Rohan1097's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Rohan1097's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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when did you do this? wonderful! - mom
- Cheryl (Mother) on December 7, 2023
I love the visual you created from the song! You have a very unique perspective my boy! - mom
- Cheryl (Mother) on December 7, 2023
Wow, I love all the colors you used. A treat for the eyes. ?? Mom & Dad
- Cheryl (Mother) on April 15, 2021
Wow Rohan, I love the bright colors and symmetry of your art. My eyes were moving all round the piece taking in all the different parts that made it complete ??
- Cheryl (Mother) on January 27, 2021
very futuristic, Rohan! I absolutely love the sun!
- Cheryl (Mother) on February 12, 2020
wow Rohan, I love the colors and the firm hand with which you drew the man's face! So many details...:))!
- Cheryl (Mother) on November 13, 2019 the way the mammoth has come out! and the tree! serengeti here we come. some day.
- Mom on October 16, 2019
I love the colors and the way you've shown the sunlight streaming through. I can imagine myself under water and the hot sun warming the water it falls on and also giving light to the plankton below! Lovely.
- Mom on October 16, 2019
snowy dab!
-- Cheryl
- on April 10, 2019
wow!! Rohan beautiful colors. I love how you have filled in the entire blank space!
-- Cheryl
- on April 10, 2019
I love the bright colors, Rohan! And also that you colored every available white space. Nice!
-- Cheryl
- on October 30, 2018