Brayden11889's Comments (40)

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Below are comments about Brayden11889's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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X marks the heart. That is a dynamic way to show feelings spreading out from or plunging into the heart. Very deep. I love your art and the surprises that each work brings. Keep it up!
- Grandpa Marty on November 9, 2022
Huge colorful dragon! I like the trees on the mountain tops below it. Great work.
- Grandpa Marty on November 9, 2022
What a great job brayden! Love the colors!
- Sheila on November 9, 2022
I really like the desert theme and sun drenched colors of this one. Good work!
- Marty on November 9, 2022
Your Mexican Sun-Moon is a success! I like your choices of colors and unique details. Good work and keep having fun.
- Marty on November 9, 2022
Now this scene is right up my alley! It really tells a story. I am wondering if the sailor is trying to rescue the people on shore from the volcano. I hope it is not too late! Love it!
- Marty on February 15, 2022
I always enjoy seeing a new project from you. Kudos to you and your teacher for the fearless efforts. Keep up the good work!
- Marty on February 15, 2022
I like this tiger lurking in the jungle. His eyebrows tell me he is not going to invite me over for dinner. Good work.
- Marty on November 3, 2021
Pounce art! Wow you are using every style in the book. What fun. Keep up the good work and compliments to your instructor.
- Marty on November 3, 2021
Mosaic! Cool porpoise Brayden. Keep up the good work.
- Marty on November 3, 2021
Wow this looks like a ghost or monster that is attacking you. Are you using a sword or magic for protection? Cool idea and good work!
- Marty on November 3, 2021
I like this computer artwork. It makes me think of a story about the baboon and snake. As if they have traveled a long way to see the rainbow cupcake. Good work!
- Marty on November 3, 2021
This cat has a LOT of teeth! The flowers and hearts on his clothes do not sooth my apprehension of what might be on in this kitty's mind. LOL. It's been a while since you have used wax crayon as a main medium in your work. Colorful, cool blue cat. The cat from outer-space is coming to a school near me. Is he friendly? Good work.
- Marty on May 11, 2021
Your Pop Art Hearts are cool. The color scheme you selected is unique from of your classmates. The purples are particularly nice contrasts to the greenish circles on the turquoise background. It looks like you used wet on wet acrylics or watercolors to form the circles. No matter how you did it I like it. Also compliments to your teacher for another project that allowed you and your class to imagine some colorful designs. Good work!
- Marty on May 11, 2021
I love this bud!!! Already hanging on the wall!! YOU ARE SO TALENTED!!! I LOVE YOU FOREVER..... MOM
- Natalie (Mother) on February 10, 2021
Spooky tree's loose abstract branches reach out to the moon as if its tips yearn to sprout wings and take flight into the inky blue night. Everyone can imagine something different with your fantasy engine! Furry animal below enjoys the night unaware of the tree's flights of fancy. Good work.
- Marty on February 11, 2021
Whoa! Who is that brave diver swimming with these fierce sea creatures? It's Brayden the adventurer! Such a small addition to the painting makes a dramatic difference. Love the idea. Wink wink.
- Marty on February 11, 2021
You should call this the Atomic Family visits Volcano Island. The ash covered mountain erupting blazing lava in the background while the famous traveling Atomic Family takes a selfie to post on Facebook! Ah everyone wants to travel with them on their fantastic journeys. Great work.
- Marty on February 11, 2021
I like this shark and sailfish. The details are great! And the swirling blues fading around them resound with echoes of movement and color. Green, orange and blue sea grass dance up from the ocean floor. One of you best paintings yet. I love it!
- Marty on February 11, 2021
For me the most important thing in a drawing or painting is displaying character or setting with a few stokes of line. You have captured this bird with a few confident lines. I particularly like the eyes and the plumage of the head and neck. Keep on learning and experimenting.
- Marty on February 11, 2021
Great humor, kiddo. You will remember this unique time of your life now! It is captured in paint. :)
- Marty on October 7, 2020
Brayden, i enjoyed your flower arrangement painting. Good line work and shading. For as long as i can remember you have favored dark backgrounds. Many fine painters have used deep colors to represent wallpaper or other room features behind still life art. Keep up the good work!
- Marty on October 7, 2020
ZEBRA running watch out! It is a stampede over the grasslands. I like geometric art. Good job and keep up the good work. And kudos to you teacher!
- Marty on May 27, 2020
A beautiful sea turtle. I have loved sea turtles since first seeing them on a National Geographic television special when I was a kid. This turtle seems alive, swimming fast with fish following. Great work!
- Marty on May 27, 2020
Beautiful picture! Love the drawing and the colors you used.
- Sheila on May 27, 2020
This looks like watercolor and ink. Big autumn moon backlighting the owl perched on a limb. Good work.
- Marty on February 20, 2020
Delicious looking strawberry and mint icecream Sunday with whipped cream topping and a cherry. What a colorful dish to serve it in. Great work.
- Marty on February 20, 2020
Good scissor work and color selection. Keep it up, Brayden.
- Marty on February 20, 2020
Brayden, what a good job! Love the colors you used! Grandma sheila
- Sheila on February 20, 2020
Brayden, your art work looks great! Keep up the good work
- Papa Cass on December 27, 2019
Wow! Brayden, this is your best work yet. I love how you have mixed crayon, paint, and ink markers with scissors to create a wonderful, colorful collage. The duck looks envious of the fish in its safe blue bowl. You have even used Mallard colors for the duck's head. Great work, kiddo.
- Marty on December 27, 2019
This is going to look GREAT in our Beach Themed bedroom! Great Job Brayden!
- on September 25, 2019
I am so glad to see new artwork being posted. Love the greens and yellows with touches of blue and red! Wonderful way to enjoy the last day of summer. Good work, Brayden.
- on September 11, 2019
Like this one, too. Keep at it Brayden and remember to have fun while you learn. There are no limits to what your imagination can do with lines and colors.
-- Marty
- on April 24, 2019
Wow! What a wonderfully colored seahorse. Does Aquaman ride him? Keep up the great work. Cannot wait to show to my friends.
-- Sheila
- on April 17, 2019
Cute Teddy Bear searching for a tasty bamboo snack. Nice work.
-- Marty
- on March 23, 2019
This Monster is one scary creature! The use of contrasting reds and greens of the face make this image pop. Then the complementary blues surround the face to tone down and frame the portrait. Cool work.
-- Marty
- on March 23, 2019
The color and design of the side and fins of the fish is so imaginative! I love the use of paper for seagrass, too. Good job.
-- Marty
- on March 5, 2019
We are lucky to have this cow drawing in our collection. The coloring is so cheerful. It always brightens my day when i look at it.
-- Marty
- on March 5, 2019
I am so impressed and proud of Brayden's artwork. The cat mixed media has good value balance and spatial proportion. I really like it.
-- Marty
- on March 5, 2019