Michael50201's Comments (40)

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Below are comments about Michael50201's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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So pretty :) looks like you took a lot of time and put a lot of effort and care to make it!
- Karolina on April 10, 2024
What a cute little turtle :)
- Karolina on April 10, 2024
So fun and shiny!
- Karolina on April 10, 2024
That apple looks delicious!
- Karolina on April 10, 2024
Mikey darling, I really like this! The drawing is very interesting and there is a wide range of emotions of the faces you drew.
- Karolina on April 10, 2024
How fun! Great use of color!
- Karolina (Mother) on January 31, 2024
The snake is so cute! and I love the vibrant green color!
- Karolina (Mother) on January 2, 2024
Great way you use perspective! Babcia
- Lucja on January 3, 2024
Mikey, I like the colors you used for this art work. Great job. Babcia
- Lucja on January 3, 2024
Mikey, I like how you experiment with color, shape and paint. Great job. Remember this year we celebrate Nicholaus Copernicus, the greatest Polish astronom all all times.
- Lucja on June 21, 2023
MIkey, I really like this painting. You did a wonderful job showing depth and perspective!
- Karolina (Mother) on March 22, 2023
Michalku, I realy like this art work. It is showing more detailed work, accuracy, and great use of color. Congrats!
- Babcia on March 22, 2023
Vibrant colors, nicely filled spaces. Good job!
- Lucja on March 22, 2023
Such a pretty mixed media project. :)
- Karolina (Mother) on August 29, 2022
Very nice sculpture. Well done!
- Lucja on August 29, 2022
At first I thought that this was a face and hands. Now, I see the sundown and trees. You used red for the ground which catches the color of the sun when it goes down. Nice work.
- Lucja on August 29, 2022
Such an interesting project! I hope you enjoyed weaving. It is a very special kind of art. Your project is beautiful. I like colors you used and how perfectly you weaved. Great job!
- Lucja on August 29, 2022
Is it a scarecrow? I really like the bright colors
- Karolina (Mother) on April 28, 2022
Very nice!
- Karolina (Mother) on April 28, 2022
What a cute little fishy!
- Karolina (Mother) on April 28, 2022
So nice!
- Karolina (Mother) on April 28, 2022
Very nice! Looks like a snow flake :)
- Karolina (Mother) on April 28, 2022
Cool cacti!
- Karolina (Mother) on April 28, 2022
What a cute pot!
- Karolina (Mother) on April 28, 2022
I love this little guy. He looks like he's playing peek-a-boo!
- Karolina (Mother) on April 28, 2022
I like that you incorporated your hobby into your art! Nice work!
- Karolina (Mother) on April 28, 2022
Good job!
- Lucja on April 28, 2022
Nice work!
- Lucja on April 28, 2022
Love the fish!
- Lucja on April 28, 2022
Good job!
- Lucja on April 28, 2022
Nicely done!
- Lucja on April 28, 2022
Well done!
- Lucja on April 28, 2022
Nice work!
- Lucja on April 28, 2022
Mikey, Nice work. Thank you for sharing. Love, Babcia
- Lucja on April 28, 2022
Mickey, Great picture of your family. I like how you differentiated the sizes of each one of you. Babcia
-- Lucja
- on February 28, 2019
Great work :) The red dots are so fun!
-- Karolina
- on February 22, 2019
Fun picture!
-- Karolina
- on February 22, 2019
What a lovely picture! I really like how you filled the whole space and the gorgeous colors!
-- Karolina
- on February 22, 2019
Great job, Mikey! Babcia
-- Lucja
- on February 22, 2019
Mikey, I love your beautiful picture. You have filled entire space. Great job! Love, Babcia (grandma)
-- Lucja
- on February 22, 2019