A beautiful piece, Sam!! This one reminds me of great works of impressionism by artists like Monet. You are creating such masterpieces in your art class!! Such lovely colors!!
- Grammy on December 25, 2020
This is so cute!! Your art is fun to look at, Sam!
- Lindsay on December 25, 2020
Sam, this is an amazing drawing!! I love the waves and sky! When I saw it, I was reminded of a show I used to watch. I'll tell you about it sometime! Every episode started with a wave like this one, washing over the rocky shore while spooky music played! Good work, Sam!!
- Grammy on December 10, 2020
This is so cool, Sam! I love the colors you chose!!
- Lindsay on December 10, 2020
Imagine how surprised I was to see your fantastic snail!! I am really loving all your 3D art projects, Sam!! You do such good work and I especially like the details.
- Grammy on November 18, 2020
Your beautiful flower and vase make me smile and feel so happy!! You did a wonderful job creating this special work of art, Sam!!
- Gale on October 28, 2020
What a bright and colorful lollipop! I love your sculpture, Sam! I love to see your artwork! I am looking forward to seeing the next one you create.
- Grammy on December 25, 2019
Sam, I love your moonlit pumpkin art!! It is very artistic and kind of spooky with Halloween coming soon! I am so proud of you! Love you, Grammy
- Gale on October 23, 2019
I really love your amazing bird picture! The hearts are extra special, just like you!! -- Gale
- on April 24, 2019
That's awesome, Sam! I love it! -- Lindsay
- on April 17, 2019
I love your owl so much! The colors you used make me happy when I see it! I'm so proud of your beautiful artwork! -- Gale