E1108's Comments (54)

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Below are comments about E1108's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh Emily, This is so wonderful, I love the colors you used! They are some of my favorite colors. I enjoyed your picture so much, I ordered a coffee mug for myself with this on it---I'm so excited and can't wait until it arrives. Continue with your art creations, they're wonderful! Love, Grandma Get
- Grandma Get on November 30, 2022
Oh Emily, this leaf looks like a professional artist made this! Please keep expressing your happiness through your art, you are great at it!!!
- Grandma Get on November 17, 2022
Oh Emily, I didn't know you knew how to weave, this is beautiful!! Maybe you could make a larger creation that I could hang on my wall, that would be wonderful!!! Keep up the great creations!!
- Grandma Get on November 17, 2022
Oh Emily, this artwork of this dog is both beautiful and a little scary at the same time! The cute face and the jeweled ears makes it very easy to see a certain amount of beauty in your creation. Being able to see the skeleton through the body sure makes that part of the body pretty spooky! Great job!!!! Love, Grandma Get
- Grandma Get on November 25, 2021
Hello Emily, What an interesting piece of artwork, I bet you are the wonderful artist that created this! You are one of my favorite artists; watching the great progress you have made from your first art creations has been so fun for me! It's really entertaining to look back on your first creations back in first grade and see how your art projects have become better and better each time!I think you are a great artist already, keep going! Love, Grandma Get
- Grandma Get(fan) on March 10, 2021
Oh Emily, This sweater is crazy! Great choice of animals to use, bears can be very cute in the right circumstance like this. All the decorations you used to make this sweater happy and fun were perfect. Maybe your mom, dad and you could get a matching set of sweaters for special days or parties!! Love you, Grandma Get
- Grandma Get(fan) on March 10, 2021
My Beautiful Emily, what a great picture! I love your choices of colors that you chose to use and it shows a certain neatness about it. Your idea for this picture shows the creativity going on in that beautiful brain of yours! Keep challenging yourself with every picture you do, I really enjoy seeing the positive progress you have made in your art!Great job! Love, Grandma Get
- Karen on March 10, 2021
It’s beautiful ! I love it !! Great work baby E !!
- Dad on January 20, 2021
Em’s , this is amazing! I may have to get this one on another coffee cup! That would really be a happy thing to look at in the morning! Love it sweetie, you always make me so happy in everything you do! Keep up the good work. Love you Grandma O.
- Grandma O on November 11, 2020
Emily, I love this picture! I love the little house! It looks so cute! A place that grandpa and I could live in, so colorful and cozy. In front of the house looks like a Stars and Stripes front sidewalk. You could even come over and play in the yard, that would make it a perfect, cozy, home . Great job Em’s ! Love your work so much! Keep up the great work!
- Grandma O on November 11, 2020
Hello My Beautiful Emily, I love this new picture; it sure reminds me of a very special little girl who is beautiful like her momma, has a great sense of humor like her daddy(I love her jokes!) and she is extremely smart and Grandma Get is so proud of her! In fact, this wonderful picture must be a self portrait of my beautiful Emily! Great job sweetheart, keep up the wonderful work! Love, Grandma Get
- Karen on November 4, 2020
Emily, I’m not sure what this is. I’m guessing it’s a forest angel. I know I’m probably wrong but it looks like she is protecting the trees .she seems to have them covered under her Amazing Cape to watch over them. You will have to call me or write me with the right answers. Love you and think you are one beautiful and talented young lady. You keep up you excellent work. I will always be one of your best fans. Love you Em’s
- Grandma O Susan on May 28, 2020
Emily, this is one of your amazing,and unique pictures so far.I love the colors , especially the red hearts, and the yellow stars. You have such a wonderful, and creative mind. Grandma Susan will try to leave more comments about your pictures . You know I love you and think your pictures are wonderful. You are so creative and you have a great imagination . Keep up the great work and remember I always see you as a great artist. Love E1108 always!
