A3374's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about A3374's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is very pretty. The patience it must have taken to fold all those pieces.
- Sylvia on December 20, 2023
Nice job A! I like this a lot!
- Sylvia on November 22, 2023
That's a great halloween drawing. Great job!
- Sylvia on November 22, 2023
Love what you did so much I ordered an ornament. Love Nana
- Sylvia on November 30, 2022
I love your clay leaf, great job! Keep up the great work.
- Sylvia on November 30, 2022
Great Halloween Cat.
- Sylvia on January 26, 2022
I just love the imagination behind most of her artwork. You can tell she loves doing it. Also a good outlet for being confined during this challenging time.
- Sylvia on November 19, 2020
So very creative. Love this.
- Sylvia on November 19, 2020
I love this Love Nana
- Sylvia on November 19, 2020
Great picture. Great detail. Shows me what you've been doing with your time in lockdown. Love, Nana
- Sylvia on November 19, 2020
What an imagination, what talent.
- Sylvia on May 11, 2020
This is a great Cardinal, very puffed up to keep warm while waiting for spring. Love the footprints in the snow.
- Sylvia on May 11, 2020
Love the detail. It's like she puts herself in the place she is creating. Great Job.
- Sylvia on January 15, 2020
This is a beautiful and very detailed piece of art. She is so talented.
-- Sylvia
- on May 2, 2019
Such wonderful artwork for her age. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
-- Sylvia
- on February 6, 2019