Madelyn6786's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Madelyn6786's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I didn’t see this on before! I like it a lot! I bet it was difficult to cut out the eyes.
- Asterio (Father) on September 30, 2022
Amazing work Maddy!
- Shelly (Mother) on May 26, 2022
Wow Maddy, you are very talented! This is a very exciting surrealistic artwork! I like the use of color, purple is one of my favorite colors. It’s very vibrant with a good amount of detail. Looks like you have one point perspective down.
- Asterio (Father) on May 24, 2022
Great job with value, the gradation really makes them look realistic! Good job with the contrasting values to frame the subject.
- Asterio (Father) on May 24, 2022
It’s the subtle change in line that I like. It’s a very calm artwork. I like it a lot.
- Asterio (Father) on May 15, 2022
This is very beautiful! The subtle value/gradations changes makes it look soft. The varied line gives it movement!
- Asterio (Father) on May 15, 2022
Great use of line and bold color!
- Asterio (Father) on May 15, 2022
A very colorful and exciting composition! I like the use of shape and texture! Dad
- Asterio (Father) on May 15, 2022
Very cool self portrait Maddy! Well drawn and great use of color! I like the representational drawing of you and the abstract design! Love you!
-- Asterio
- on May 3, 2019
Is this a Vikings candy cane? The lines and the use of highlight really makes it look 3D, like you could snatch it off the paper! Great job Maddy!
-- Asterio
- on May 3, 2019
Great craftsmanship Maddy. The silhouette of the eagle is well drawn and adds another layer of interest to the artwork!
-- Asterio
- on May 3, 2019
I love this bird. It has great personality! Great job on the eyes! Teal is one of my favorite colors.
-- Asterio
- on May 3, 2019
Wow Maddy! Great job making the yellow red gradient on the leaves! The basket looks great too, it looks so 3D!
-- Asterio
- on May 3, 2019