- Grandma O Susan on May 28, 2020
Hello Emily, my beautiful artist! This is one of the cutest ukuleles I have ever seen! Has Grandma Get ever told you when she was about your age, she had a family of Troll Dolls which I slept with every night? How silly!!!! How did you know what a ukulele looked like; do you know how to play one? You'll have to tell me the next time we are together! Love, Grandma Get
- Karen on April 29, 2020
Oh My Beautiful Emily, I just know you are going to grow up to be a famous artist because you have such a wonderful imagination and because of that, you come up with some beautiful creations! Is this a tracing of your cute little foot, I think I recognize the nail polish! This is one of my favorite pictures you have created! Love, Grandma Get
- Karen on April 29, 2020
Oh Emily, is this a picture of your backyard? I recognize the beautiful bird feeder you made and painted with all the colors of the rainbow! Pretty soon all the mud in the yard will be dried out and then we can play with your fairy town and I will be able to look at your bird house closer!!!!! Love, Grandma Get
- Karen on April 29, 2020
Hi Emily, I recognized this beautiful picture, it's a wonderful job showing your beautiful backyard showing off your birdhouse! That's probably the cutest birdhouse I have ever seen; great job using all those colors! I bet the birds moved right into this beautiful house you made as soon as you placed the house in the tree! They were probably fighting over who got to make this their new house; you made some birds very happy that day when you hung it in the tree! Wonderful job Emily, Grandma Get loves this picture! Love Grandma Get
- Karen on April 29, 2020
That's my beautiful Emily!!!! What a great job you did making this self portrait of yourself, that's not very easy to do. Did you look in a mirror at yourself when you were creating this great picture? It looks so much like you Emily, especially your beautiful blonde hair and those sparkly blue eyes! I love your cute little rosy cheeks, they show you were chilly from being outside on a cold winter's day. I can hardly wait for your next creation my little artist!!!! Love, Grandma Get
- Karen on March 4, 2020
Oh Emily, My computer wasn't working for a short while and I almost missed this beautiful picture of a Cardinal! This is one of Grandma Gets favorite birds, they are so bright in color compared to some of the birds. I also love the Blue Birds with their beautiful colors of blue. Spring will be coming along soon and we can take some walks together looking and seeing how many different birds we can find! You are a wonderful artist my dear Emily, keep creating!! Love, Grandma Get
- Karen on February 26, 2020
Hello Beautiful Emily, What a wonderful spring creation you made; it put a big smile on my face! This reminds me that pretty soon we will be done with all that silly snow and the tops of the beautiful spring flowers will be poking their beautiful heads out of the soil! I can't wait! Keep creating Emily, I love to see all your interesting thoughts displayed on paper! Love, Grandma Get
- Karen on February 26, 2020
Emily, this picture is so cute! It reminds me of spring.Spring is coming pretty soon and all the birds will be back to our trees soon. You will have a lot of pretty birds in your trees very soon. This picture is so colorful,and the birds look so real. Keep those pretty spring pictures coming Em’s . Love you my favorite artist!
- Susan on February 26, 2020
Emily,this is absolutely my favorite picture you have done! I love all the others very much, but seeing your sweet hand holding a bouquet of flowers for peace is to me the best one of all. I love what an amazing artist you have become. I going to order something with this design on it. You are definitely my favoring artist , and I love you so much. Keep up the excellent work Em’s !
