is a piece of pottery and what a beautiful piece it is! Did you use twigs of evergreens to get the imprint? Or was it some other technique? Any way you did it the result is lovely! Memaw Linda
- Linda(fan) on January 17, 2024
This is gorgeous Lila! I love how you reflected the hills and clouds in the water. You used great perspective to give the picture depth as well. I would love to have a cabin with a deck to sit on beside this lake so I could look out and enjoy this stunning view. You did a wonderful job on this piece Lila. You are so talented.
- Memaw Linda on November 28, 2023
What beautiful artwork!
- Dan on November 28, 2023
Lila what a great picture! The details in this picture are quite amazing. You are such a creative artist!
- Jane on November 15, 2023
I look forward to seeing this piece in person and hearing about your inspiration for making it. From the picture it seems to be an animal in a cave or tunnel so I’m thinking there must be a good story behind this. You always have such good stories about your artwork Lila!
- Memaw Linda on November 13, 2023
Yikes! Such a scary face. Which means you did an amazing job making this piece! I love the pretty detail of the “tassels” above and below the teeth and the vine running across the face up over the nose. Such sweet details!
- Memaw Linda on November 8, 2023
You know I LOVE feeding the birds and watching them out the kitchen window so of course I love this lovely work of art! I really love how you drew the birdie on a piece of music entitled “Feed the Birds”. It’s perfect. And you drew a perfectly charming bird. I can hear her chirping away in happiness.
- Memaw Linda on April 26, 2023
I absolutely love this! You know how much I love birds, and you! Your sculpture is so cute and the nest is adorable. It is a lovely piece of art! Great job Lila.
- Memaw Linda on April 26, 2023
What a magnificent dragon eye! It is so realistic. You did a great job on this Lila!
- Memaw Linda on March 8, 2023
This is a picture you will look at many times in your life Lila. You captured your beautiful mother cooking up something wonderful to eat for her family, although I’m not sure exactly what she is fixing in this picture. I think every time you look at this picture you will remember the love she gave your family, how she taught you to cook and care for the family you will have one day. This is a picture of love in action. Well done Lila!
- Memaw Linda on February 1, 2023
What a nice photo of your mother cooking! The photo captures her concentration as she is working over the stove!
- Dan on February 1, 2023
I don’t know how you did it - making the Rubik’s cube look like it is floating, and 3 dimensional too! Great work Lila.
- Memaw Linda on January 11, 2023
I always thought creating something with coils was challenging but you have done a lovely job! Your work is always so creative and lovely Lila.
- Memaw Linda on November 16, 2022
Lila these trees are so life like! Perfect shading on the tree bark and background! You are very talented! I love all your art projects!
- Meemaw Jane and Papa Lynn on November 9, 2022
Wow! What a gorgeous work of art! I love the colors of the sky against the beautiful birch trees (my favorite trees). This is a stunning piece Lila!
- Memaw Linda on October 26, 2022
What a great job making pipe cleaners look like someone dancing, or doing gymnastics! You are amazing Lila!
- Memaw Linda on June 1, 2022
Lila, Your description of your piece is perfect! When the sun shines while it is raining we see rainbows and that is exactly what your piece shows. I love how you captured the idea of a rainy day with the shining sun. It’s a very happy piece.
- Memaw Linda on May 4, 2022
Very clever Lila! Great use of different textures, materials and colors. I sure hope those eyes aren’t focused on me!
- Memaw Linda on March 16, 2022
I hope you will teach me the technique you used to do this! It is so effective. I know the paper must be completely flat but it certainly looks like there is something underneath the ribbons going across! Awesome work.
- Memaw Linda on March 16, 2022
You make a great shoe designer! It looks so cute. I would buy 100 pairs. I’ll bet it’s comfortable too. Perfect shoe for me! And you. And everyone else.
- Memaw Linda on January 12, 2022
I’ll admit I don’t know exactly what this looks like - maybe a fish from the very deep ocean? Or maybe just a cute holder for jewelry? I love the colors and touches of bling! You are always so creative Lila.
- Memaw Linda on January 12, 2022
Lila, I think Van Goh’s spirit is in you! What a lovely piece of artwork. I love all the shading you have done in the background! And the red pot really is a great contrast to the colors of the flowers and greenery in the pot. It’s really a wonderful piece!
- Memaw Linda on January 12, 2022
What a lovely piece Lila! I love the colors you have used. Of course you know my favorite color is blue! Did you by any chance think of me when you made it? Great work!
- Linda on January 12, 2022
What a lovely cow! And you don’t say that about most cows! But this one is so cute! Love those big pink lips. Great job Lila!
- Memaw Linda on November 3, 2021
I love this cow picture! You are a very good artist!
- Jane on November 3, 2021
What a lovely castle, fit for a princess like you Lila. What a happy place with that rainbow! The purple touches are perfect. Memaw Linda
- Linda on November 3, 2021
What a wonderful view from the moon! Have you ever thought you would like to go? I love your imagination of what it looks like from there.
- Linda on May 26, 2021
What clever artwork!
- Dan(Poppy) on May 19, 2021
But of course your popsicles would be purple! They look good enough to eat. Great work Lila. Memaw Linda
- Lauren (Mother) on April 29, 2021
Your color selections are perfect Lila! It is a lovely collage in the spirit of Matisse. You studied him well! I think the fish must be very happy living in this piece.