- Susan on February 26, 2020
Hello My Beautiful Emily, What a beautiful winter scene you created, it looks like it would be perfect for sledding or skiing! Sledding with you Emily would be a fun outing for you and I!! ( There's one problem though, where is our SNOW? " We need to ask Santa for some snow over Christmas vacation! Love you, Grandma Get
- Grandma Get on January 1, 2020
My Dear Emily, What a wonderful job you did creating this adorable elephant!! I always get so excited when I get the notice that you created a new work of art. They are always so great, please keep up the fantastic job you have been doing! Love, Grandma Get
- Grandma Get on November 20, 2019
Em’s , you are just getting so good with your art work. This elephant is so colorful .I especially love the hearts on her! She has nice wide eyes and a perfect trunk. I’m so glad I’m getting these emails so I can see all your art work. You are doing so well this year in everything! Grandma is so proud of you, and I love you so very much. Love Grandma Susan
- Grandma O (Susan) on November 20, 2019
Dear Beautiful Emily, I really love this artwork because you used such wonderful and exciting colors!! All the different squiggly lines are so fun and I can really tell you love to make artwork!! Anytime you would like to make Grandma Get one of these beautiful pieces of artwork, I would love that; keep up the great work!! Love, Grandma Get
- Grandma Get on November 6, 2019
Oh Emily, This new picture you created is so beautiful! The flowers look so real and look like some of the flowers Grandma Get has in her wonderful garden. Next spring, you will need to come and plant some of your beautiful picks of flowers in my garden! Great job my beautiful Emily, as usual! Love, Grandma Get
- Grandma Get on October 9, 2019
Emily, My Beautiful Emily, This picture is so springy, it instantly made me smile!!I can't believe how realistic your picture is. This picture is another example of how wonderful of an artist you are; I'm so proud of you!! I am so lucky to have you as my beautiful granddaughter and a very talented artist!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on June 12, 2019
Oh Emily, this picture makes me so happy, it's so fun!!! I just love all the colors you used and you sure are talented in creating beautiful artwork!!!! NEVER STOP CREATING, you're too talented and I just get so excited seeing your pictures!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on June 12, 2019
My Beautiful Emily, This picture of you and your wonderful bed is so perfect-- it looks just like as if Grandma Get is standing in your room looking right at you!!! Your drawing is beautiful and I knew what it was right away; your artwork keeps getting better and better!! I hope you continue creating your artwork during summer break, I think you are a wonderful artist and can't wait to see what's next!! Evan if you are summer break, Grandma Get really hopes you keep drawing my beautiful Emily!! Love you, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on June 12, 2019
Look At My Beautiful Emily !!!!! I thought this was a photograph of you Emily, you did a wonderful job of drawing yourself! You truly are a real artist; maybe you could draw a picture of Grandma Get and Emily for me so I could frame it. I would really love that my beautiful Emily, let Grandma know if you can do that for me! Even while you are out of school for the summer, keep creating your wonderful ideas because you seem to really enjoy it. You are so talented my beautiful Emily!!!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on May 8, 2019
Oh My Sweet Emily, This creation of spring flowers is so beautiful and put a great big smile on my face when I saw it! My flowers that are coming up in my yard are not as gorgeous as your flowers are in this picture. Do these flowers look like flowers that are growing in your yard? I must see those if this is true, you can show them to me when I come over and we start to rebuild our fairy garden out in the backyard. I can't wait to see the beautiful rainbow colors of your flowers. I'm already excited about your next creation! I love you Emily, Love Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on April 24, 2019
Em’s , this is one of my favorites! Makes me want spring to hurry up and get here. Those flowers are awesome. You are getting better with every single picture. Love you sweetie. Can’t wait to see the next one!Love Grandma Susan.????????????????
-- Susan. (Grandma)
- on April 10, 2019
Emily , oh my gosh this is absolutely the prettiest one so far! I love those beautiful spring flowers. Blues sky, green grass pretty spring day! You are so talented . I wish I could draw a well as you do. You keep doing just what your doing because you are so good.im going to get that one for a bookmark and a magnet for my refrigerator. I’m so proud of you Em’s and love you so much.
-- Susan. (Grandma)
- on April 10, 2019
Oh my beautiful Emily, What an adorable picture of baby owls! I can tell you really worked hard on this picture; baby owls look just like your picture. Maybe this spring you will have some babies in the woods in your back yard. When Grandma Get comes over, we can set up your Fairy Garden like last year and maybe we'll hear some baby birds calling for there momma! I have a surprise for you to add to your Fairy Garden!! Great job on your baby owls my beautiful little artist!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on March 4, 2019
Emily, I sorry sweetheart, I just now saw this picture! I absolutely love this!?????Those are some of Grandma O. favorite colors. I’m going to have to order something with this design! You come up with the greatest designs. Your so talented, you will have to help Grandma O. Come up with a design to put on a baby blanket that grandma can knit for a new baby. Can you help me? Love you so much, keep up your great work. Grandma O.????
-- Grandpa And GrandmaO
- on February 27, 2019
My Beautiful Emily, I loved all your previous pictures you have created in your your Art class seeing you are a great artist! This new project you created, a beautiful heart made of clay, is extremely well done. I have a feeling that working with clay was not as easy as creating some of your past pictures. You did a wonderful job Emily and it sure shows how talented you are! I can't wait to see your next creation----you are without a doubt a real ARTIST!!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on February 20, 2019
Hi Emily, What a cute Polar Bear, you did such a great job on this picture!!! I love it, does this cutie have a name? I think he's a boy being he is wearing a blue scarf or blue ribbon around his neck. Maybe his name could be Petey, The Polar Bear!!! What do you think? No matter what his name is I sure do like him-----Great Job Emily !!!!!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on January 30, 2019
Emily, I love this picture! You are such a talented little artist! I’m going to get two of your pictures on bookmarks. You know Grandma O. loves to read . I love animals so this one will be one of my choses. You keep up the excellent job sweetie. You are doing a great job! Love grandma O.
-- Suan Grandma O.
- on January 23, 2019
I absolutely love this painting of yours! You are getting to be such a amazing artist! I’m going to have this one put into a bookmark! I love you and I love your work. This will be perfect as my favorite marker for my books! Great job Emily!
-- Grandma O.
- on January 23, 2019
Hello Emily my little artist!!! This picture, once again, is so fun--I love it!! Great use of beautiful colors on the building, they're very realistic. I can't wait to see your next creation!!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on January 9, 2019
Oh Emily, I love this winter scene, the tree is so festive and sure gives such a wonderful Christmas spirit!!!! Santa, I'm sure, loves this picture and would love to give it to Mrs.Santa Claus for Christmas!! Keep creating my beautiful Emily, I love seeing how you enjoy ArtWork! Merry Christmas Sweetheart!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on January 9, 2019
Oh Emily, I love this "Frog On A Log", you are doing great at creating wonderful art creations! I'm always so excited when I am notified that you have made a new creation--it's so fun to see how your artistic talent keeps getting more developed with every picture. Please continue to create and Grandma Get will be waiting anxiously to see your project! By the way, I think this "Frog On A Log" would make a wonderful Christmas ornament for my Christmas tree, I will be ordering that later this week!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on December 2, 2018
Dear Beautiful Emily, Grandma is enjoying all these great art projects you have been creating! I received my coffee mug the other day of you on the first day of kindergarten, it's wonderful and now has become Grandma's favorite coffee mug! Did you receive my postcard I sent to you using your Zebra picture, I really think you did a fantastic job on that! I can't wait to see your next creation, they always put a great big smile on Grandma's face when I view them. Thank you for sharing them with me. Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on November 4, 2018
My Sweet Emily, this Panda Bear is very good, there is no doubt what the picture is --a very cute Panda Bear who I would love to see as a pillow for your bed!!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on November 4, 2018
Miss Emily, this is a wonderful robot, I really enjoy all the colors and shapes you used !!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on November 4, 2018
My beautiful Emily, this is such a fun picture you created, I really liked everything about it!!! I can tell you really enjoy your art class. Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on November 4, 2018
Oh Emily, the use of all the colors that you used is spectacular !!!!! I'm excited to see your future pictures ! Love, Grandma get
-- Grandma Get
- on November 4, 2018
How beautiful you are Emily on one of your first days of school !!!!! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on November 4, 2018
Emily, This picture is beautiful and shows you have a great liking to art. I've enjoyed all of your pictures so much I am ordering a coffee mug with the picture of you that you drew! Keep up the wonderful work! Love, Grandma Get
-- Grandma Get
- on November 4, 2018
Fantastic use of shapes and colors! Cool robot. Bee Bo Boppo Bee Bop Beep
-- Mom
- on September 25, 2018
Beautiful! Great job, Em!
-- Mom
- on September 25, 2018
Love your use of different shapes!
-- Mom
- on September 25, 2018
Super cute panda! Great job!!
-- Mom
- on September 25, 2018