- Lauren (Mother) on April 22, 2021
Penguins are so cute and yours is wonderful! Great job Lila. Memaw Linda
- Memaw Linda on April 29, 2021
What an adorable llama! Your weaving is perfect. The colors are great! Wonderful job Lila!
- Memaw Linda on March 3, 2021
What a pretty cardinal sitting in the tree! Did you know that at my school our mascot was Cardinals? So cardinals have always been my favorite bird. And yours is perfect. Memaw Linda
- Memaw Linda on March 3, 2021
This looks very much as the zebras do in Africa as the sun is going down. Your contrast between the orange/yellow tones behind the black and white is great and the framing is perfect. Another great piece by Lila.
- Memaw Linda on March 3, 2021
Last year when Poppy and I were in France we visited Monet’s home and garden. We stood on this bridge. You have captured it so well in your artwork. It’s perfect. Monet would love it too I think. Memaw Linda
- Memaw Linda on December 10, 2020
Great work, Lila!
- Dan on November 7, 2020
Your use of colors to create shading is wonderful and so artistic. What you created is truly a “Starry night pumpkin”. Another great job Lila.
- Memaw Linda on November 7, 2020
Lila, This is another wonderful piece of artwork. What a great idea for a mask. Poppy
- Dan on November 7, 2020
Christmas time already! You are thinking ahead Lila. I live your tree and beautifully wrapped gifts. Is one for me by any chance?
- Memaw Linda on November 7, 2020
Beautiful leaf impressions. Love your colors ! Another great piece Lila.
- Memaw Linda on November 7, 2020
Lila, I love the colors you have used - very bold and they draw my eye down the path into the woods. What an amazing sunset you have drawn. I love it. Memaw
- Linda on November 7, 2020
What a lovely pink and purple unicorn. It’s perfect, just like you. Memaw Linda
- Linda on May 27, 2020
The color combination you used are beautiful Lila. And I love how you drew the tree. It’s so very creative.
- Memaw Linda on May 13, 2020
Lila, how perfect for you - a purple apple. I love your imagination and willingness to try something different and unexpected. Your work is always colorful and happy. Memaw Linda
- Linda on May 13, 2020
Lila, what a beautiful farm! I love the red barn. It was so clever of you to include the pathway too. Your work is always so lovely.
- Memaw Linda on March 11, 2020
What a cute bear, all snuggled under a colorful blanket! You did a great job on this Lila!
- Memaw Linda on January 29, 2020
Lila, What a beautiful sunrise or sunset over the city! I love it! Your work is always so colorful and interesting.
- Linda on November 27, 2019
Lila, What a beautiful sunflower! I love how you mixed the orange and yellow colors to capture just how sunflowers shine with the sun. This is a wonderful piece of artwork. Memaw Linda
- Linda on November 6, 2019
Lila, We enjoy seeing your artwork and love this sunflower picture! Love, Poppy and Meemaw
- Dan on November 6, 2019
What a great owl! Perfect colors for the season too. Another lovely work of art by Lila! Memaw Linda
- Linda on October 16, 2019
Lila, what a beautiful butterfly! I can just picture it flying from flower to flower. You do such lovely artwork. Memaw Linda
- on September 25, 2019
This is such a lovely piece Lila. The birds look as if they are ready to do a dance. How nice you used your favorite color too - it makes the piece so special. Memaw Linda
-- Linda
- on May 22, 2019
Another great piece from Lila. I can just see the cold!
-- Linda
- on April 17, 2019
What beautiful colors! I LOVE this piece Lila. Your artwork always makes me happy. You are so creative with your use of color combinations and composition. Memaw Linda
-- Linda
- on April 17, 2019
Lila what a beautiful house! And I love that it’s your favorite color. The smoke coming out of the chimney looks very realistic. I am amazed by your creativity and talent. Keep up the good work! We are so proud of you. Meemaw Jane and Papa Lynn
-- Jane
- on April 17, 2019
What a lovely house! I can just imagine you moving into a purple and pink house Lila!
-- Linda
- on April 3, 2019
Great job creating this Zebra! It looks like he’s peaking out from around a barn. Makes me want to go to a zoo or on a safari! You’re a great artist! Love, Meemaw Jane
-- Meemaw Jane
- on April 3, 2019
Lila this is a beautiful picture of a rainbow fish! I love the details in your picture such as the shading in the water, the swaying plants and the multiple colors on your fish. I’ll bet this is one of your daddy’s favorite. Keep up the good work! We love you! Meemaw Jane and Papa Lynn
-- Meemaw Jane
- on April 3, 2019
Lila, your art work is always so lovely. You pick the perfect color combinations and interpret the subject very creatively and expressively. Your rainbow fish is perfect!
-- Memaw Linda
- on March 13, 2019
Another wonderful piece of art Lila! You are awesome. Memaw Linda
-- Linda
- on December 5, 2018
Lila this is a very nice picture. Nice work on the shading in the background. Meemaw Jane
-- Jane
- on November 14, 2018
This is wonderful Lila. I love your art. Memaw Linda
-- Linda
- on November 7, 2018
Such a great picture, Lila! I love your artwork! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on November 7, 2018
Lila you are such a good artist! It looks just like you....from the dark eyes, clip in your long hair to your cute little smile! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing! Love and miss you! Memaw Jane and Papa Lynn
-- Jane
- on October 17, 2018
Lila, You are very talented! Keep up the good work!
-- Poppy
- on October 12, 2018
Great job Lila. You have talent. Memaw Linda
-- Linda
- on October 12, 2018
Beautiful Job Lila!!
-- Lauren
- on October 12, 2018